In Due Time
# CW: I'm so sorry I've taken so long. Thank you to Siberianwhite for motivating me to start again! And… WE HAVE A WINNER! I REPEAT, WE HAVE A WINNER! The victor in the Tristan versus Duke showdown is… TRISTAN TAYLOR! With ten votes to three, our chisel-headed strong-and-silent type leaves narcissistic ladies-man Duke Devlin twiddling about with his dice-earring and wondering what he's doing wrong. The final vote was cast by Nall-chan. Sorry all you Devlin fans! #
'Are you feeling ill, Mr Wheeler?' The young policewoman placed Joey's plastic lunch tray on his little table and turned to look at the teen.
Joey was sitting on his bed with his back against the wall, his head in his hands.
'Just a headache, that's all.' Joey had grown tired of snapping at the cops. He mostly saved his anger for the interview room.
'Well, I reckon you should have a check up anyway, just in case.' Said the woman. 'We have to be on our guard, you know. It's very easy to get sued these days.'
'Fine.' Groaned Joey resignedly.
The policewoman bustled out of the room, locking the cell door.
Joey massaged the bruise on the back of his head. It was from where Mai's crutch had hit him a few days ago. It wasn't serious, he knew that, but boy, did it hurt!
He wondered where she was now. Had she forgotten him, or was she out there, frantically searching for more evidence? And why had Téa and Tristan called in to report something that hadn't happened? Was Yugi Ok? Who the hell was doing this to his friends?
This was what Joey hated the most, being cooped up in here, all these questions buzzing round and round inside his skull, dizzying his brain, with nothing to do but eat, sleep and stare at the blank walls.
He had asked for the cops to bring him some different clothes and a couple of comic books, but they seemed to forget every time. At least he could have a shower more often than he did at home, and wearing the same underwear for days at a time wasn't exactly an alien experience to him, but he'd give anything just to be outside.
Why can't this just be over? He thought, craning his neck back to look at the ceiling.
All the things he could be doing right now! It was lunchtime, so he could be sitting at home with his sister, having a nice quiet meal, or down at the burger place with Yugi, Téa, Ryou, Duke, Serenity, Tristan and Mai, or taking Mai to a nice restaurant by the pier where they could share an ice cream and talk about life and love –
God, he missed the guys. Especially Mai.
The door opened.
'Mr Wheeler?' It was a kindly-looking man in his early forties, with greying hair and small circular glasses. He wore a white coat and a stethoscope, so Joey presumed this was the doctor.
'Hey, doc.' Joey grinned bitterly. 'Come to poke me around and ask me nonchalant questions about what I'm doin' here?'
'No.' smiled the doctor. 'I'm here to do your check up. A headache, isn't it?'
'Yeah, it's just a bruise.' Said Joey. 'It's not, like, some sort of highly infectious disease, so don't go puttin' on the white mask and gloves, Ok?'
'Ok, kiddo.' Said the doctor, taking a couple of steps across the room to Joey's bedside. 'Could you just move all that hair out of the way for me?'
Joey grumbled, but parted his hair at the back where the crutch had hit him and leaned his head forwards so the doctor could see.
'Ah yes.' Said the doctor. 'Nasty one there. How did that happen?'
'A girl hit me with her crutch.' Said Joey quietly.
The doctor shook his head, tutting. 'Rejected, eh?'
'Hell, no!' Joey grinned, thinking of Mai. 'It was an accident. You should have seen what happened later.'
'Hmm. Do I want to ask?' the doctor smiled.
'Dunno, but I sure don't wanna tell!' Joey winked cheekily. He liked this guy. It was the first time in weeks he'd met someone new that he actually liked.
'Ryou – what are you wearing?' Téa stood in the doorway, her hands on her hips.
Ryou grinned at her, his pale face flushing slightly. 'I like to dress for the occasion.' He said. 'Anyway, I'm not being serious.' He took the hat off and tucked it into his coat pocket.
'You gotta admit, Ryou, that was pretty bad taste.' Said Tristan. 'I mean, this is serious and all - '
'Ok, I was only trying to lighten the mood a little.' Pouted Ryou. 'Anyway, it works for Sherlock Holmes - '
'Yeah, but he's not real.' Said Duke. 'Hate to break it to you.'
'Guys, please.' Said Serenity quietly. 'We need to help my brother. He - ' Her big green-brown eyes filled up with tears. 'He means the world to me.'
'I know how you feel.' Mai swallowed heavily before continuing. 'I don't know where I'd be without him. I can't imagine a life with no Joey in it.' She suddenly realised the others were staring at her. 'Don't you agree?' she added hastily.
'Hey, let's not just sit around.' Yugi looked up from his hospital bed, setting down his mug of coffee carefully on his tray. 'We need to prove Joey's innocence.'
'Hey now, don't get yourself too worked up, Mr Wheezy.' Winked Duke. 'Those ribs of yours need a rest.'
'Right.' Said Mai, sitting down on the end of his bed. 'So what do we know?'
'Well…' began Téa thoughtfully. 'Someone's trying to kill you, and it seems they want Joey to take the blame. First there was the petrol bomb, then the gun thing, then the poison, then Yugi was attacked, Joey was arrested, Keith claimed to have been hired by him to kill you, and you were mugged while he was still at the police station making a statement. Do you think the mugging could be the same guy trying to kill you?'
'I say it's Keith.' Said Tristan. 'He got himself arrested and then told the cops it was Joey. It's obvious, but why would he do it? Revenge, perhaps?'
'I definitely think Keith's in on it.' Agreed Mai. 'But there's more to it. Like he appeared all beat up on our doorstep, and the bleach appeared under Joey's bed while Keith was with us. It must have, because he had to use it in the kitchen, then get it up to the bedroom, and he didn't ever go up the stairs.'
'What could the star-chip mean?' mused Ryou. 'It's the only solid clue, unless it's just there to drive us off the scent.'
"I did it once'…' muttered Mai. 'Reality. 'I can do it again in reality'…'
'You on to something, Mai?' Duke nudged her and she snapped back to the present.
'Perhaps.' Said Mai. 'I was just thinking of what the mugger said. 'I did it once, I can do it again in reality'. That could mean…' Mai's eyes (I must not mention the rhyme again…I must not mention it…) lit up. 'Guys! I've figured it out. This guy is someone I duelled, and lost to. But that would mean…' Mai swallowed gently. 'That would mean he wants to kill me.'
'So this could easily be the same guy!' exclaimed Yugi.
'Yugi.' Said Mai slowly. 'When the guy grabbed you from behind, what was it like?'
Yugi raised an eyebrow, but Mai was looking at him intently, so he began. 'He had these huge, rough hands.' He said. 'Almost as big as my head, I'd say. They felt like they'd been through years of doing the same thing, if you know what I mean.'
'Huge hands.' Said Mai. 'The mugger had huge hands.'
'Not much proof that he was one and the same.' Said Duke. 'And there's no link to the other attacks from either of them.'
'Well, I reckon that's where we should start.' Said Ryou. 'At the scene of Yugi's attack. We could find something that links those two.'
'Yugi's attack.' Said Tristan thoughtfully. 'Yeah…'
'Wait!' Mai shot to her feet, the jigsaw fitting together. 'Panic!'
'No, dude, don't panic. I mean, we're never gonna get this sorted if we…'
'No, don't you remember?' Mai cut Duke off, swinging round to face the others with an assured expression on her face.
Yugi's eyes widened, if that is actually possible. 'Yeah…' he breathed. 'That explains everything. Hiding in the shadows, springing up when you least expect it, huge hands, fire, the star chip…man, we need some solid evidence, Mai.'
Duke was beginning to get frustrated.
'Look, guys, could someone please explain this?' He said.
'An eliminator from Duellist Kingdom.' said Mai breathlessly. 'He defeated me in a battle where he hid behind shields and darkness, and used fire to terrify me into submission. Then Yugi beat him. So now he sees it as my fault, and he tried to kill me. When he couldn't do that, he went after Yugi. And he's obviously hired Keith to do some of his work for him.'
'Of course!' exclaimed Ryou. 'I tell you what we need – we need Keith to do something decent and speak for Joey. He's our only hope.'
'But Yugi did that thing to Panic.' Said Téa. 'You know, that mind-wipey thingy.'
'Yes.' Agreed Yugi. 'How could he have…'
Ryou turned away from the conversation. Someone was speaking to him.
'You know.' It said. 'You must not tell, my slave. My weak little mortal, be silent.'
'I must speak with him.' Thought Ryou with all his strength. 'Take me to Panic. He owes me his very existence.'
'Fool!' Chortled Yami Bakura in his mind. 'It's me that he owes. Why would he listen to a mere child?'
'Go away.' Ryou's eyes were set, and his expression was firm. He would do the right thing.
'Ryou? Dude, are you Ok?' Tristan touched his friend's shoulder.
'Yes…fine.' Said Ryou softly. 'Fellows, I have a lead.'
'Huh?' Yugi sat up painfully. 'What?'
'It's too early to tell.' Explained Ryou. 'I must go. I'll meet you lot here later.'
'O-k…' Duke raised an eyebrow.
Ryou turned and strolled out of the room.
The big man stood in an alleyway, his palms resting against the opposite brick wall.
Why had they evaded his efforts? Yes, little Yugi was injured, but nothing had gone according to plan.
That imbecile, Bandit Keith…
Yes, it was all his fault. Why had he chosen to employ a petty criminal? Why not a mastermind like himself? A master of disguise and trickery, back from the dead to haunt those who had destroyed him…
The big man's body stiffened on hearing the voice in his head.
'Panic, it is your master. Someone is coming. Hear them not.'
'Who is coming?' said Panic out loud.
'Hello.' Sneered a voice from the shadows in reply.
'Are you… are you the one my master is warning me about?' Panic looked round jerkily, his crazy black mane quivering, his hideous features drawn in fear.
The figure emerged.
'Do not fear, my slave.' Replied the figure. 'I am he.'
Yes, it was his master. Panic was half-relieved, but half twice as fearful.
'Listen, my slave.' Drawled Bakura. 'You must do this for me.'
# CW: Dun-dun-duuuuuuuun! More soon, and this time I promise. #