Author has written 16 stories for Young Dracula, Harry Potter, and Star Wars. Hi, SlytherinForever99 here! May the 4th be with you! As you can see from my picture I'm am a Slytherin! And bloody proud! My favourite t.v. programs/films are: Harry Potter Torchwood Star Wars MCU I WOULD BE FOREVER GRATEFUL IF YOU READ AND REVIEWED EVERY STORY AND EVERY CHAPTER PLEASE! I am 20 years old. I've had this account since I was 13. 7 years. Wow. I used to be obsessed with vampires. Now I write sex stories, lol. Please be kind when reading my Young Dracula work. I still think the story is good but I was 13/14 when I wrote it. The Harry Potter stuff? Yeah. Haven't even thought about that story in ages. I may have forgotten what was meant to happen. Stars Wars Lemons? Next chapter is being written now. MCU stuff coming soon! Is the MCU stuff more sex stories? Maybe. You'll have to wait and find out! This is me! Hope you Enjoy all my stories! And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE review them! |
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