Author has written 5 stories for Charmed, West Wing, and Harry Potter. I have been writing for many years now, on and off. My first stories were in Russian but then I moved to the UK and since then I write in English. I like different stories, long and short, with different ratings and genres, but always those that have a plot. And I prefer those with happy ends. One of my favourites quotes is from a Russian film. "My friends, tragic endings have their own greatness. They force those alive to reflect on things happening around them." "What’s so great about this? It’s disgraceful to kill characters just to touch the cold-hearted and stir emotions in the indifferent." (Translation from "Obiknovennoe Chudo", Evgenii Schwartz) I also try to finish my stories since I often get frustrated when I like a story but it stops half way. My favourite Categories are Charmed, West Wing, Harry Potter and Bourne. |
classicshe (30) Cleopatra1Selene (0) doctorrosetyler (14) Fammi Capire (12) | JD11 (88) Kitty Perry (6) Mayet (42) Mother of Tears (7) | OhSoSheWrites (144) One Red Shoe (32) septentrion (94) |