Author has written 22 stories for Naruto, Kuroko no Basuke/黒子のバスケ, and Fate/stay night.
Well... I haven't updated this profile in three years, so perhaps I owe my supporters and readers that much.
Hello, my name is Jezmaiya. I am also called Jezmaiya, but you can call me Jezmaiya. (Of course this is simply a pen name, and not remotely close to my birth name. But even I don't use my birth name on a daily basis, but a name I've been given instead.) When I started writing on this account (Yes, I do have other accounts.) I was starting college, but as of now, I am currently a University student. I haven't been relatively active during these past few years, and I do apologise for that as exams and social demands take priority but this will never deter my passion to write.
In short: Even if you have to wait a super long time, I will come back to finish what I started. I am determined to finish all my stories, even if it takes me forever.
Because of my busy schedule, I haven't had time to watch or read the latest animes or manga (unfortunately). But currently, I have recently become hooked on Shokugeki No Soma after a senpai of mine introduced it to me, and of course, Robot X Laserbeam.
Overall, some things haven't changed - Kuroko No Basuke for life, bad-ass Kuroko for life, and I don't think my writing style will ever change. I like my in-depth descriptions, it creates an atmosphere that I enjoy having in my stories... continuous dialogue isn't for me.
What do people even write in their profiles...? Favourite animes? Heh, Kuroko No Basuke. (Not going to lie, I don't really watch anime because my wifi connection is pretty weak and slow.) Favourite manga? Kuroko No Basuke, Hibi Chouchou, Kuroshitsuji, Shokugeki No Soma and Robot X Laserbeam (I probably have more but I can't think of that many off the top of my head right now...) Favourite author? Neil Gaiman. (Kinda explains my love for darkness.) Food peferences? I. Eat. Anything. Sure I have expectations, but I will eat when hungry.
Current stories to complete:
- The Shadow
- ID
- The Phantom King
- Taiga VS The world
Stories on hold until I complete some of the following above:
- Dead Man Retribution
- Frozen
- The Ring
- Epic Arbitrary
Stories I would really, really love to start writing and publishing but I must finish the ones I started but I'll let you guys have a preview because why not (?): (Honestly, if you do want me to start publishing these stories below, just pm and we'll see)
- Reaper: The Living Entity (KnB)- Summary - They move like shadows, taking on jobs as assassins, debt collectors or even the devil incarnation themselves. There many names for them, but they preferred 'Reapers'. "Hello, Kuroko Tetsuya here. I've called to confirm that your request has been accepted. Please be on standby for the next 24 hour with your payment." Who said he was ever human. (Published)
- The Bone Whisperer (KnB) - Summary -A prodigy from a young age, Kuroko Tetsuya was the bone whisperer. From one look, he could tell your entire life history since your birth.
- Kyuubi: The Walking Inter-dimensional Bar (Naruto) - Summary - To be written... I don't know how to summarize this story so I'll get back to you on this one...
Goal as a writer: Finish my stories...
Thank you for taking the time to read all of this...
(Updated: 23/06/2017 23:09pm)