Author has written 1 story for Yu-Gi-Oh. You must be lost! No? You want to be here? Ok...suit yourself. But if you need to escape, the exit is that way! (points down to multiple story links) Updated: November 10, 2007. I'm sorry for all the bad news guys! I currently have two Yu-Gi-Oh! stories up right now. Unfinished stories: Finished Story: Favorite Anime: Yu-Gi-Oh! Other favorite TV Shows: Stargate SG1 (seasons 1-8) Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! Pairs I last posted on June 2, 2007. About My Stories: Finding Fanfiction Net- This is my first fanfic. Our favorite YGO characters find And they start reading our stories. What chaos ensues? It's in two parts. [Discontinued due to loss of matieral and documents Comfort in the Storm- Yugi wakes up during a storm and seeks Yami's comfort. He finds out that everyone has fears; even Yami. Brotherly fluff is included. NOT YAOI |