Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Hello, readers, I am ArkytiorOswinSong, a girl whose always aiming to improve her writing. Likes: Strawberries, making snappish comments and poking people *poke* Dislikes: Strange food - risotto, I'm looking at you -, rude people and ... stepping on chewing gum. Fandoms: The Mortal Instruments, the Infernal Devices, Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Once Upon a Time. Stories: Stellaspes - When Clary, Isabelle, Simon and Alec go to investigate a strange shop in Chinatown, they never expected to be thrown into an alternate universe where Valentine lives and controls the world and people they thought dead alive. Finding home will be hard but when they grow close to the citizens of that world, can they even bear to go? Clace, Malec & Sizzy! The Impossible Moment - When the Moment chose its interface; it didn't choose the Bad Wolf, it chose the Impossible Girl - the girl determined to save the Doctor. The Impossible Girl will go through the Time War, Gallifrey, medieval London, Queen Elizabeth, help stop the bomb that about to blow modern day London and make a decision that will change time. Moment! Clara The Isolation Belonging to Harry - The only thing Harry knew from being abused in Dursleys to being sorted in Slytherin was isolation. Safe in the Snow - John Smith has been travelling with the Bad Wolf for two years. He has feelings that he won't let know and the Bad Wolf feels the same way. In the snow, walking by her side is the best after being nearly killed. ONESHOT. Warning loads of Christmas fluff. PLEASE READ! Taste Like Chocolate - Just sitting out Flourish and Blotts, Harry meets a witch who is also attending the same school as him. Rat - What if Harry had grown up as a thief? When Snape finally finds the legendy Diagon Alley Outlaw Rat, he is actually the Boy-Who-Lived Harry Potter who has scars of his own. What is Snape to do when the boy starts to take a shine to him? "Why do you want to help a filthy rat like me?" "Perhaps it's not you I could help but yourself." Father/Son fic Snake Eyes - THE LONG AWAITED RAT REWRITE! Severus' new student, the glorified infant Harry Potter, does nothing more than annoy him for no good reason. He's brash, cocky and does not listen to reason. But there might be more to his student than he thought and why he was sorted into Slytherin. |