Update: 02/13/09. Changed Pen Name from "Sei the purple Ryu" to "Kailanichan" Oh my gosh. x_x I'm sorry, everyone. D: I'm on the site occasionally, but only do I ever read stories, and occasionally tag a few with a story alert, or drop a review. And tonight (well, this morning), I realized that I've been a very bad authoress. I remember my attempts at fanfiction and cringe: I'm now aware that they were less than pretty. Much less than that. So I decided to delete my stories: I know no one's waiting for them any more. I only feel bad that I lost all my wonderful reviews.. however, I do believe I have them archived. I do so love all the people who have reviewed and stuck with me, encouraging me, and though I know very few of you are probably left, I extend my fondest gratitude to you all, even if you haven't written a reivew, only put me on an author or story alert. Hey, I know, I've done it more times than is proper, I know. However.. maybe, once I get my lazy butt in gear, I can perform a massive overhaul to my otherwise inactive (at least in the way of posting stories and updates thereto) account. If I find the inspiration, muses so help me, if I can bring myself to root through all my old stories which are saved on my hard drive, massively rewriting the ones I have already written and who have even just a modicum of potential to be saved, working up the courage to trash those which are beyond a shadow of a hope of repair, and hopefully, even (gasp to think it!), fashion some new, and hopefully infinitely better, material which may of be some literary pleasure to someone, somewhere. But until that (at best) remote possibility, this profile shall remain, story-less as you see it now. However, I do hope to return one day: I love writing, I just a lot of improvement to do. Thank you all for bearing so patiently with me: if you're reading this, you deserve the gratitude, for checking on an author which I'm sure everyone thought long dead. If you wish to contact me, I am best reached through email or MSN instant messenger at kailani (underscore) ishita AT hotmail DOT com. kailani_ishita@ Whether to drop a friendly greeting, or to drop a review of an old story, or to suggest things you'd like to see me write, or even to pester me to get back to penning (or, rather, typing) fanfiction, it's appreciated. 3 So, to end all, thank you all, and goodnight. |