Author has written 13 stories for Naruto. PERSONAL PROFILEFavorite anime (In order) Naruto Samurai X Fuushigi Yuugi (Is that how you spell it?) CCS (cardcaptor sakura) Ranma 1/2 Gatekeppers Wolfs rain Get backers Favorite Characters (In order) In Naruto... Ten Ten: You know I see no reason why Tenten isnt given any background info, or even a last name! Even though she is obviously strongr than most of the girls that are introduced to us in Naruto! However she is by far, none the less, my all time Favorite character! Oh poor Tenten... Plus she's CHINESE! That makes it even worse that she's not given enough recognition! Goes off and writes a whole background for her and mails 2 million copies to the creator of Naruto. Evil Snicker. Ino Neji Shikamaru Hinata Naruto (I hate Sakura she's soo like "Oh Sasuke! Ah! Really sissy voice I'm such a loser i should die!" Sorry to all you Sakura fans though!) Still Ranting: And I dont know why Tsunade bothers to teach her, she shouldn't even have any strengths. I absolutely despise her!Hisses(Willing to kill her if anyone want's me to) In Rurouni... Kenshin Kaoru Sano Misao Megumi Aoshi In Fuushigi Yuugi... Miaka All of Miakas 7 warriors (I forgot the name... I know its not Seiryuu, Spelling? so what is it? Wa.) In CCS (cardcaptor sakura)... Kero Sakura Syoran Tooya Yue Tomoyo Eriol In Ranma 1/2... P-chan Akane Ranma Everyone else! (Its so fun with them!) In Gatekeppers... All of them! (How in the world could you not?) Favorite Pairings (In order) In Naruto... NejiTen ShikaIno (ALL TIME FAVORITES! People who dont like them your probably gay! No, I'm joking of course, but I do love these pairings!) NaruIno NaruHina HinaKiba Note:I really don't lik Sasusaku (It's sooo cliche!) In Samurai X... KenshinKarou In Fuushigi Yuugi... MiakaTama In CCS (cardcaptor sakura)... SakuSyoran In Ranma 1/2... RanmaAkane Oh! I'm in Live Journal, my name's Charel. I have no idea how to use it though... Help please? I'm actually living in the Philippines right now, and people here are fun! Hahaha! Mga Pinoy 'kaw yun! (I have a kind of strange accent just so you know)I love writing, and I am currently writing my own novel now! Just a piece of F.Y.I. and I also love writing these little fanfics about endearing characters, haha,I just hope I'm decent enough at it... Well in my opinion, I write better ifI have developed my own characters, in my own novel, but I promise you I'm trying very hard with my fanfic.'s! I've been writing since i was 12. Best wishes from me to you guy's reading this! T.C.! UPDATE(S) In Progress... Realizations (Naruto~ShikaIno) Race (Naruto~ NejiTen) Incredible Bribes (Naruto~ NejiTen) Up Coming.. Jealousy (Naruto~ShikaIno) Ino's Jealous, and Shikamaru's jealous. What more is there to say? |
Alice laughed (8) amwong88 (16) an1m3.l0v3rs.gr4sp (11) Aryanne (14) Astra M (13) Black Demon Myst (7) Black Fireflies (14) Ebony Witch (6) | evilgoo (1) Goldberry (111) harukakanata (7) hungrytiger11 (44) Jan Lee (71) Kaara (36) Lady Knightness (3) Pickled Death (14) | Rekino (27) Ringleader Kanon (7) ShamanShadow (1) Silverlight (37) TenTen Hyuga (0) Useless-Materia (8) VirtualxSimplicity (11) |