![]() Author has written 38 stories for Gilmore Girls, Dark Angel, CSI, Buffy X-overs, Firefly, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Stargate: Atlantis, Bones, Grey's Anatomy, Supernatural, Harry Potter, and Glee. Well, it’s been a while since I updated this, so I am going for the all new approach, designed to aid anyone coming here for information on my tales. May they be numerous and complete. My stories that is, although just as pleased with the information seekers. Stay. Pull up a chair. Make yourselves comfortable. Anyway, little something about myself first, without specifics of course as I am a little paranoid. Studied in Scotland - first English and History, then a Masters in Publishing. Decided to come back to Germany and found out that the recession was not just something that happens to other people. So I am currently teaching English to adults, which is fun in a way. Was teaching at a high school for a while, but decided it was not for me. I don’t know who felt worse when there were bad grades. Me because I had to give them or them when they got ‘em. In my spare time, I love to read, although that has become less lately. And then of course there is the writing. Which has suffered a bit lately. But I do believe the saying: All writers began as readers, but finding that the story they wanted to read had not been written yet, they are forced to write it themselves. Got that from a website somewhere. Sadly, I can’t remember where. If you know let me know, I don't like plagiarism. I wanted to put my stories in some sort of order. And it helps me remember where everything is. So the fandoms I dabble in are the guiding light, then come completed shorts ( CS ) and after that the epics (if you can call them that) Buffy the Vampire Slayer: CS: 1. Set Fire to the Third Bar: A one-shot sometime after Not Fade Away Epics. 1. Meeting Betsy: Started out as drabbles and is now morphing into something much darker and longer and annoying to write. Sigh. 2. Twixt Heaven and Hell: Yes, another of my unfinished epics, sigh. I am working on it though. Before the end of the year, I promise. CSI Epics: 1. Home Truths: Back on track. Will bracket the events in True and show what happens afterwards when Sara moves back to Frisco and maybe takes one of the Vegas crew with her. 2. True to your heart: Sandles. I do love this dearly. One of my best, I think. Dark Angel CS: 1. The DNA Files: Comedic collections of drabbles connected by a theme. And I concur with one of my reviewers, it could only have ended with a neuter. If that makes you curious, please feel free to read and leave a note. 2. Put your arms around me: A little vignette in Alec’s and Max’s lives. 3. Happy to be stuck with you: One of my favourites. Definitely AU. NEW At one in thirty readers this officially has the best reader-review ratio. Sad really. 4. Anger Management: Another collection of drabbles connected by a theme. First couple of chapters build on each other but the last one is sort of seperate. 5. Casablanca: Epiphanies are great things. Two predators meet in an alley. Epics: 1. Gold Chains: Max and Alec are my fave couple. All about destiny and all that jazz. So this is a kind of epiphany piece you could say. COMPLETE 2. Empathy: The first part is complete, am working on a sequel. So semi-complete, I suppose. 3. Hope: And she finally gets around to adding a new chapter. Go me! 4. Help Me! Max falls and Alec catches her. As if he would do anything else. COMPLETE Firefly/Serenity CS: 1. In the still of the night: River’s thoughts on why she is with a certain someone. 2. Cry me a River: Very sad. Had me crying when I wrote it. Harry Potter 1. Thornbush and Acacia: A long AU story, which is much longer on my computer but currently on hold here. Gilmore Girls CS: 1. Wasting the Rain: Another epiphany thing. I do like those. 2. The Perfect Wife or Everything is fine: Now this is my response to Partings. My way of dealing with that horrible, horrible thing. (I refuse to call it an episode, cause it was a disaster zone, nothing more) Epics: 1. My What? Oldest cliche in the book, but fun I hope. 2. Indigo Girl: Rory and Finn, just because I can. COMPLETE StarGate Atlantis: CS: 1. Atlantis: The Elizabethan Years: Another one-off, kinda different view of Shepperd and Weir, cause we love them together. x And finally a shout out to the bestest fic out there in the internet multiverse. The first Dark Angel fic I ever read completely and thoroughly enjoyed. So much so that I printed it out to read whenever I want. The fantastic, magnificent Hot Sweat Heat. Definetly the best thing I have ever (!) read here and anywhere else. And I read a lot. Hell I own 3000 books so I should know a good thing when I see it. If you haven't read it yet, find it and do so. You will not regret it. That I can promise. |