Author has written 14 stories for Harry Potter, Star Wars, Birds Of Prey, Fairy Tales, Underworld, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Gossip Girl, Ringer, and Vampire Diaries. I'm lazy on grammar. sorry. -.-. (aka: i suck at it) I have a lot of one pieces that i have done. I read fanfiction more then i actually write it. I may or may not post. I have been spending a bit more time grammarizing stuff. Just to let you know. I enjoy: Buffy, Angel, Gossip Girl, Harry Potter, and Vampire diaries. Fav Couples: Buffy/ Angel, occasionally: Buffy/ Spike; Blair/ Chuck; Elena/ either one of the Salvatore brothers. I hate Angel and Nina idea. BLAH!!! I love the idea that Connor is really Angels and Buffys son and Darla was just used as a vessel to carry the kid. (Buffy got pregnant in IWRY, and when Angel took back the day, he took the child and when he slept with Darla it was the perfect time for the PTB to implant connor into darla.) Quote: Dorota: If KGB can't get me to talk, Chuck Bass has no chance. |
ArthursCamelot (11) Bre-dust2dust34 (22) Cosmyk Angel (6) | DomageIsAPirate (1) frosty600 (6) IamTheAlleyCat (23) | Janis 70 (20) Silverfawkes (13) |