Author has written 2 stories for Sailor Moon. Yes, it's me, Ren@ Jewel$ (I went back to my old pen name). I am officially (since May 6) 17 years old...(wahhh! I don't want to be old!). I'm from the Phillipines and I now go to University of Sto. Thomas or UST. I've decided to take Journalism. Though I really wanted to take up Creative writing (and follow Yuki's noble footsteps.. wait.. did that come out right?), or even Literature, but I figured I'd end up jobless (most of the people I know who took up Lit. ended up as a school teacher... look at my 4th year English Teacher(damn uuuuuu! He's eeevvviilll!)! look at my college Lit teacher! I can't end up like that! I'm not cut out for it! waaahhhh!) So, I took up the next, next best thing which is Journ! I haven't change that much, I'm still the weird, freaky, immature and hyperactive girl from when I was still 14 (as my mom constantly reminds me). I still LOVE sailor moon but I have also found another anime to go on my list! It's up there somewhere with Sailor moon (thoug not quite surpassing it). I found Gravitation really good! Even though it IS yaoi (I have my Dada Cuico scroll down bellow to find out more to thank for that.) I enjoyed every minute! The animation was good and the music at its finest! I love the beat, the lyrics (Esp. 'Shining Collection') and the voices (Esp. Kotani Kinya's and Iceman's) Yep, I'm stil the chocolate loving meatball headed Sailor Moon fanatic who can't scrape a decent grade to save her life... Well.. I'm kinda hoping that I'll break through that habit this new school year... wish me luck people! Well, my hobbies are still the same... eating( it's an art!), hybernating (as my friends like to call it), anime (Mamo-chan's mineeeee! So's Yuki! MIIINNNEE I TELL YOU! Wahahahaha! manic laughter ) gobbling down truck loads of food (ooohh... pretty truck!), writing fanfics and poems (and then you rhym love with... uhhh... grass! uhuhuhu! nods head up and down like a maniac ) scarfing down whatever food I lay my eyes on ( oohhh.. wazzat! Tuna! OHNOO! It's the evil BAD TUNA! Ruuuuunnn! Bad Tuna! Bad!), singing (teacher: "And that class, is why we have RAIN!"), hunting for sweets (theme from mission impossible come up... tan tan tantan tan tan...) malling with my friends (gets on her knees and begs her mom for some money) freeloading some food (my precioussss...), drawing anime (ooooohhh... purdy..), putting on a banana costume (gets on the table and does the macarena with it), and annoying the heck outtamy friends (uhuh! uhuh! uhuh! nods head up and down while tugging at the white straight jacket she's wearing ) Soo.. you wanna know abaout me, huh..? Well then... Let me introduce to you the BEEP Family! We are 1 big HAPPY (though, most of the time, disfunctional) Family! I have at least 8 Dadas and 1 mama! I have 1 lola (grandmother) and 3 lolo's (grandfather)! Sounds impossible? Nope! Not in MY family! This was my family in HIGH SCHOOL but we're still somehow connected by theBUGS INTERNATIONAL LAND LINE company that my Dada # 1 runs... My Mama is also here in ffnet. Her name is..."Hiiragizawa Ao'jiro" (Mama FelFel) My Grandma is Grandma Danah... My 3 Grandpa's are... 1) Lolo Mikhail (yesss... my lola/grandma's no. 1! wooohhhooo!) 2) Lolo/Dada Cadiz (my grandpa AND my dada, all in one! Impossible? I think not!) 3) Lolo/Lil Bro PM ( my bro and my grandpa? no... my family's not twisted.. we're just... misunderstood? hehehe) I have 7 siblings: 1) Me (the eldest) 2) Luisa or Poopie (I don't know why... she just likes that word... she's here in ffnet) "kirei31" 3) Mich (also here in UST!) 4) Mikka (yep, here in ffnet...) 5) Rachelle (sweetheart of the family but gets her perverted side from Dada Cuico... I can still hear him say in Dracula's voice... 'Bra! Bra! Bra!'... man! my family's weird!... trust me, when I say perverted, I MEAN perverted!) 6) PM and Charles (No comment.. though Charles runs the 'Charles and The ChocNut Factory' (In theaters this spring!) I am but a humble worker with the rest of the family... yes we all work for our younger bro...sad ain't it?) 7) Kuya/Brother Jedd (he's kinda adopted in our family... I don't know why... I guess he just like our family that much! he's also here in ffnet!) In line with Father's Day, I would like to share this... Here'sa list of my 8 Dada's and their scientifc name in my mama's chart! 1) DADA PESTE( 'Pestis Stupipidis' ) -' Da Stupid Pest ' My Dada no.1 is a PEST! Yes, He looks like a cockroach (i'm sorry mama!)and that's why everytime I see one I get a strong impulse to stomp on it until I squash it completely. I HATE COCKROACHES! 2) DADA GELOTIN M. ( 'Swingingsis da Moodsis' ) -' Mood Swinger ' yes... he'sa mood swinger.. what else can I say... monotone like Dada Pepsi, I guess. 3) DADA CUICO (' Queenis when he dancis' ) -' Dancing Queen ' yup! he's a cool dancer, my dad! It's lucky I still see him here at UST... even though his course is Accounting... still... he's an anime lover too! Go Dada Cuico! Such a sad, perverted mind, though... 4) DADA CHUA (two words- 'Supremis Adiposis') -' Big Fatty ' these two words are mere explanation enough! Though he IS the sweetest of all my Dadas! 5) DADA GELOTIN S. ( 'Supremis Baldsis da Headsis') -' Big Bald Head ' well, he's not exctly BALD per say... he stil has some hair here and there.. he just likes cutting it that short, or maybe it was because of the Prefect's threat to him... ahh... whatever.. but he IS FAT! 6) DADA PEPSI ( 'Monotonosis da Voicis' ) - ' Mr. Monotone ' watch him drone on and on and you won't even know what THE HECK HE'S TALKING ABOUT! 7) DADA KIKO ('Minoris Baldsis da Headsis' ) -' Slightly Smaller Bald Head ' has the same hairstyle as Dada Gelatin S. though he's thin. Nice but usually quiet.. well, at least he's ok letting me call him Dada... 8) DADA CADIZ ( 'Snobsis da Adiposis' ) -' Fat nd Snobby ' true yes, but sometimes he can be a real gentleman... sweet also, I guess... And now, a word from our sponsor... (Guy comes in with a box in his hand and says) "Mmmm.. Blubber Nuggets! They're CHEWY!" And now back to our original programming... Yes... thank you for spending time to read this blabberings and rantings of mine! I hope I had at least made you crack even just a little smile! I like making people laugh or smile... I even do stupid things just to make them laugh... I don't know... its just kinda makes me happy: ) NEWS FLASH PEOPLE! NEXT CHAPTER OF 'JUST ONE KISS' IS UP! GO ME! (does a jig) Check out my friendster account: |