Author has written 17 stories for Inuyasha, Legend of Zelda, Hellsing, Loveless, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Labyrinth. Why halo thar B= 'Tis me! The Neko =O Please don't expect quick updates on my part, I have a life. It tends to be full of drama, like computers that erase every file I have while I'm gone, or my house burning down to the ground. Basically, I've had to start almost every story over. From start to finish. I love one-shots, they're easy and don't require updates. XD Yay one-shots! There isn't much else to say here. I'm currently undergoing a huge update of my stories. I will add and edit to the stories that were the most neglected. I changed my writing style a lot over the years and I feel they need some TLC anyway. I will post a note in the next chapters for a period of time to let people know of the changes. Stay posted, please. -Yuya-Sama |