Thank you to all the reviewers, here is an update. Sorry for the lack of updates, found out that my country wonderfully banned on the internet.





I do not own anything but my ideas.




He just had to make himself a: Walking Target.

"He's dead too." Haizaki Shougo stared at the guy before him, another one of his big brother's gang underlings. "One of our guys broke into his place to kill him out of vengeance for the boss but they found the guy dead in his bed, dude got out of there as soon as possible. You know, to avoid getting caught and blamed and all. After it got reported that Kagura had kicked the bucket, one of our insiders in the coroner's office told us that it was from a cardiac arrest or something. That guy's life finally caught up to him, the fat slob got what he deserved. So, it couldn't have been him that killed the boss." The man told him, he looked smug as he spoke in a crude like manner. Pleased with himself.

Haizaki couldn't believe that this guy actually had the balls to look satisfied with his findings. The information he had just given him only led to more questions and holes with what they knew. He couldn't believe how stupid these guys were, no wonder his big brother had easily become the number one man in his group. The rest of them didn't think or use their brains properly, and if they did, it resulted in uselessness. "Did any of you think about the time difference?" Exclaimed Haizaki. The man didn't respond, he only scrunched his brows together looking confused, 'Do I have to spell everything out to them?' "Shou-ni was killed in the afternoon, and Kagura died at night. Kagura could have sent someone to kill Shou, and then later kicked the bucket himself." He pointed out, slowing his tone down as he attempted to enlighten the older man before him. "Did you think about looking for any signs that showed he could have sent someone to kill Shou?"

"Oh. We didn't think about that."

"So, you idiots didn't even think about looking for clues." Snapped Haizaki, scowling at him. The perfect opportunity, and they blew it too. "How stupid are you guys?" He barked, loudly.

The man flinched, he could see the resemblance now between the two Haizaki brothers. They were both pretty damn fierce when they needed to be, and equally as frightening when pissed. "Well Yui had to get out of there as soon as possible, he has a record after all. Hell, we all have a record with the fuzz and we can't get caught, not without the risk of being throw into the slammers again." Exclaimed the guy, throwing his hands up in the air. "If you want to go and look for evidence, you're welcome to do it yourself because hell, none of us are going to do it."

And that's how the younger Haizaki found himself spending the evening crawling on his elbows and knees inside a dead man's air vent. The dark-haired teen scowled as he slid himself out of the small gap before dropping onto his feet as he landed on a red carpeted floor. He dusted his jacket as he stared around at the place, it looked like it hadn't been long since someone had been in here, 'Probably someone who was next in line to success Kagura's dirty business.' Haizaki muttered internally as he moved to the switch, flipping it on. The office was lavish, glass cases filled with imported liquor from aboard, lined all around the office. A large mahogany desk in the middle of the room, above it hung a crystal chandelier. Everything in this room just shouted luxury, it was all evidence that he had lived a pampered life amongst his illegal dealings. 'Some assholes just get it all.' It pissed him off to see that that man had lived like a King. 'But in the end, death got the last laugh.' He didn't spot anything odd in his office.

According to Shou's inside sources, this was a the very last place Kagura had been at before he died at home. It was reported that Kagura had been angry earlier on, his secretary swore that she heard him barking back at his phone. Apparently, somebody had threatened to kill him. Well, if there was any evidence to back up her claims, it wasn't here. Haizaki moved around his desk to look at his computer, maybe there would be clues to what the hell the man was up to before his destined demise. Nothing. The damned machine wouldn't even switch on for him. He grumbled in frustration, tempted to destroy the damn thing, but he couldn't. This was still a crime scene. 'Well at least until tomorrow when whoever Kagura sired with a whichever whore comes over to claim it as theirs.' He took a moment to twirl in the man's chair, glancing casually around the letters and notes scattered messily on his desk. 'Junk... Wait a minute.' He froze, as he stared at the small note pad barely visible on the desk. It was hidden beneath a pile of letters but there was a name on it, a very familiar name.

"Kuroko Tetsuya." Beneath the teen's name, Kagura had written the word 'Reaper' in boldened letters.




They had managed to successfully win their first Interhigh match, even if they were initially intimidated by Shinkyo Academy's tall exchange student, Papa, but they managed to overcome that obstacle thanks to Kagami's inhumane jumping abilities. Nevertheless, it didn't shake that feeling that something was not right. His instincts were screaming at him. 'Something feels... Off.' Kuroko Tetsuya couldn't help but feel on edge, his teal eyes blank yet sharp as he carefully surveyed his surroundings. It was late, not many people should be out here at night, but still… 'Wait.' It widened for a brief moment, but with centuries of practice and precise control, he managed to look indifferent overall. 'Haizaki...' The teen stood off to the side, hiding amongst the shadows with his arms crossed, easily blending into his surroundings but Kuroko knew he was there, and from the intense gaze the man had focusing on him right now, Haizaki must have been here to see him. His mind immediately flashed to his last hit, 'It's impossible though.' "Ano… I'm sorry but I have to go again." Kuroko spoke, the flutter of chatter that had been going around amongst the Seirin group instantly died down.

"Oh, is it something to do with your relatives again?" Asked Hyuuga, recalling that the blue haired teen had to previously leave for a similar reason as well after their practice match against Kaijo. 'Guess there must be something going on with Kuroko's family… Hope everything's okay.'

Kuroko nodded his head in affirmation, 'Ah, that's right.' Instantly recalling his previous lie, he went along with Hyuuga's suggestion. "Yes, they asked me to help them out once more." Bowing his head before he took his quick leave, using his misdirection, he was soon forgotten by the crowd. 'Good…' His eyes watched the Seirin group get further and further away, he felt mildly relieved. After all, he had a feeling that whatever it was Haizaki wanted from him, it would be messy and there was no way he could bring them into this situation. They were innocent humans, and humans should never be involved in a reaper's work unless they're hits, which only makes Haizaki's involvement in this even more alerting to Kuroko. 'But the real question is... How much does he actually know about last night?' His eyes narrowed as he walked along the path leading up to where Haizaki leaned against the wall, waiting.

"Kuroko." The familiar teen spoke, his eyes never once looked away from the teal haired teen who had previously been his one-time teammate back in middle school. His voice was strained, it was clear to Kuroko that he was holding his anger and emotions at the moment in an attempt to be civil.

"Hello Haizaki, what a surprise to see you here. Was your school playing today?"

He didn't answer. Instead, a clenched fist landed next to Kuroko's head, backing him into the bricked wall that Haizaki had previously leaned against, their positions swapped as Haizaki caged him with his body, staring down at him with a fierce scowl. "Cut the bullshit, Kuroko," he grabbed the teal teen's jacket collar, pulling him up towards him. "You know something about Shou-ni's death, now spill it before I spill your guts." Hissed Haizaki, his grip tightening.

Kuroko shook his head, his face impassive as ever. "I don't know what you're talking about, but my condolences for the death of your brother." He dismissively told him. Wrong answer.

Haizaki snarled, his hands moving to clasp and clench tightly around Kuroko's neck, startling the smaller teen as he began to squeeze. "Stop lying to me Kuroko, I know you know something." He spat out angrily in blind rage, all the emotions that he had pent up since discovering his brother's death was all spilling out right now. He wanted vengeance, and he didn't care who he had to hurt or kill to get it. "Kagura had your name written down on a piece of paper on his desk, called you something like Reaper. I don't know or care what your involvement with him is, but all I know is that my gut is telling me that you are aware of some of the details with his death. Now, this is what's gonna happen: you are going to tell me everything you know about who killed my brother or I'll crush your windpipes you'll be dead very shortly, joining Kagura in the afterlife."

He struggled to breath, feeling his lungs straining as he winched from the pain, but he refused to give in. He would not let anything slip, if he did, he would face things ever worse than what Haizaki threatened him with.

"HEY YOU! LET THAT BOY GO!" Haizaki swore as he spotted a patrolling police officer coming towards him at a rapid pace, he tossed Kuroko aside as the smaller teen landed on the ground, gasping desperately for air.

"Don't think you're off the hook, Kuroko. I'll be back."

Kuroko felt his lungs burn as he watched Haizaki disappear, but his mind didn't forget the other teen's words. 'Damn that Kagura...' He swore in his mind, even in death the man was still causing trouble for people. 'I've got to tie up the loose ends, and soon, before Haizaki figures out anything else more damaging.'




Later that night, Kuroko found himself once more in Kagura's den, but this time, he was determined to leave nothing behind. 'Everything's got to go.' He switched on all the gas for the heating, but not before puncturing a hole in the pipes to let it leak into the room and it surroundings. He had done a quick survey, and he was sure that nobody was around or even remotely close to this place, which meant he had the green light for whatever he was about to do next. His teal eyes narrowed as he stared at the damned notepad with his name on it, picking it up before tossing it aside as it landed on the floor. 'His soul will suffer in hell for this.' With a strike of a match, he let the place blow and go up in a flurry of flames. 'This I will make sure off.'




"Reapers, huh?"

On the screen before the person, Internet accounts of first hand witnesses claiming to see black suited people were splayed across the dash board of multiple sharing sites, some even with supposed photographic evidence of these so-called 'Reapers'. "How interesting..." The person grinned, looking down at the scene photo of Kagura's office desk. "Kuroko Tetsuya, huh?" With a click, the screen changed to feature Kuroko Tetsuya's Seirin student profile, his student photograph was empty. "What an enigma."

Won't be able to update unless I'm outside my home country now... But reviews are appreciated as always!