![]() Author has written 11 stories for Elder Scroll series, Sailor Moon, Circle of Magic, CSI, Final Fantasy X-overs, Final Fantasy VII, Haruhi Suzumiya series, Final Fantasy VIII, and Log Horizon/ログ・ホライズン. Find me on tumblr at fireflymoonfox 2/19/14 You know that claim that I'm still alive? It's true. You know that claim that I'm working on stories? It's also true. You know how I say that I'll post something soon? I actually might. (maybe) 3/4/14 Hey, look, I actually posted something! 12/13/14 Minor edits to profile to reflect changed tumblr url, months after the fact. Stories, as always, in progress, no idea as of now when/if something will be posted. Log Horizon is still eating my brain, so if I post anything new that's what it'll be. (Unless I can dust off that Persona 4 bunny again...) |