Title: Your Wish Is My Command
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: KakashixIruka
Rating: M
Spoilers: This story will contain slight spoilers for the events before the time-skip.
Status: Chapter 6 of 6
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't make money.
Warnings: This story contains shonen ai (love between men) and yaoi (physical love between men). If you don't like these subjects, please don't read any further and refrain from flaming me because of it.
AN 1:
I'm terribly sorry for the long delay. I've had this chapter finished since Wednesday and tried to upload it since then, but ff(dot)net wouldn't upload it properly and then didn't let me edit it. I thought I'd go nuts.
Your Wish Is My Command
by nayru-kleinefee
Chapter 6
"I'm sorry that you had to wait so long for the invitation, Genma-san." Iruka smiled at the Special Jounin.
"Please don't worry about that, Iruka-sensei." Genma grinned, looking a little strained. "I had the flu, too."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that and- Oh, Kakashi, could you stop that? Hinata-chan certainly wouldn't like to hear about this."
The Jounin did his best to look oblivious. "Stop what?"
Iruka sighed. "Maiming, mangling, squashing, slaughtering your piece of cake. Which Hinata-chan made herself."
"I'm eating", Kakashi assured, feeling a little guilty. The sweet little girl had been beaming when she'd brought the cake.
"Yeah, sure." Iruka snorted softly. "And you have to look as if somebody stole your Icha Icha while doing that."
"I'm eating", Kakashi mumbled. And no, nobody had stolen his Icha Icha. But Genma was stealing his time with Iruka.
"Oh, dear…" Iruka chuckled. "Anyway, I'm going to make new tea. Please excuse me, Genma-san." He stood up and walked towards the door to the kitchen. "Oh, Kakashi, would you help me, please?"
"Alright." The Copy-nin stood up, forced his fork into the last bigger piece of his cake with a glare at the paling Genma and followed Iruka.
"Trying to look scary again?", the Chuunin asked softly the moment the door closed.
"It was 'menacing'." Kakashi pouted.
"Trying to look menacing again?" Iruka turned to him and shook his head.
"Sure…" Iruka chuckled and embraced him. "You're driving me a little nuts right now. Can't you believe that Genma only made a mistake?"
"That's not the point…" Kakashi nuzzled his face into the Chuunin's neck.
"Not?" Iruka sighed but tilted his head to give him better access. "Then can you at least be a little less menacing? And try to be nice to Genma? I really can't see him fidget anymore whenever you move your fork."
"I can try…" Kakashi looked up and pressed his mask lips on Iruka's.
"I could reward you for being nice…" Iruka smirked. "Although I know I shouldn't."
"What kind of reward?" Kakashi grinned.
"Mmmmh…" Iruka licked his lips. "What would you like me to do?"
"Ah… let me think…" Uh-oh, dangerous ground.
"Better think fast." Iruka gently bit his jaw. "The water's almost boiling."
Yes, the water too. Kakashi cleared his throat. "Apple pancakes."
Iruka blinked. "Apple pancakes?"
"With vanilla sauce." That would be at least the second best thing he could think of.
The Chuunin started to laugh. "You're rather… peculiar."
"And chocolate chips on them."
"Hey!" Iruka laughed more. "That's enough now."
"Okay." Kakashi tightened his hold around him. Enough, indeed.
----- ----- -----
"M-hm?" The Chuunin turned with a smile.
"Iruka…" Kakashi sighed. "I'm sorry, but I have to go on a mission."
"You… oh." The smile vanished.
"It's very important that I go, Iruka", Kakashi told him softly and embraced him. "Tsunade-sama has to send me." He would have to rescue three hostages from their captors before the ultimatum would run out.
"I understand." Iruka hugged him. "Do you have to leave soon?"
"Right now. I'm sorry." Kakashi kissed his hair.
"Don't be sorry, there's no reason for that. We're both shinobi." Iruka sighed. "Please come back safe."
"I promise that I will do my best to come back to you."
"I promise I'll be here waiting for you", Iruka answered and looked up, a small, warm smile on his lips. "Now kiss me goodbye and leave before I change my mind and lock you up in my bedroom."
"I will use that excuse the next time I'm late for something." Kakashi grinned and leaned in to kiss him softly. "Wait for me."
"I will." Iruka nuzzled his nose one last time.
"Hey, boss."
"Pakkun." Kakashi sat up in his sleeping bag. "How is Iruka?"
"He's alright. Your 'Eternal Rival' is watching over him." Pakkun rolled his eyes, indicating clearly what he thought about green, youthful Jounin.
"Did he-"
"Yes, he sends a message for you." The pug rolled his eyes again. "He says, I quote, 'Tell Kakashi to come back to me soon.' Puppy eyes. 'And that I miss him.' Wide eyes and waving hands. 'Or no, don't tell him that I miss him, he would only worry.' Frown. 'Tell him… tell him I'm fine and can't wait to have him back.' Smile, then pout. 'And that I will kill Gai-sensei if he says that I'm 'his Eternal Rival's most important mission to accomplish in the Springtime of his Youth' one more time.' More pouting."
Kakashi laughed softly. "My poor Iruka."
"Yes, indeed." Pakkun shook his head. "So, what do you want me to tell 'your poor Iruka'?"
"Oh, there's no need for that. I'll be with him the day after tomorrow anyway, probably around morning." Kakashi grinned. He'd successfully completed his mission in record time since he'd been very motivated to do so. And now he would take another well-earned nap and then hurry back into Iruka's apartment and arms.
"But sure you'll want to tell him that."
"I don't think that's a good idea." Kakashi shook his head. "It's possible that I'll get delayed and then he would only worry. I will better surprise him."
"Oh. But then you certainly want to send him your… I don't know, some sappy declarations or something?"
"I'm never sappy", Kakashi declared. "And I don't know why that's any of your concern and-" He broke off and looked at the pug suspiciously. "You know, you seem awfully anxious to get back to Iruka…"
"Me?" Pakkun looked at him, eyes big and innocent. "You're imagining things, boss."
"Spill", Kakashi ordered.
"Really, boss, there's nothing t-"
"Self-made hamburgers for dinner", Pakkun confessed.
"Greedy little-"
"And Iruka-sensei asked if I wanted to stay the night. He said he feels lonely without you." Pakkun flinched. "And then he said that I shall not tell you that he does."
"Oh", Kakashi breathed. "Iruka feels lonely without me?"
"Yes, boss."
Kakashi mentally calculated the distance from his position to Iruka's apartment. "Go back to him and keep him company", he ordered then while he started to pack his things. "I should be there somewhere around tomorrow afternoon and evening, but don't tell Iruka in case I don't make it till then."
"Back. Mission accomplished. Report tomorrow. Going to see Iruka", Kakashi said hastily the moment he entered the office, already turning around again to jump back out of the window.
"Better don't be late, brat!", he heard Tsunade shout after him.
"Yo, Gai", Kakashi greeted while he hastily yanked off his stiff vest. "Thanks for taking care of Iruka for me. Bye, Gai."
"My Eternal Rival! I-"
"Bye, Gai." Kakashi shoved him out of the door rather roughly, then slammed it shut. "Bye, Pakkun."
"Sure, boss." The pug snorted and left in a cloud of smoke.
"Kakashi!", Iruka scolded. "That's- Gah!"
"Missed you", the Jounin whispered and tightened the embrace even more until he heard him gasp for breath. "Missed you, Iruka."
"Mi… missed you, too", the Chuunin gasped.
"Mmmh..." Kakashi let go a little to nuzzle his face into Iruka's neck. "Mmmmmh..." Perfect, so perfect. He'd missed this so much.
"Kakashi", Iruka whispered softly. "Welcome back. I'm happy that you're with me again." He tilted his head to kiss the Copy-nin's temple, then gently pulled down his mask.
"Me too." Kakashi embraced him tighter and happily invited the Chuunin's tongue inside his mouth, then purred into the kiss when hands gripped his hair.
"You purr", Iruka laughed. "Hatake Kakashi, famous Copy-nin, purrs."
"So what? I bet you purr, too." Mmmh… Iruka purring…
"Is that so?" Kakashi grinned. "I bet I can make you purr." He walked forward slowly until the Chuunin's back hit the wall of the living room, then leaned his head forward to nuzzle his throat.
"Mmmh…", Iruka sighed. "That's nice… but it won't make me purr…"
"We'll see." Kakashi nuzzled his neck, then his ear and afterwards chewed on the lobe. This brought to him more sighs and a little gasp, but no purr. Damn.
"Do that again", Iruka whispered breathlessly and lifted one of his legs to stroke it up and down over the Jounin's.
"Only if you purr." Kakashi nipped at the ear one last time before he moved his mouth to lick the shell slowly, deliberately. But this was not good enough. He had to get Iruka into a better position to find a way to make him purr.
"Mmh… Whoa!", Iruka gasped when Kakashi first gripped his buttocks, then lifted him up. The Chuunin wrapped his legs around his waist and laughed softly while he was carried towards the bedroom.
"There's nothing to laugh about", Kakashi told him while he carefully laid him onto the bed. "I've not given up yet." A rather small part of his mind was trying to tell him that this probably was Not A Good Idea, but he did his best to ignore it. He wouldn't do anything… drastic, he was just making up for the time he had been away on that mission.
"I'm not going to purr", Iruka declared, grinning.
"We'll see." Kakashi lay down on him and buried his face on the side of the Chuunin's neck, nuzzling, nipping and kissing the tender skin there while his hands slowly massaged Iruka's strong chest through his shirt. He'd missed this so much, to hold Iruka close, to touch him, to smell him, to taste him.
Iruka gasped and moaned softly, and even gave a little whimper at a slightly more forceful nip on his throat. Kakashi could feel shivers run through the body beneath his own, and then the Chuunin wrapped his arms around him and gently lifted his head by his hair to kiss him deeply, closing his eyes while Kakashi did the same.
"Kakashi…", Iruka sighed, his breath caressing the Jounin's lips and face and making him open his uncovered eye. "Please… make love to me."
Kakashi froze completely.
"Kakashi?" Iruka opened his eyes. "Kakashi?"
He couldn't do that. He wasn't allowed to do that. Kakashi looked at Iruka's face, flushed and oh-so-perfect, and swallowed hard. He couldn't do that.
"Kakashi." Iruka lifted his hands and placed them on the Jounin's cheeks. "What's wrong?"
Wrong? Wrong?! Everything, everything was wrong, because he wanted to make love to Iruka so very, very much, but that would be wrong. But he still wanted it, wanted to make Iruka his.
"Kakashi", Iruka whispered softly and stroked over his face soothingly, tracing the edge of his headband still hiding his left eye. "Tell me what's wrong."
"I… I can't", Kakashi choked out and desperately embraced the Chuunin to clutch him against his body while he hid his face in his neck. "I can't make love to you."
"But why n-"
"I can't risk to hurt you, Iruka. I can't risk to take advantage of you again. I can't be sure that what I do is right, but still I can't stop it, and I keep doing things that I know are wrong, but I can't help it. I can't… I… I…" Kakashi felt that he was breaking down there and then, the fear and insecurity and tension of the last weeks together with the slight fatigue from the mission finally becoming overwhelming.
"I want it", he whispered, "I want it so much. But I can't, Iruka, I can't, I'm not allowed to. I can't be sure that you want it, that you don't only think you want it because you feel that I want it, that I need it. I need you, so much, so very much. I need you looking at me like you do and talking to me like you do and caring about me like you do, and I need to feel this, all of this, but I can't be sure that you want it, too, and that… and that…" He gasped for a strangled breath.
"I need you, Iruka. I need you and I want you and I can't stand the thought that I might hurt you and that I might make you sad and that you might leave me because of that. I want you and I want you to want me back and I want… I… I want you and… I only want you, only-" He broke off and once again felt his whole body freeze.
No. No, please. He hadn't wanted to do that, to say that. And he didn't want to see those eyes, those wonderful eyes empty. He didn't want to see Iruka empty and-
"But I want it, Kakashi. I want you, only you."
Kakashi's eyes opened wide.
"I've already wanted you before the jutsu affected me. And now I want you even more, and I need you, too, and-"
"Say it again", Kakashi whispered.
"I need you, Kakashi", Iruka whispered back.
"Say… say the word again. Please." He didn't move, not a single muscle, his body so tense that it hurt all over.
"I-" A soft gasp, then silence.
"Please say it", Kakashi pleaded desperately, afraid to look up.
"I… I want you, Kakashi." Iruka voice was soft, disbelieving, hopeful, hesitating, unsure.
"I want you." A soft, relieved laugh. "I want you, Kakashi."
Kakashi gasped softly, a painful, trembling sound. But it didn't matter, he didn't care about the pain, he hardly felt it.
"I want you to stay with me, Kakashi", Iruka told him softly. "Just as you've promised. I want you to be with me and stay with me and never leave me. You promised. And I want that."
"I want that, too." Kakashi lifted his head up and looked at him, feeling his heart pound in his chest from happiness and relief and gratefulness and joy mingling with each other and making his head spin. He lowered his head slowly until he could kiss Iruka softly, sweetly.
"Do you feel different?", he asked when they parted again.
"Happier, much better." Iruka smiled up at him. "But because of you, not because the jutsu vanished. I don't know when that happened." He frowned softly. "Could even have been days ago, Gai-sensei didn't try the word on me to find out."
"Doesn't matter", Kakashi whispered. "You want me, that's all that matters."
"I've wanted you the whole time." Iruka tenderly stroked over his cheek. "Why did you think I wouldn't?"
"I… I thought that maybe the jutsu made you feel my desire for you to want me and then made you act accordingly", Kakashi confessed. "I was so afraid to do anything that could hurt you later because you hadn't really wanted it. I was afraid you could hate me."
"Is that why you so often stopped it when we were about to come close?", Iruka asked softly.
"Yes", Kakashi whispered. "I was afraid to take advantage of you, but sometimes… sometimes I couldn't resist. Please don't be angry."
"Kakashi… Why should I be angry?"
"I… Because I in a way thought that you weren't able to decide freely what you wanted to do. I did what everybody else did, what you hated."
"How could I be angry?" Iruka kissed him tenderly. "You are a good man, Hatake Kakashi. You always think of me first, and that…" He swallowed hard and his eyes started to shine wetly. "Nobody's ever done something like this for me."
"How… how good for me", Kakashi told him, trying to make him laugh a little and afraid that he would start to cry, too, if Iruka did. "This way, I didn't have to make anybody disappear to take you from them."
"I won't let anybody take me from you." Iruka smiled. "And you from me neither."
"Mmmh… I feel safe now." Kakashi grinned.
"Me too." Iruka's smile softened. "I feel so safe when you're with me." He gently pulled the Jounin's head down and kissed him slowly. Without loosening his left hand's grip in the silver hair, Iruka moved his right down Kakashi's back and tugged at his shirt until the Copy-nin reluctantly broke the kiss and pulled off the cloth, along with his mask and hitai-ate. And then he let Iruka's shirt follow, just to be even.
"Mmmmh… I like how your skin feels on mine", Iruka sighed while he traced the faint scars on his pale chest. "I can't wait to feel it on my whole body."
"Whatever you want." Kakashi grinned before he quickly opened his pants, then moved his hands to get rid of the Chuunin's while he tugged his own down with his toes.
"Is that one of the stunts you have to be able to pull when you want to become Jounin?", Iruka laughed and lifted his body up so Kakashi could pull down his boxers and throw them… somewhere. Anywhere. Not that he cared.
"It's handy." Kakashi grinned while he got rid of his own boxers, then sat up next to Iruka and just looked at him. He'd already seen most of him when the Chuunin had come from the shower or while they'd been intimate on the couch, but this was something completely different. Now he could see all of Iruka, gloriously naked, and it was so, so much better.
"I want to count all your scars one day", the Chuunin whispered, tracing one on his collarbone. "And then I will kiss every one of them."
"Why not start today?", Kakashi suggested.
"I have other plans already." Iruka flashed him a lustful smirk, then pushed him backwards until the Jounin lay sprawled on the bed. He climbed onto his lap, straddling him, and Kakashi shuddered when he felt his warm weight on his already sensitive groin.
"Perfect…", he moaned and placed his hands on the Chuunin's hips, then groaned when Iruka trailed soft, teasing fingertips over his heated skin.
"You'll feel so good…", Iruka breathed huskily, his gaze locked with the Copy-nin's. "So good inside me…"
Kakashi felt his body shudder violently and himself harden immediately while his hands tightened their grip on Iruka's hips. God, the thought alone… And he knew it would be impossibly good with Iruka, like nothing he'd ever experienced before, because he'd never felt so close, never cared so much before.
"I'll feel you inside me tonight", Iruka whispered while he took one of the Jounin's hands from his hip and placed it around himself, letting Kakashi feel him harden more and more. "I've wanted that for so long already, Kakashi. Even more than being inside you. But we'll do that soon, too."
Kakashi's eyes widened. He wasn't sure if the tremors running through him came from anticipation or nervousness at Iruka's last words. But then Iruka leaned down to kiss him, to claim and possess his lips forcefully, and he found that he would do anything Iruka wanted and that he also knew that everything Iruka wanted to do would be good, so very good.
"I want to have you in me tonight", Iruka panted against his lips. "And I want to sleep in your arms tonight and wake up beside you tomorrow. I want that, Kakashi. I want that." He kissed him once more, gentler and slower this time.
"Yes", Kakashi panted and quickly moved his hands to hold his head and lips in place. He wanted to hold Iruka in his arms that night and wake up beside him in the morning. And he wanted to do that every day from now on.
"I'm so happy that you'll be yourself tomorrow", he murmured softly, arousal pushed aside for the moment by a much more tender feeling. "That the jutsu won't affect you anymore." And the next day, Iruka would be like this, completely fine and himself, and the day after that, too, and the days after that.
"I'll be myself and wanting you still, don't worry", Iruka whispered, then smirked. "And now shut up unless you decide to moan my name." He started to lick and nip his way down Kakashi's body. "I'll accept whimpering and shouting, too."
Kakashi closed his eyes and more than happily obeyed the Chuunin's demand while he felt Iruka move over his chest and then stomach. God, it felt so good to know that Iruka wanted him, that he was alright again. And Iruka would still want him the next day, and then do this again because he wanted it. And Kakashi could be sure about that, completely sure, completely… sure…
"What if the jutsu's not gone but only weakened enough for you to resist the word?", he wondered out loud and immediately wished he hadn't.
"What?", Iruka asked, looking up at him from right above the Jounin's groin with an disbelieving look on his face.
"What if it comes back during the night?" Kakashi took a deep breath. "What if you're affected again tomorrow?" Or even right at this moment?
"You're kidding, right?", Iruka asked.
"I… I…" Kakashi looked at him. What if the jutsu was still there? What if it would come back in the morning, strengthened? But if that really was the case, Iruka was stronger than it. Iruka was fine now, and he wanted him.
"I will not let you go now", Iruka declared.
But could he be sure? Could he be sure that Iruka was completely able to decide without Kakashi's desires having any influence on him? Could he be completely, completely sure? Could he be sure enough to take the risk of hurting him?
Kakashi sighed. The answer was easy, painfully easy.
"You're thinking again, aren't you?", Iruka growled. "I already told you that you're thinking too much."
"Iruka, I…" Kakashi looked at him. He didn't want to say this, he really didn't. "We can't." He couldn't risk it.
"We can", the Chuunin growled back. "And we will."
"I can't." Not if he couldn't be completely sure.
"You can't?" Iruka wrapped his hand around him, making him gasp. "I don't think so."
"Iruka, I- Iruka!" Kakashi arched his back when suddenly tight, wet heat surrounded him.
Iruka squeezed him with one of his hands and used the other to tickle his left upper thigh, then lifted his head slowly until Kakashi could feel the cold air on his wet skin. But what made him gasp even more was the lustful, promising, almost devilish smirk on Iruka's lips.
"I." Iruka licked him once again. "Want." He started to crawl up his body. "You." He licked over the Jounin's lips. "Inside me. Now." He lowered his hips and rubbed them against the Copy-nin's.
"Irukaaa…", Kakashi groaned. He wanted… so very much… but he couldn't… he shouldn't…
"I have condoms and massage oil in the bathroom", Iruka coaxed. "All I need now is your… consent." Another smirk. "Give me what I want."
"Iruka, I… I can't… be sure… not completely…", Kakashi panted breathlessly. "I want you, but I can't be sure." He closed his eyes, afraid that he had hurt Iruka. But he couldn't give in to his desires now, he couldn't risk to hurt Iruka even more.
For a long, too long moment all he could hear were his and Iruka's breathings and the frantic, anxious pounding of his heart.
"Damn, you idiot", he heard Iruka growl then. "You make me feel as if I'm raping you." Then the Chuunin lay down on his chest. "I'm not happy now."
"Sorry", Kakashi whispered hoarsely and embraced him, impossibly relieved.
"I'm very much not happy now." Iruka bit him sharply. "In fact, I'm very unhappy now. And I will only be happy again if you make it good again."
"Sorry", Kakashi whispered and turned them around until he lay half on him. "I'll make it good." He knew he wouldn't be able to stop now, knew that he had to pleasure Iruka, not only to make it good but also because he felt the overwhelming need to see him while the Chuunin found his release. He would have to force his conscience to take that.
"You'll better do that." Iruka pouted and glared up at him. "I'm no happy Chuunin if I don't get what I want."
"I'm sorry, Iruka." Kakashi kissed him softly to stop him from pouting.
"Why do you have to be so damn careful with me?", Iruka murmured. "Why do you have to be so damn considerate? Why do you have to make me feel so damn good with that?"
"I can't risk to hurt you", Kakashi told him softly. "Even if it means to make you angry."
"I'm not angry." Iruka sighed. "How could I? When you're so good to me?" He sighed again. "It makes me feel… precious."
"You are precious to me", Kakashi whispered and tenderly traced his eyebrows, cheekbones, nose and finally lips with one fingertip. His eyes widened and his mouth opened in a silent moan when Iruka opened his mouth and took his finger in, licking it and sucking on it gently.
"Right now", he whispered and released the moist but very happy finger, "I would prefer to be moaning." He arched a challenging eyebrow, a smirk tugging on the corner of his lips. "And precious."
"You'll get whatever you want from me", Kakashi gave back breathlessly. He let his right hand stroke over the Chuunin's cheek and neck, then chest, stomach and hip until he reached his groin. Starting to stroke him, he leaned his head forward and captured Iruka's lips in a slow, deep kiss, trying to show him how grateful he was that he was understood.
"I'll have you… tomorrow", Iruka panted. "The moment you're… comp- mmh… completely sure that- ha… that I'm fine…" He placed his left hand on the back of the Jounin's neck and held him in place to kiss him again.
"Whatever you want", Kakashi whispered back. "When I'm completely sure, you can have from me whatever you want."
"I'll rememmmh… remember that", Iruka told him. "Whatever… I want…" He moved his right hand downwards to the Jounin's groin.
"No", Kakashi murmured. "Just let me make you feel good." He tightened his hold around him, earning himself a low, breathy moan, then tried to remember and imitate what Iruka had done with him the last time. He moved his hand, watching Iruka gasp and his eyes widen, then the Chuunin made some absolutely delicious noises, only to be described as something between shout and whimper, and Kakashi decided that whatever it would take, he would hear them again and again.
"Ka… ka-ah! K'shiii…", Iruka half panted and half whimpered while he tightened his hand's hold in the Jounin's hair and pulled him closer for a deep, hard kiss. "Don' you… d-dare to ssstop…"
No, Kakashi knew that he would never stop this, not for anybody or anything. He longed to see Iruka get lost in pleasure, longed to see his eyes get hazy from bliss and his body boneless from sated exhaustion. It was the best state Iruka could be in.
Kakashi continued pleasure his Chuunin while he lowered his head as much as he could to kiss and nip Iruka's neck and his left collarbone. On a particularly good spot right between collarbone and throat, he started to suck, gently first, then more forcefully. He wanted to mark Iruka as his, no matter how ridiculous that might be. He wanted to see something of himself on the Chuunin, wanted to know that there was something labelling him as his, his, his, for nobody else to touch in any way.
"Yesss…", he heard Iruka hiss. "M-mark… me…"
His body trembling at hearing these words, Kakashi sucked harder until he was sure that there would be a glorious love bite visible, then hurried to get his lips onto Iruka's again. He could feel the Chuunin's breath come in short, panting gasps and felt anticipation building in him to see Iruka find his release.
"Let go", he coaxed. "Iruka, let go. Let me see." And then he squeezed and felt the Chuunin shudder violently.
Iruka squeezed his eyes shut and arched his back, then shouted Kakashi's name while his hand tightened a little painfully in the Jounin's hair. His whole body shivered, his muscles flexed and his skin erupted in goose bumps while Kakashi saw the Chuunin's chakra ripple furiously. Then he suddenly went limp and boneless with a long, low sigh which held the Copy-nin's name.
Kakashi watched him, just watched him while he slowly caught his breath again, let go of the Jounin's hair and finally opened his eyes. And yes, that was it, that was the look he always wanted to see, the look that not only showed tenderness and trust and care but also this certain sort of oblivious, sated bliss that indicated that for Iruka, there was only Kakashi at the moment and nobody and nothing else.
"Kakashi…", Iruka whispered softly, making the Jounin shiver, then slowly pulled his head closer and kissed him lazily.
"Iruka", Kakashi whispered back and wrapped his arms around him to press him against his body.
"You haven't come yet", Iruka murmured. "I thought you would also take care of yourself."
"Don't worry", Kakashi told him. "I can now." How could he have even thought of himself while the Chuunin had been making those noises and looking like he had?
"Let me…" Iruka moved to crawl downwards.
"No." The Jounin gently stopped him. "I… not today." Not before he couldn't be completely sure.
"Hm." Iruka frowned a little before he kissed him again, then smirked at him, a little exhausted maybe but still devilish. His eyes locked with the Copy-nin's, he took his right hand in his, lifted it to his mouth and slowly started to lick the index finger.
"Oh… Oh my…" Kakashi couldn't breathe for a moment, then just knew that he had to die or at least lose consciousness right there and then when Iruka took his finger in his mouth all the way, swirling his tongue around it.
"Now show me", he whispered and released the finger. "Show me, Kakashi."
"Sh-show you?", the Jounin panted. "What?"
Iruka just smirked again, then slowly moved his hand holding Kakashi's down until it reached his aching groin. "Show me", he demanded again. "I want to see you."
"Irukaaa…", Kakashi breathed in a trembling voice but felt his hand wrap around himself and start to move nonetheless. He could see Iruka watch him with hungry eyes, his lips slightly parted. When the Chuunin slipped his tongue out to lick over them, Kakashi moaned softly, desperately.
"Do you know how delicious you look right now?", Iruka whispered. "Touching yourself and moaning and panting and… god, Kakashi, I want to take you in my mouth now."
"P-please", Kakashi panted and tilted his head to kiss him. "Please, Iruka…" He needed to taste him, needed to feel Iruka's tongue on his. He wanted to pull him close to do that, but he needed his left hand to stabilise his shaking body and couldn't move his right hand, not with Iruka looking at him like that.
"But I can't do that now", Iruka continued. "I want to look at your face when you come and I can't do that when I have you in my mouth." He leaned his head forward until there was barely any space between his lips and Kakashi's. "But I'll do it tomorrow, Kakashi. Tomorrow I'll do with you whatever I want. You promised."
"Y-yes", Kakashi forced out. "What… whatever… y-you… want…" So close, Iruka's lips were so close, and he couldn't reach them, couldn't stop his body from shaking uncontrollably to get closer to them. "P-please…", he begged.
"Yes, Kakashi", Iruka whispered soothingly and then finally leaned forward and kissed him, slipped his tongue between the Jounin's unresisting lips and let him taste his addictive, unique flavour, and Kakashi felt his body tremble even more, his arousal increase and himself throb more insistently.
"I'll feel you inside me tomorrow", Iruka whispered against his lips, then bit the lower gently. "And it will be so good, Kakashi. I'll make you feel so good, I'll make you scream my name when you come inside me, and I'll scream yours. And then I'll have you take me again. I want you to take me until I'm not able to walk anymore, Kakashi. I want to feel that I'm yours, that you made me yours. Will you do that?"
"Yes!", Kakashi moaned. "I'll make you… mine…" He kissed Iruka again, hard, deep and desperate, so desperate for release now from this sweet, delicious torture.
And then, without breaking the kiss, Iruka suddenly moved his hand and there was a sudden, soft touch on his heated skin and it was enough to send Kakashi into a shuddering, trembling, absolutely mind-blowing orgasm. He yelled out Iruka's name but couldn't hear it because Iruka was still kissing him, felt his hand tighten painfully but still perfectly around him and then everything became black for a moment before he found himself lying on his back, still panting harshly.
"I didn't really expect you to black out", he heard Iruka chuckle beside him.
"Hm." Kakashi wasn't sure but thought that he probably should be embarrassed. But then he decided that he was too sated and dizzy to care. Mustering up all his remaining strength, he turned his head to look at Iruka.
"You know, I just decided something", the Chuunin announced, smirking. "If you tend to black out, I think I'll just ride y-"
"Don't", Kakashi pleaded weakly. "I might die if you say that."
"I will just ride you tomorrow", Iruka told him slowly, grinning.
After some moments of mental pictures, Kakashi blinked out of his frozen stupor. "You're such a meany."
Iruka laughed. And then he took a deep breath and laughed more. And then he leaned forward and kissed him deeply.
"Tomorrow", the Jounin panted after they broke the kiss. "Promise me that you'll be like this tomorrow. Yourself."
"I've always been myself, the whole time." Iruka smiled at him gently. "I only somehow couldn't really make clear to you what I wanted and that I really wanted it. But now that I can do that again and can tell you, I won't let anybody take that from me ever again."
"I won't let that happen", Kakashi promised and stroked over his cheek tenderly, then traced the outlines of the love bite he'd made earlier with his fingertip. "You're mine now."
"I am." Iruka kissed him softly. "And I wouldn't want it any other way." He trailed one of his fingers over the Jounin's chest until he reached the stains of their lovemaking there. "We have to wash that off. It will be itchy soon." And with that, he got up from the bed and disappeared in the bathroom.
Kakashi sighed contently and closed his eyes. Perfect. Everything was perfect now. And he wanted to believe that everything would be perfect the next day, too. He was tired of always fearing the worst and blaming himself for doing something he hadn't been able to stop. He wanted to believe that Iruka would be alright the next day. He had to believe it.
He didn't open his eyes when he felt Iruka come back and a warm, wet cloth on his chest, stomach and groin, not even when the Chuunin called him a 'lazy, blacking-out Jounin' and poked him in his side playfully. He knew that he had to be quiet and seem harmless to catch his prey.
So, when Iruka came back, probably from getting rid of the washcloth, and sat down on the bed, Kakashi pounced. He grabbed the yelping Chuunin around the waist and dragged him to his chest, then held the by now laughing Chuunin there while he one-handedly dragged the sheets over them. When he deemed Iruka wrapped up enough not to get cold, he lay down half on him, threw one of his legs over his and his arm around his waist, determined not to let him go anywhere, came whatever might. And the next day, Iruka wouldn't want to go anywhere but would want to stay with him.
"Comfortable?", Iruka chuckled.
"You're rather heavy."
"I'm not moving", Kakashi declared and closed his eyes. There. He was asleep now. The next day could come, and then Iruka would be all fine and himself and know what he wanted and want him.
"You never made me purr", Iruka told him smugly.
"Damn." But the next day, yes, the next day he would do that. And Iruka would want him to. And tell him that he wanted it. And the jutsu would be vanished completely, and he would be completely sure. And he would know that it had been vanished that day already, that he hadn't done anything Iruka hadn't really wanted.
----- ----- -----
The next morning, Kakashi found himself sitting in his kitchen while he sipped his already cold coffee and stared out of the window without seeing anything… anxiously waiting for Iruka to wake up. If only the Chuunin still felt the way he had seemed to the last night. If only Kakashi hadn't made the biggest failure of his life by giving in to his desire and hurting Iruka with it. If only-
A yawn. "Good morning."
Kakashi felt the mug slip from his hands when he jumped up in surprise and whirled around to look at Iruka. He heard the ceramic fall to the floor and shatter, but seeing the other – eyes still hazy and sleepy, hair tousled and the only clothes on his frame a pair of low-slung boxers – made the Jounin instantly forget everything else but the Chuunin in front of him.
"Kakashi!", he heard Iruka exclaim and saw his eyes open wide. "Your feet!"
"Hm?", Kakashi murmured.
"You'll burn yourself!" Hastily, Iruka took a step forward and pushed the Copy-nin backwards, away from the spilled coffee, then frowned. "Hu? It's cold? How long have you been here?"
"Hm?", Kakashi repeated, distracted by the sensation of Iruka's warm hands on his naked chest.
"Kakashi?" The Chuunin eyed him worriedly. "Is everything alright?" He lifted his left hand and touched the other's forehead. "Don't you feel good?"
"I… I feel good…", Kakashi murmured and closed his eyes at the touch. If only…
"You don't look like it." The warm hand moved lower and stroked over his cheek tenderly. "Tell me what's wrong."
"Nothing's wrong", the Jounin whispered, wishing desperately that it was the truth. "How do you feel?"
"Me? Fine, why do you ask?"
"What do you want for breakfast, lunch and dinner?", Kakashi asked without opening his eye, hoping and praying. Oh all merciful heavens, if only…
"For breakfast, lunch and dinner? Why do you ask now what I w-" He heard the Chuunin gasp, then silence followed.
"Iruka?", Kakashi asked softly and opened his eye, painfully afraid that he would meet empty brown ones.
His eyes widened and his heart skipped several beats when instead he looked into lively, playful, sparkling eyes and a beautiful smile.
"You're a good man, Hatake Kakashi", Iruka told him, smiling. "And if I may choose, I want – I want, do you hear me? I want a kiss. Right now."
"Oh, thank you", Kakashi gasped in utter relief, then leaned forward and embraced the Chuunin until he could bury his face in Iruka's soft hair. He felt his heart race in relief and joy and gratitude and excitement and so many feelings at once that it almost made him dizzy.
"I don't want you to thank me", he heard the Chuunin laugh softly while he hugged him back. "I want- no, I demand a kiss, Kakashi."
"Yes", the Copy-nin breathed, leaned his head back and obeyed. He brushed his lips over his lover's softly at first, then pressed more when Iruka growled impatiently and finally parted his lips for the Chuunin's tongue.
"Mmmmh…", Iruka whispered into his mouth after they reluctantly parted for air. "More, Kakashi…" He stepped even closer until he was flush against the Jounin's chest and slowly moved his groin against his front. "More… you promised…"
"Iruka…", Kakashi moaned and claimed his mouth in a deep kiss before he pushed the Chuunin backwards until his back connected with the wall of the living room. Without letting go of his lover's deliciously addictive lips, he let his hands roam over the muscular chest before him, eliciting little arousing gasps.
"Kakashi", Iruka panted. "I want you…" He continued his hips' movements and trailed his hands over the Copy-nin's back, his fingernails scratching slightly.
"First…", Kakashi panted, "first… Tsuna… de… already late…" He could hardly restrain himself from complying to his lover's wish; just the thought of taking the Chuunin, making him moan and writhe and scream his name, his and only his, just like Iruka had promised the night before, was almost too much for the remains of his self-control. But he had to be completely, completely, completely sure.
"Don't wanna…", the Chuunin whined and pouted. "Want you… now…" He lowered one of his hands and trailed it to the Copy-nin's chest, then lower until he reached his groin. "Give me what I want", he whispered and started to stroke him through the cloth of the boxers.
"N-no", the Jounin forced out between gasps while he steadied himself on the wall with both hands. "F-first Ts- Aah!"
"Give me what I want", Iruka repeated and smirked. "I wonder what I could do to convince you…" Without breaking eye-contact, he slowly got to his knees, then tugged down the Jounin's boxers before-
"Oh god, Iruka!", Kakashi moaned hoarsely and closed his eyes when he felt the hot wetness engulf him. He couldn't help but thrust a little at the pleasure his Chuunin was providing. "Iru… Iruk- Ah!"
Iruka hummed softly, making the Copy-nin throw his head back and groan deep in his chest. Then Kakashi heard himself whimper and gasp, then beg and shout and felt his hand find its way into Iruka's hair. This was heavenly sweet torture, this was paradise and hell at once, and he never wanted this to end and still wanted so badly to feel the ecstasy Iruka was promising, wanted-
"You disgusting bastard! I trusted you!"
Kakashi jumped in shock at the booming voice and heard Iruka gasp beneath him and felt him let go. Before the Jounin could so much as turn around to the intruder, an inhumanly strong hand had already gripped his neck and he was yanked back from his lover brutally before a fist connected with his jaw and the force of the hit sent him flying through the room until he crashed with his head against the opposite wall.
"How can you dare, you bastard?!", were the last words he heard before he passed out.
Oh god, his head hurt… Kakashi groaned right after he felt himself regain consciousness. Holy hell, why did his head hurt like he'd had a whole bar worth of sake or overused his Sharingan eye worse than ever or-
"Kakashi?", a soft voice whispered. "Is it very bad? Do you want me to give you something against the pain?"
"Iruka?", Kakashi croaked, then flinched when his own voice resounded painfully in his throbbing head.
"I'm here." The Jounin felt a warm hand take his, the contact somehow managing to ease his pain. "Don't move too much. Your skull is fractured and even with Tsunade-sama's help it will need at least some days to heal."
"What happened?", Kakashi whispered and tried to open his uncovered eye. At the third attempt, he finally succeeded and caught sight of his lover and a white room. Urgh… he hated hospitals… but at least Iruka was with him.
"Tsunade-sama knocked you out. She wanted your report and when we didn't show up for my check-up, she came to the apartment to check on us. She broke the door and came in when she heard… shouts from inside", the Chuunin told him softly, blushing, and moved his free hand to stroke over the Copy-nin's hair. "She saw us and because she didn't know that I was fine again already, she thought you were raping me and taking advantage of me."
"I would never… do that, Iruka…", Kakashi whispered.
"I know." He saw Iruka smile warmly. "And I explained everything to her. She's still angry that we didn't report immediately this morning and wants to talk to you about that, but she is also very sorry, Kakashi."
"She better is…" Kakashi closed his eye again. He wasn't really sure whether he should be angry at the Hokage for assuming that he would ever take advantage of Iruka like that or be glad that she cared so much about the Chuunin that she even went to beating up an elite Jounin to protect him.
"And I'm sorry, too, Kakashi", the Chuunin told him. "If I hadn't insisted on… on staying instead of going to her for my check-up, nothing would have happened to you."
"It's fine…" Kakashi grinned despite the pain that caused in his head. "'s not that I… refused much…"
"True", he heard Iruka laugh softly. "But I'll still make it up to you." A soft kiss was placed on the Jounin's masked lips. "I will pamper you and get you extra blankets and hot-water bottles and make tea and chicken soup for you. I will even read your dirty book to you if you want that. And when you're well again, I will do anything you want, anything."
"Don't have to…", the Copy-nin whispered.
"I know, stupid." Another kiss. "I won't do it because I feel that I have to. I will do anything you want because it's what I want to do. All those weeks, you've done everything just for me, made sure that I was safe and never thought of yourself. I want to give some of that back to you, Kakashi, not because I feel that I have to but because I want do it for you."
"Want that…", Kakashi murmured while he felt himself start to drift back to sleep.
A gentle hand combed through his hair and then Iruka carefully pulled down his mask and kissed him tenderly. Kakashi smiled. He had a cracked head, a monstrous headache and would be getting a scolding from the Hokage – who'd seen him happily getting his little Copy-nin spoiled by another man and was the head of the village's gossiping community, by the way – quite soon, he summed up while he decided to use his last conscious moments to make plans on what to do with the 'anything' Iruka had promised.
His life never went smooth. But he wouldn't want it any other way.
AN 2:
Lucky poor Kakashi, isn't he?
This chapter's been hard to write, not only because I have incredibly much to do at the moment, but also because I at first planned to let them have 'real' sex. But I was never happy with that since I had the impression that it would have been too smooth for Iruka saying, 'Hey, I'm fine again now, so take me. I want it', and Kakashi just jumping the opportunity. (Or the Chuunin, rather.) It wouldn't have fit with him being so very careful and doubting all the time. Therefore his kind of sex (because I think it still counts as sex what they did).
(Oh, and I really enjoyed making Iruka take the lead and being pushy. It's fun.)
Anyway, thank you all very much for your support and comments. It especially made me happy to hear that you thought the same about the doujinshi that inspired me to write this.