Author has written 16 stories for Supernatural, Dark Angel, Merlin, Being Human, and Hour, 2011. Hello! I'm a literature student from London, England. I started out writing mostly for 'Supernatural' and then Jensen Ackles led me astray in 'Dark Angel' for a bit, which was fun. If I use the wrong terms for things in these US-based fandoms, or spell weirdly, it's because I'm English and I can't help it. I've also now got a couple of 'Merlin' stories and one missing scene for an episode of 'Being Human' (the original, though I thought the remake was ok) which was just crying out to be written. Thanks for taking an interest! Sally xxx PS. I always forget to put a disclaimer on my stories. So: none of the characters I play with belong to me, I don't make any money out of this, and, um... don't sue me. |