Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. The books, movies, and all memorabilia belong to J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. No infringement intended.

Au/N: I've read an awful lot of stories about Hermione Granger becoming Draco Malfoy's slave through some bizarre twist of events. So I decided to throw my own extra special, signature twist in with the others. I thought, "What if it were reversed?" and tada! We have…Malfoy serving his favorite bushy-haired enemy. Of course, there will be language, violence, and steamy sex in here somewhere. You have been warned…

Chapter One. The End of the War

Hermione Granger

Never had I seen such a tragedy. Thousands of people were killed in the span of five long, treacherous years. The bloody war between Voldemort and my best friend, Harry Potter, seemed to go on forever. I watched helplessly as the lives of my loved ones were brutally ripped from them. It would be a long time before it fully dawned on me that my parents, my baby brother, Arthur Weasley, Viktor Krum, and countless others were gone forever.

Ron wasn't the same with the loss of his father. The boy I'd loved slowly changed until he was dark, quiet, and frail. I missed the old Ron terribly, but to ask him to change for my sake in the middle of a war would be too selfish, so I stood by and watched as my friend fell apart. Harry changed too, even more so than I had thought he would. He also missed Mr. Weasley, but I think it was Ginny's sadness at losing her father that really got to him.

Eventually, the war ended. With the help of Ron and I, Harry defeated Voldemort—but the victory came with a price. Harry received another horrible scar that ran from just under his left ear all the way down to the front of his abdomen. He could barely move without feeling great pain, and so he and Ron came to live with me in my parents' old house, where Ron and I could take care of him.

But the brightest, happiest miracle imaginable emerged from that suffocating darkness. Thousands of Death Eaters were revealed after Voldemort's death, having lost almost all power. Many were sent to Azkaban, given the Dementor's kiss, or killed on sight. Those that were members of an elite class, however, like the Malfoys, were given a choice: spend a lifetime in Azkaban or become slaves to the very people they'd tried to wipe out.

And so, Draco Malfoy came to be my slave.


"Ron! Harry! I'm home!" I yelled, carrying the brown paper bag in both arms as I kicked the front door shut behind me. As soon as I was hidden from the view of prying muggles, I levitated the bag to the kitchen counter and began removing its contents.

"Oi! Did you get the oranges?" Ron asked as he zoomed down the stairs; if one thing about him had not changed, it was his enormous appetite.

"Yes. And the onions. And the shrimp--" I said as Ron pulled the items out one by one as I rattled them off my list. I paused as I saw something questionable, but which I'd bought anyway. Raising an eyebrow, I asked, "Ron?"

"Hmm?" he asked, already peeling an orange and stuffing it into his mouth.

"Why do we need…squirt…cheese?" I questioned, holding up the spray can and not quite sure what he planned to do with shrimp and 'squeeze' cheese.

"Ah! Thank you, 'Mione!" he said, grabbing all the food and rushing up the stairs to his room. I sighed as I reached into the bag and pulled out the newly-refilled bottle of Harry's pain medication; I crossed the kitchen to the sink, opening the bottle. Turning on the faucet, I moved a cup beneath it with one hand and opened the window above the sink with the other. It was a beautiful day; sun streamed blindingly through the window, warming my face and arms. I closed my eyes. The only sounds were the running of water, a radio off in the distance, and…an owl.

My eyes snapped open. I looked out the window, but saw nothing. Suddenly, cold water began to spill over the lid of the cup in my hand; I had overfilled it immensely during my daydream. I turned off the faucet and tipped water out of the glass, still looking out the window for the owl.

Then it hit me. Literally.

"HEDWIG!" I screamed and dropped the glass into the sink; it shattered loudly. I fell back onto the floor, completely surprised. The large, white bird was flapping her wings in my face, and I held my arms up to shield myself, should her claws catch hold of anything by accident. "Get off this instant!" I demanded. Hedwig hooted loudly and settled on the kitchen counter, feathers lying all over my newly swept floor.

"Hermione? What's…Hedwig!" I heard Harry exclaim. I stood up, brushing myself off. Bloody owls. I looked up to see Harry coming down the steps carefully, his cane in one hand. I could see the pain on his face as he took each step.

"She…just flew in for a visit…" I grumbled, beginning to pick up feathers.

"So I heard," Harry laughed, reaching Hedwig and petting her gently on the head. "Oh! You've got a letter, 'Mione!"

"Hmm?" I hadn't quite gotten used to sharing Hedwig with Harry and Ron, since Ron's owl had disappeared in the war. "Who's it from?" I asked, reaching for it as Harry took it from Hedwig.

"It says…Ministry of Magic. Raculia Minicent. Urgent business." Harry looked just as surprised as I was. Raculia Minicent was the new Minister of magic, since the man with a former claim to the title was also lost in the war. I'd never received anything from Minicent, and quite unexpectedly, three months after the war was over, I was getting a message concerning "urgent business".

Harry raised an eyebrow as he turned the letter over to me; excitedly, I tore open the sealed envelope and jerked out the letter. I read it quickly at first, and then slowly, to be sure I wasn't imagining things. I could not believe my good luck.

"What is it?" Harry asked. "Read it!"

"Yeah, read it, whatever it is…" Ron demanded, stuffing cheese-covered shrimp into his mouth with a ferocious hunger.

It took me a moment, but I did eventually remember how to use intelligent speech.

"'Dear Miss Granger, it is with great pleasure that I inform you of a recent circumstance which has come to my attention. Several of my fellow workers attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with you some time ago. They were able to supply me with enough evidence to confirm that one, a certain Draco Malfoy, son of the late Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy and co-conspirator in the deaths of over 1,130,034 muggles and magic folk, was also a terror to you in school.

"'As you are well aware, we at the Ministry of Magic attempt to station past Death Eaters in homes where they will serve those they caused the most pain. And you, as far as I can see, Miss Granger, certainly are the one person that Draco Malfoy deserves to serve for the rest of his miserable life. He has very little remaining magical capabilities with which to harm you, so have no fear of resistance. If you wish to employ Mr. Malfoy at this time, please send post immediately with your reply. Thank you, signed, Mr. Raculia Minicent!'"

I let out a gasp as I read the information out loud. Harry's jaw dropped to the floor and cheese-covered shrimp fell out of Ron's mouth. It was completely silent for a moment; it was just as well, because I almost could not come to terms with the fact that Draco Malfoy, murderer and my childhood tormentor, could either serve me for the rest of his life…or go to Azkaban for eternity. I grinned at the thought that no matter what I chose, he would still suffer. But somehow I thought that having the precious ferret serve his hated enemy and be treated as the dirt beneath my fingernails was a far better punishment.

"Well…when's he comin'? My sheets haven't been washed in ages!" Ron blurted, filling his mouth with more food. I shook my head as Ron left the room again. Harry leaned forward as far as his injury would allow and caught my attention.

"Are you sure you want to do this? He could still be dangerous. Never, ever trust someone who--"

"Trust him? Who said anything about trusting him? This is merely employing him to serve his most hated enemy…other than you, Harry dear…for the rest of his sick, twisted, worthless existence. What could go wrong?" I asked slyly, eyeing the letter once quickly before jotting my reply down on the line on the bottom. Signing my name, I rolled the letter up and attached it to Hedwig's leg. With a hoot, she was out the window with more than a letter; in her claws she held the only thing that could possibly make me happy at a time like this.

"What did you say?" Harry asked as I turned to clean up the broken glass in the sink.

"Oh! I almost forgot, Harry…" I said, temporarily ignoring him to hand him his pill and a new glass of water. He grinned at me sarcastically, and I smiled back. "Just make sure you take it this time. Anyway, what do you think I said, Harry? That boy…creature…whatever he is, killed our friends…our family…people we loved. Malfoy could live with Azkaban…he spent time preparing for that in case he was caught. But the one thing he never prepared for was serving a pathetic, frail Mudblood like me. And that, Harry, is the one thing I'm going to make sure he can't handle."

Little did I know that in the end…I would be the one who couldn't handle Draco Malfoy.

End Chapter

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