![]() Author has written 14 stories for Hobbit, Supernatural, and StarTrek: Deep Space Nine. My introduction I am a published author! My book 'The Next Dimension' was published on Amazon in 2016 and book two is due to come out sometime in 2018. But in the meantime, I enjoy writing fan fictions. I think that as a writer, fan fiction is good practice. It's kind of like tuning up your guitar. It keeps your skills sharp. It's also a great way to escape from reality for awhile. As a writer of Fantasy/Science fiction, I'm always in my own world, but it's nice to visit other people's worlds sometimes. Maybe someday I'll see people playing with my own stories on here and I would really like that. I am a woman in my early 30s and I have been with my husband Scott for over 13 years now. He got me into the hobbit and lord of the rings and the fantasy genre in general so I have him to thank for pretty much all of my more recent writing ventures. I have been writing since I was old enough to pick up a pencil, but have only written in a public forum like this since 2014. I love writing and I love being able to paint with words. I love playing pretend and I have a huge imagination. I have a bachelor's degree in history and a love and passion for science and nature. I also have Asperger's syndrome, which if you are unfamiliar, it's a mild version of autism. It's made it hard for me to get a real job, but it's been my biggest ally when it comes to writing. Us aspies tend to really obsess over our passions and my passion is writing. I am an eclectic pagan and a liberal if you needed to know that info, but I really like to leave my personal beliefs at the door and just write. My official pen name is L.V. Maldonado, but on here or in any other fan fiction setting, I am known as Truthful Nomad. What I write and what I read My published fanfictions have all been about the Hobbit up to this point, but I've recently become obsessed with Supernatural. I love angsty stories, hurt and comfort stories, and adventure and action stories. But I especially like stories of survival themes. I love taking characters and dropping them into random scenarios and seeing how they survive. Whether it's taking them and dropping them off into 14th century Europe, modern San Francisco, a deserted island, or an isolated village in the middle of nowhere, characters must fight to survive as the odds are always against them. I love doing research for my stories and mixing my knowledge of history, nature, science, world culture, and my love of adventure with my stories. Also, I mention this as a disclaimer in all my fics, but I'll say it here too. My stories are not canon. They are alternate universe type deals where I change things in the books/movies as I see fit. Yeah, sometimes Bilbo has a sibling he never had and yeah there are races in my fics that Tolkien never created. I typically try to leave cannon characters as they are, but I may tweak a few things. If you don't like stories that break away from canon, then don't read my stories. No one is putting a gun to your head and making you read them, if you choose to proceed despite the warnings, then don't say I didn't warn you. That being said, I do try to weave my alternative realities into the canon if and when I can. In the past, I have written but never published: X-files, Star Trek TNG, DS9, and VOY, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I am totally up for any crossovers involving these shows. Pairings: I am very picky about my ships. They either work or they don't and there isn't any real rhyme or reason. Right now, the only pairings I really hardcore ship are all het pairings, but that doesn't mean I'm against m/m or f/f, I just don't ship any right now. I see plenty of potentials but here are my favorite pairings. THese will forever be my OTPs in any fic I write: Supernatural: Hanstiel (Hannah/Castiel). This is the biggest one, I love Hannah and I love her with Castiel. I know I am in the minority so I've become something of a Hanstiel advocate, spreading love for them everywhere I go. There is so very little of this awesome ship out there and it's really a shame. Hannah is my absolute favorite of the many bad ass female characters that have come and gone on Supernatural. Chestervelle (Dean/Jo): Another great ship potential that was cut short by death. Samleen (Sam/Eileen Leahy) so cute! Hobbit: I always see Thorin as being asexual and having no partner at all. I always pair Fili with my OFC Brenna and Kili with my OFC Asphodel. X-files: Mulder and Scully forever! Star Trek TNG: Picard and Beverly Crusher! Star Trek DS9: Kira and Odo forever! Also, I liked Dr. Bashir and Jadzia Dax. Star Trek Voyager: Janeway and Chakotay Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy and Angel, Willow and Tara. So these are the pairings I must insist on if ever you feel like collaborating on something with me. I love role plays, message board role plays are the best and I'm up for co-writing anything. Any other canon character not on this list of OTPs is totally game for me whether it be m/f, m/m, or f/f. The only thing is I don't do incest and I don't do real life fics. Role-playing I am the admin of the RPG Dwarves in the real world. /forum/Dwarves-in-the-real-world/152944/. Sadly, it's no longer active. I recently created a Supernatural centric Roleplay Forum that features multiple roleplay opportunities, including a few crossovers. Here is the link for that: /forum/The-Hanstiel-Chestervelle-and-Samleen-Roleplay/214238/ |