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![]() Author has written 20 stories for Resident Evil, Yu-Gi-Oh, Devil May Cry, Mortal Kombat, Hellsing, Psycho-Pass/サイコパス, Uncharted series, Uta no Prince-sama, and Hakuōki/薄桜鬼. Hello, Hola, Hallo, Aloha, Olà, Ciao, Bonjour, Dia Duit, Kumusta, Salam, Hei, Konichiwa, (I don't think I forgot any other hellos right?)!! Welcome Readers and Writers to my profile! I love writing, to be more specific I like fanfic writing! ahahaha Ever since I was small I always thought of different ways a single story could turn out, that or making up completely different and or new stories. A little about me: Well besides writing about Resident evil (and other things... like Yugioh and DMC) and talking about it all the time and annoying my sister with my obsession for Leon, Dante, Seto Kaiba, and many, many other fictional/anime guys I also adore or better said love to death (ahaha :D); I love reading, drawing, painting, sewing, well pretty much everything in the art department. Oh and Shopping, I Love SHOPPING!! Yes, I'm multilingual: I speak English, Spanish and a tad of Italian and Portuguese Favorite authors: Stephanie Meyer, J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K Rolling, Elizabeth Gaskell, Jane Austin, William Shakespeare and S.D. Perry (A total inspiration for me to start writing Resident Evil Fanfic!!) :) Favorite Books: North and South, Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, The Host, Harry Potter Series Favorite anime authors: Matsuri Hino, Natsuki Takaya, Bisco Hatori Favorite anime books and shows: Meru Puri (only a book), Fruits Basket, My little Monster, Gugure Kokkuri-san, Nana, RWBY, Hetalia(all spin offs), One Punch Man, Parasyte, Princess Jellyfish, Candy Candy, Psycho-Pass, Death Note, Ouran High School Host Club, Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing Ultimate, Attack on Titan, Black Butler, Hakuouki(all of the seasons included and spin offs), Uta No Prince-Sama, Earl and Fairy, Samuri X or aka Rurouni Kenshin, Blood Plus , Black Jack, Yugioh ( I do duel and fairly well may I say so), Devil May Cry, Full Metal Alchemist, Prince of Tennis, Mew Mew Power, Avatar the last Air-bender, The Legend of Korra and Sailor Moon (a classic!) Other shows I watch: Big Time Rush (Dibs on James and Kendall)The Walking Dead (Daryl's my fav! Claimed), The Big Bang Theory, Pushing Daisies, The Flash, Gotham and Forever. Cartoons shows I watch: The Regular Show, Adventure Time, The Amazing World Of Gumball, Mad and Spongebob Squarepants Favorite Video Games: The entire Resident evil saga especially RE 2, 0, and 4. Devil May Cry saga, Bayonetta 1&2, The Legend of Zelda (Twilight Princess!!) Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid Saga, Fire Emblem (all of them) All Stars Battle Royal, Bioshock, Assassins Creed 2&Brotherhood, Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibur, Marvel vs. Capcom, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, Dead Space (scared the crap out of me), Mario Bros 3, Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Mario Kart, Super Princess Peach, Epic Mickey, Harvest Moon, Pokémon saga, Plants vs. Zombies, The Last of Us, The Evil Within, Bayonetta 1&2 Favorite Movies: Howl's Moving Castle (Hiyao Miyazaki's best animated movie!!), Twilight saga, Harry Potter Saga, The Lord of the Rings saga, The Hobbit, The desolation of Smaug (must watch in 3d) and the rest of the saga, Avatar, The Mummy, Thor (Loki is HOT!!), Batman Trilogy (The dark knight is my fav), The Avengers, Captain America the winter soldier, The Devil Wears Prada, Confessions of a Shopaholic, Memoirs of a Geisha, Tangled, The Phantom of the Opera, A Royal Affair (It's in dutch), The illusionist, The Kid, Young Queen Victoria, Despicable Me 1&2 (The minions are so CUTE and So Funny!!) Hopefully someday they make a decent Resident evil movie (cast and story wise) (not that I don't like Alice but I do wish they would stick to the video game story) :) If I ever make enough money I'm making and stick-to-the-video-game RE movie! (It'll be hard to find the right Leon though...) There are a lot of video game adaptations I would just love to write the script to because I believe no matter how silly the original story may be (or not) it is still possible to make it work, you just need the right team. Stories: Resident Evil: Confronting The Past: FINISHED! 07-08-14 :D Never Forgotten: (still in process) My Guardian Spy: (still in process) Fatal Attraction: FINISHED 03-04-15 :D You Had Me At Hello: (Halfway) I'm mostly into Resident Evil Fanfic because I love how much depth each character from this particular saga has. Favorite RE Male Character: Leon Scott Kennedy! and Albert Wesker (he's just frickin AMAZING!! B) Favorite RE Female Character: Claire Redfield Favorite RE Couple: Billy CoenXRebecca Chambers and then SeleneXLeon (hahah) Yugioh: The Song Of The Pure: (starting) Uta No Prince Sama Notes and Verses: (starting) Psycho-Pass Withheld Despair: (starting) Devil May Cry The Angel's Demon: (Halfway) Hellsing Every Full Moon: FINISHED 05-09-19 :D Hakuouki Children of the Shinsengumi (starting and a compilation of one-shots) Uncharted Series Words Of Gold: (Halfway) Mortal Kombat: A Hunter's Bounty: (starting) One Shots: Not So Simple: (Resident Evil) Nice To Meet You: (Resident Evil) You Were There: (Psycho-Pass) Induce: (Psycho-Pass) Under A Veil: (Psycho-Pass) I have been a beta reader. If you were curious about the stories, they are listed below: Behind The Guns: A Resident Evil Fanfiction Writer: Shantty Edited: Chapters 16-18 A Mystery With a History: A Hellsing Fanfiction Writer: Sunsetfairy Edited: Chapters 1- on going I felt the need to address a serious thing going around on fanfiction and it's called abandonment of stories or otherwise called permanent Hiatus. It saddens me to see many a great stories never completed or just put on hold forever (technically the same thing). I for one am not one of those people, but I did recently put "ON HIATUS" on many of my stories. I have not abandoned my work and as the term implies the story is on hold. I believe it is important to finish a story, you committed to writing one in the first place so you should see it through and if not then I firmly believe you shouldn't post it. I for one am a reader who disappointed when I read something wonderful and it's not done or it hasn't been updated in years because you gave up. I don't want to give up on my work but I do need time to finish the rest, so don't believe for one second that those stories that are on pause are on it forever. I just felt the need to prioritize another story first and even if it takes me many years I will finish them all. So for the stories on hiatus expect periodical updates. My Random Rambling otherwise known as Personal Updates that let you all know what's up :D 08-03-14 Sorry everybody for not updating these last past weeks, I've been very sick, but I am feeling better now which means I'll start updating more regularly :D I'm sorry if I worried any of you :/ Fatal Attraction will be updated this coming week so don't despair!! So I'll read you all later :) 08-16-14 Yah today's my birthday!! But besides that I have now decided I'll make regular profile updates regarding updates to stories, new stories and other things. I decided to update Fatal Attraction every other week (please don't be mad), it's the way it works out for me, sorry readers. I have to give this story special thought and seriousness because well that's how I am when I write other characters off. Ada is a particular challenge for me but I'm happy to write as her, her persona is so interesting which is why I started writing this story post RE6. Plus I heard Capcom wants to remake the entire RE Saga being the main characters Jill and Chris and if so they better make them somewhat like each other and that it shows too. My other story Never Forgotten will finally be updated next week YAH!I haven't forgotten it (ahahah no pun intended) So it's something to look forward to ;) I wanted also to inform those of you that are fans of my story Confronting The Past, I am pleased to inform you that the prequel to it will be released in the middle of next month and it will be called You Had Me At Hello. I've already written a couple of chapters to it but I know you all like updates to be on time so I want to write further ahead so updates don't catch up to me :D Something to look ahead to right!?!? Read you guys later :D 09-02-14 Hey readers! Happy to inform all of you that I am now a Beta Reader WOOHOO! So if any of you requires help with a story be it in English or Spanish just PM! Also well, Fatal Attraction is nearly at its end, at best 4 or 3 chapters left. Happy but sad to let it go... Also I'll be posting the prequel of Confronting The Past called You Had Me At Hello on the 16 of this month (I'm pretty excited for this)! Well that's all folks! Till next update :D 02-20-15 I can't express how happy I am! I am almost done with Fatal Attraction. I honestly can't believe it, I'm horrible when it comes to writing stories I usually have so many ideas surging through my head that I end up writing something else and I leave my current project in the dust. I discovered the source of that and it's because I usually obsess over another fandom mainly anime, I was this close to writing a story for Vampire Knight or Castlevania but I'm like nooooo (shoves ideas aside) FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS!!!!... LOL (but that's what really happened) Anyways after Fatal Attraction I plan on continuing Never Forgotten and You Had Me At Hello. Fatal Attraction will have a sequel and you will all read why, I plan to update maybe Saturday or somewhere next week, I'm thrilled for all of you to read the final chapters :D But the sequel won't be for some time I really want to finish at least two stories before starting on anything new, but there maybe sporadic one-shots here and there. Thank you if you took the time to read this update and I hope to see you commenting on my stories, ahahaha LOL :) Well that's all folks! Till next update :) |