![]() Author has written 17 stories for Inuyasha, Resident Evil, Gundam Seed, Final Fantasy VII, Devil May Cry, Naruto, and Death Note. -DeathByHugs- I've always wanted to be a writer, but decided to pursue a career in photography. I'm currently a photography student about to start my final year of schooling before I can start my own business, etc. I... tend to forget things easily and would love to write more. Thanks for putting up with me, haha. Stories that are well worth a read THE ANTISELF INSERTION FIC By: Luna-Starr Oh yeah! Awesome story for an awesome game! Go read, enjoy it, bask in it's glory, but don't steal any of it. And review, damn it. The humour is GREAT! Break Me, Shake Me By: Kuja's Little Mage About one of the best Kingdom Hearts stories EVER! Super Sized! By: Katalystik Another excellent Kingdom Hearts story with a great amount of humor added to it! No Longer Alone By: Iced Blood This is by far my most favorite Naruto fic! It's something you NEED to check out if you're a fan of the anime! Resident Evil Damnation By: Shakahnna Without a doubt THE BEST Resident Evil story ever! Go read it! The Unforgotten Memory By: Cyram This story needs more attention! Give it some love! Until the Dead Return By: Foggy Brains Originally, both Foggy Brains and myself started up some Adevent Children stories to kind of have a race. Besides that, you must check this one out, it's got Reno at his best! Advent Idiots By: Luna-Starr Okay, this is a MUST READ story! Seriously! You're missing out on a lot if you like humor and like laughing out loud! Story Jibber Jabber A Devil's Instinct: My first attempt at a Devil May Cry fic. It's been riddled with evil long waits for chapter updates. I try to write a lot for this fic but for some odd reason a new idea always pops in my head when I put my pen to paper and I end up writing something completely different. The chapters are rather short compared to such stories as 'Abstract Silver' but I feel somewhat satisfied with what's in them. Abstract Silver: A while back I had tried (and failed) to write an Advent Children fic. This story came by shortly after and I actually had a plot for it (as well as a whole bunch of chapter summaries) and it turned into a lengthly story. I had close to no troubles (from what I remember) writing it and the end result made me quite pleased, as well as all the kind people that reviewed. Burn that Baby: My first Gundam Seed fic. I got the idea for this story by watching some murder mystery show during a very uneventful summer day. To me, the mafia and GS fit perfectly, so I couldn't help myself and made a story about it. I almost gave up on it, infact, I'm sure I did at one point. The chapters were short, the word count small, but I managed to finish it... after a lot of bugging from Foggy Brains. Hee hee. Crimson Ribbons: I now officially hate writing sequels. This story makes me feel ashamed of myself, really, it does. This is a sequel to 'How long is the night?' and it's not worth reading, in my opinion. I wrote a couple somewhat long chapters and focused more around my own characters than Leon or even Ashley. This story goes in my 'Oh My God What The Hell Was I Thinking?' bin. Darkside: The baby of the bunch. My first Naruto fic that includes chapters. I liked how it turned out and I've got everything planned this time. Also, it features a whole load of characters (more than what I usually include) and so far the response has been great! Go check it out. How Krauser Kidnapped Ashley: I love this story! It's a one-shot and the idea for it is crazy (due to some weird drawing) but I like crazy weird things. This is one of my favorite stories and it was quite fun, no, it was REALLY fun to write. I snickered a bunch too. How long is the night: This story is something I'm very happy with. It's complete, and has been since the summer of '05 but it still gets reviews. The chapters are at a good length, for that period of time, and because of this fic I learned to write somewhat better and the encouragement I got still makes me happy. Also, through this fic I discovered that I have an unhealthy obsession with cliff hangers. Mu hu ha ha ha. Modern Day Convenience: Where oh where do I start? Well, this was inspired by one of my friends' mother who mistaked what the ganados in Resident Evil 4 were saying. "Modern day convenience, modern day convenience..." Also, I wrote this while being EXTREMELY over tired, so everything is EXTREMELY cracked out. Hurray! Mystery Time! The Tale of Vincent's Cape: I'm on crack, though I'm not, it may seem like I am for this little one shot. You can blame a big lack of sleep and a sugar high for that. The end. Or is he: Wayyy back, when I was still in grade eight and just getting into FF, thanks to Foggy Brains, I thought that this story was pretty damn good. Now it just embarrasses me. The wording sucks, there's a lot of mistakes, and sappy love which I absolutely hate. It's not worth reading, though the amount of reviews makes me somewhat pleased. Somewhat. That Cold Stare: I actually liked this story, but it's another one of those fics that just... died. It's a more darker story, and I can't even remember what's going on (plus I have a memory worth crap) but it's gained a lot of love. Maybe one day I'll get back to it, but the chances are SMALL. The Butterfly Tamer: I like this tiny little one-shot. It doesn't have a lot of reviews and not a lot of recognition but I enjoyed writing it and I like the idea behind the story. It's got Gaara and much cuteness. Read. Through the eyeholes of a potato sack: This story makes me wonder if I'm sane or not, but I know that I'm not very... there... but it's still one of my favorite things. I got the idea while being over tired (and it's very obvious if you've read it) and of course I had to center it around everyone's favorite potato sack maniac! Dr. Salvador! Yay! XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx !Story stats! Updated July 16th, 2007 A Devil's Instinct(Devil May Cry)- DISCONTINUED Abstract Silver(Final Fantasy VII AC)- COMPLETE Burn that Baby (Gundam Seed)- COMPLETE Crimson Ribbons (Resident Evil)- COMPLETE Darkside (Naruto)- COMPLETE! Everybody Hates Monday (Death Note)- DISCONTINUED How Krauser kidnapped Ashley( Resident Evil)- COMPLETE How long is the night? (Resident Evil)- COMPLETE Kosetsu (Naruto)- COMPLETE Modern Day Convenience (Resident Evil)- COMPLETE! Mystery Time! The Tale of Vincent's Cape! (FFVII: DoC)- COMPLETE Or is he? (Inuyasha)- COMPLETE That cold stare (Inuyasha)-DISCONTINUED The Butterfly Tamer(Naruto)- COMPLETE! Through the eyeholes of a potato sack (Resident Evil)- COMPLETE What's new! Updated June 3rd, 2009 June 3rd, 2009- Sooo, long time no see. I definitely like to disappear from things sometimes... such as writing and stuff. Sorry. Up to a month ago, I was in school working hard to get everything done so I could enjoy a nice summer break, which I guess was my main focus. Now I just work, sleep, work, sleep, maybe do some photography, then do whatever. I've missed being able to write... so! I'm starting a new fanfic. I've been going through a zombie phase. Movies, etc. So, take a guess at what it's going to be about. Laterr. And since I fail to put disclaimers in all of my stories I'll make one here. Disclaimer: I do not own Resident Evil, Inuyasha, Gundam Seed, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus, Devil May Cry, Naruto, Death Note, or any characters involved in them that are in the game or the anime or movie. But.. I do own all the charcters that I have come up with :P |