Author has written 10 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Mass Effect, and RWBY. Hello, I'm a guy born and raised in the Netherlands. First I was in my free time a 'full-time' gamer, until I watched Dragon Ball Z and was disappointed that Mystic Gohan wasn't the one to finish Super Buu off, so I searched for alternate endings and came here. I started reading more and more and started to game less and less and now I'm a fanfiction-reader and writer. I'm a fan of a lot of series and I have ideas for fanfictions (mostly romances) for many of them, see for yourself: Series & favorite character per serie (and ship): - Attack on Titan: Eren Yeager X Mikasa Ackerman - Avatar (the Last Airbender): Aang X Katara - Avengers (Ultimate): Captain America X Black Widow - Berserk: Guts X Casca - Dragon Age (Origins): Aedan Cousland (Male Human Noble) X Leliana - Dragon Ball Z: Gohan X Videl - Eyeshield 21: Sena X Suzuna - Goblin Slayer: Goblin Slayer X Guild Girl - Highschool of the Dead: Takashi X Saeko - Justice League (Unlimited): Batman X Wonder Woman - Mass Effect: John Shepard (Male) X Liara T'soni - My Hero Academia: Izuku Midoriya X Ochako Uraraka - Overwatch: Soldier 76 X Mercy - Rising of the Shield Hero: Naofumi Iwatani X Raphtalia - Star Wars (Clone Wars): Obiwan Kenobi X Padmé Amidala - Sword Art Online: Kirito X Asuna - Walking Dead (Telltale Games): Lee X Carley - X-men (Evolution): Wolverine X Storm I'll also be doing crossovers, those crossovers are also most likely romances. And as always have fun reading! |