Sorry it took so long, but in my defence I have some pretty good excuses. Although I'll just say that I have another story so I'm taking turns updating my stories. If you like RWBY check it out. I do not own DBZ.

Videl was walking home thinking about what Gohan told her. I can't believe my own father lied to the world about something this big. Lied to me about how Gohan actually saved my life. I mean stealing the achievements of a 9 year old is so low. Yet he acts like nothing is wrong. Like he actually believe this lie we've been living. The more Videl thought about it the angrier she got at her father. Pretty soon she made it back home, and walked straight to her father, who was sitting on a chair watching TV. "Hey sweet pea how was school?" She glared at him never liking being called that. "It was fine dad, but I was curious could you tell me what happened I fainted at the Cell games."

"Sure sweetie. So after that boy 'saved you' from that trick Cell did, I got fed up. So I told the delivery boy to let me through, and he sighed, relieved that he didn't have to fight that monster. Then I gave Cell my Satan punch," he said after standing up and doing the motion, "and sent Cell into outer space. Saving the world. Bwa ha ha ha " Videl turned around muttering a thanks as she raced to her room trying to contain the tears that welled up because her father lied to her so easily. This confused Hercule, but he just chalked it up to hormones, and started watching TV again.

Videl was lying down on her bed. If what Gohan said was true, and he didn't do any tricks. Then what was that thing when his hair shot straight up? Did he really just dye his hair? I mean there's so much I don't know about ki, maybe anyone can do that. Videl groaned at all the unanswered questions she had because of Gohan. I'll just have to ask him about it tomorrow. Then for the next little while Videl was searching up anything about ki.

The next day

Gohan was flying at a leisurely pace to school when he heard gunshots. He looked in the general direction and saw a bank robbery in process. Well I should help, but if mom hears about this she won't be happy. Gohan thought for a little. That's it! I'll just go super saiyan and do it in a flash. So with that plan he went super, knocked out every robber at top speed and took off. There now no one will know it's me, since no one in this city... knows I can... do this. Gohan sighed as he landed in a back alley a block away from school. I hope Videl doesn't make me miss lunch again. Yesterday was torture. Gohan flew to school and landed on the roof. He walked towards his class and got even more people staring at him than yesterday. The girls were staring with lust, while the guys with jealousy and awe. Why is everybody still staring at me? Do I have something on my face? Gohan thought naively. He walked into his classroom and almost every girl charged him. "Hi Gohan." One girl said that he couldn't find. "How did you do that stuff yesterday?"

"Are you busy after school?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Want to go out with me?" The girls were firing these questions off like an automatic. "Um hi, training, yes, no, and maybe later?" He said the last one unsurely, while blushing. Somehow he made it past the girls and sat down on the chair. "Well aren't you just the ladies man." Erasa said jokingly, as Sharpener huffed, and Videl wasn't there. "Huh?"

"Dude why are all the girls throwing themselves at you while I'm around!?" Sharpener asked angrily. "Um..." Gohan said embarrassed. "It's because he's the perfect package Sharpie. Smart, strong, and nice. Can you really blame them?" Erasa said while latching onto his arm jokingly. "So, what's new?" Erasa let go of his arm, and went into gossip mode.

"You'll never believe it. Apparently there was this bank robbery in town an-"

"What's so new with that?" Sharpener asked confused. Erasa playfully smacked his arm. "Well if you let me finish I'll tell you. Anyways when it seemed like the robbers would get away, there was this bright golden light that knocked out all the criminals!" Gohan's eyes widened. That just happened how does she already know? Gohan asked himself. "Pft, as if E. That was probably just another trick. Like at the Cell games."

"Err, yeah. Tricks." Gohan said trying to subdue his anger. While chanting in his head regular person, doesn't know any better, Over and over again. "Yeah I guess so."

After ten minutes of class the door was opened and in walked Videl. "Sorry sir, I had to talk to some criminals who were being difficult."

"It's not a problem Videl. I understand your community service can get in the way of your studies. Just ask for some notes on what you missed." Videl nodded and walked to her seat. Erasa started talking to her as soon as she fell down. "So Vi what happened?"

"Ugh, apparently the criminals were knocked out by some golden.. light, and they said that's all." She said now glaring at Gohan. "I bet it was just a trick."

"Yeah, like at the cell games." Gohan gulped sightly. "Roof?" He asked nervously, and she nodded. "What? Babe why would you want to hang out with Gohan when you can hang out with me?" Sharpener asked as he put his arm around her shoulders. Videl forcefully, and painfully, removed his arm from her shoulders. "One don't call me 'babe', ever. Two Gohan doesn't try to hit on me every waking moment. Three he needs to answer some questions."

"Videl since you and your friends don't seem to need to listen to my lecture, why don't one of you tell the class about the legend of Korrin's tower?" He asked annoyed. Gohan simply stood up and retold all the facts about Korrin's tower. Then when he got to the part about Nimbus the teacher stopped him. "Now Gohan that's enough. Good job, however it's quite obvious that the Nimbus cloud doesn't exist. The rest of it may hold some truth, but that's just an obvious lie."

"Actually sir everything I just said is true, including the nimbus cloud." Then a nerd stood up. "Oh yeah, and how would you know that?" Gohan looked at him, "Cause I have it."

"What!?" The entire class shouted. "Yeah, I got him from my dad." Then the teacher got over his shock. "Then you wouldn't mind showing it to us?" He asked still sceptical. Gohan shrugged his shoulder and walked out to the roof with the class following, whispering if Gohan was telling the truth or just delusional.

"Now for the moment of truth." Sharpener whispered. "Nimbus!" Gohan yelled. Then in a few seconds a golden cloud raced towards the roof, and stopped in front of Gohan. He looked at the teacher and said "see." Everyone is speechless about it. Then the door opened and out walked the gym teacher. "Gohan why did you call Nimbus?"

"Oh hey Krillen. The teacher didn't believe it so I just showed it too him." Krillen just sighed. "Oh thank Dende. Chichi would've killed me if she found out you ditched class and I didn't stop you." Gohan started laughing as his hand went to the back of his neck. "Sorry I scared you Krillen" Then Erasa ran up to the cloud.

"I want to ride it." Erasa jumped on it before Gohan could warn her and she fell through it. "Sorry I should have warned you that it only lets those that are pure of heart ride it."

"So can you ride it?" The teacher asked excited. Gohan just jumped on the cloud as his answer.


Gohan jumped off the cloud. "Thanks Nimbus, see you in a couple of hours." Then Gohan walked to his next class while everyone on the roof besides Krillen and Videl just stared at him. Pretty soon it was lunch time and Gohan and Videl walked to the roof. "Alright can I eat before you start questioning me, I'm really hungry?" Gohan pleaded and his stomach growled loudly. Videl just nodded. He took out his food capsule and opened it revealing a mountain of food that made Videl's jaw drop. "Is that all for you?"

"Mhmm." Gohan said then he proceeded to stuff his face and finished in ten minutes. Videl just looked disgusted at his eating habits. "How did you eat all of that?"

"I need a lot of energy. Anyways, what did you want to talk about?" He asked nervously. She started to glare at him. "That's right, you stole my job!"

"You're... job?"

"That's right. I'm the only crime fighter this town needs!"

"But, you weren't there at the bank at the time." Gohan stated calmly. "Well, uh-"

"And who knows what would have happened while it took you to get there." Then she started to falter. "So, what's the problem with me helping when I'm around?" She turned around. "Humph, never mind. But, uh how did you change your hair and eye colour?"

"Oh, well, I raise my ki." He said nervously hoping she wouldn't ask anything else. "So can anyone do that?"

"No, it's uh genetics?" Then she started glaring at him. "So what's so great about your family?" What do I say!? That I'm a saiyan? That my dad, my brother, and I have been controlling ki since we were young? "Um, well you see-"


"Well would you look at that. Let's go back to class." Then he all, but Ited to the classroom.

(Gym class)

"Hey Krillen, hey Yamcha." Gohan greeted his two teachers. "Hey Gohan." They greeted back. "So today we'll have a practice game of baseball so Yamcha can get a feel of your skill, and work on your weaknesses. Videl, Sharpener you two are captains."

"Ladies first." Sharpener said with a smug smirk. "Alright, Gohan."


"Marker." And it continued like this until the entire class was picked. Yamcha went up to Gohan. "Alright Gohan try not to stand out too much, okay?" Gohan nodded, and went to right field. The game went on rather uneventful for Gohan until it was Sharpener's turn to bat. The blonde swung the bat, and it was over ten meters in the air. Krillen and Yamcha looked nervously. "He wouldn't, would he?" Krillen whispered to Yamcha. "He's smart, I'm sure he won't. Plus I did tell him to keep a low profile."

"Yeah, but he is Goku's son, and that much isn't high too him." They stopped whispering as Gohan jumped in the air, and caught the ball. He lightly tossed it to his teammate at third base to get the last one out. All the student's gaped at him, while the two teacher's face palmed. "Hm, did I do something wrong?" He mumbled to himself, and walked over to the rest of his teammates as they switched roles with the other team. Yamcha went up to Gohan. "Alright Gohan, next time the ball is over a meter above your head don't reach for it, okay?"

"Huh, but the ball wasn't that high." Gohan said confused, which caused Yamcha to sigh. "To us no, to everyone else it's really high. Alright when you go up to bat just bunt it, Chichi wouldn't be happy if she figured out you sent the ball to new Namek." Gohan nodded and waited for his turn to bat.

When Sharpener saw that Gohan was going to bat he smirked. This'll show that he's not that tough. The blonde threw the ball, and it hit Gohan right in the face. All the class was shocked by this especially the pitcher. "He was supposed to dodge." He muttered under his breath. When everyone actually examined Gohan they saw he was fine. "Hey Yamcha, this means I walk right?" He called over his friend.

"Yeah, Gohan you have to walk now." Then he turned to the not so bald monk. "He is so much like Goku." He said while chuckling, and only got a nod and a chuckle in response.

The rest of the game was rather uneventful, since Gohan was taking Yamcha's advice. After the game, the two blondes and Videl walked over to Gohan. "Geez Gohan, how do you not have a concussion and a blistered hand after that game?" Erasa asked him. "Oh you know, growing up in the mountains toughens you up." That and Piccolo's training. "Wait mountains? Where do you live."

"The 439 area."

"Dude, that's like 5 hours away, on the fastest jet." Sharpener stated. "Yeah, but with Nimbus it takes 10 minutes. Anyways, I have to go made some plans. See ya." He said as he raced for the roof anxious for his spar against Piccolo.

Alright then that's it. Later.