![]() Author has written 11 stories for Sailor Moon. Hello to all you wonderful people out there!1.)I just want to say that although the site is down sometimes they really do a wonderful job of keeping it updated. So thank you! 2.)Thank you to all the wonderful authors who keep posting chapters and exciting new stories! With out all of you this site would be just a plain every day normal site. 3.)This one goes out to the readers of the stories: I used to be an avid reader just like you wishing and hoping that someday I could write as talented as the authors on this site and my friends told me to try. I did and I have had the best time of my life writing stories, posting them, and getting reviews. So in short I guess I'm trying to say if you have an urge to write do it and you won't regret it! Yeah enough about how great this site is and on to bigger and better things. I'm talking about my stories...right...anywho so far I have only written Sailor Moon but that will soon change. My friend, LD's girl, and I are currently writing a story about superhero's based on real life. It's called Elcarim and will be posted on the sister site so when I first post it please do go read it because she is a great author and well I'm hoping you like my reading enough to go and read it. Now on to my current stories: Unexpected Suprises shall be done soon because there are only two, count them, TWO more parts left and I'm writing them as we speak. Living in Shadows was started because I had an idea but since it doesn't seem to be catching on at all I'm not sure where I'm going to go with it. If you really like it let me know in a review please. Playing the Part has just exploded as people seem to like it alot so since summer has come around I can dedicate time to it once Unexpected Suprises is done. Bunny-The Untold Story, well same thing for Living in Shadows so give a shout out if you don't want me to get rid of it. Too Close to the Truth received a great response for its first chapter. Secondly being a first season story with my own personal twists I plan on writing this one all the way. Unusually Unusual, um, its not Christmas anymore so I am kind of not in the mood to write it. Maybe over the summer I'll get a random bout of inspiration but don't count on it. Of course reviews could give me inspiration... All I Want For Christmas was a one shot fic filled with lots and lots of fluff and Sere/Dare romance. If you like it-let me know and I'll think of doing a sequal or another song fic. I believe that's enough of my rambling for now but thanks again to the site, readers, reviewers, and writers. The site simply wouldn't be the same with out you! Now go, come on shoo! It's time to read or write if you prefer so I guess its time for Good Bye! |