Author has written 18 stories for Happy Tree Friends, Pokémon, Hetalia - Axis Powers, Outlast, Justice League, Flash, Batman, Lazytown, BioShock, Detroit: Become Human, and Web Shows.
2017 Update:
Hey guys...why are you reading this?
Come to see my cringe have you? Well have at it! You'll only find my deep regrets here.
And some Outlast stuff which is actually alright.
Have fun.
Old Profile:
Alright I've been holding this off for a while now, no more procrastinating. Let's do this.
I generally don't write short fics and if you've read a few of my stories you'll notice some traits I like to play with.
First of all I almost always use OCs though I do cheat occasionally by using alternate versions of characters (Jett, 2p Australia, from Go Your Own Way, Hetalia) or literally humanised or mirror versions (Alice, human world White, from White Stained Memories, Pokemon.)
Simply put I like my OCs even if they're totally new or based off already existing characters. If you hate OCs no matter the context, character or story type - you won't enjoy a majority of my stuff. I'm afraid a lot of my OC use is to drive plot, so they're here to stay for the time being.
Secondly I tend to use fairly serious themes in my stories and usually try to make them long stories so as to have more character and development. (I have recently taken to trying to do lemons but I still find them difficult to work around.) In previous stories I've included themes like abuse, betrayal, family affairs, death and even suicide. In hindsight I have a few regrets on this matter but I doubt I'll be chaining my style any time soon. I like to have dark stuff in my stories, that's just how it is.
Lastly, while I write often and tend to get carried away when excited or encouraged, I can be distracted and easily discouraged. As shameful as it may be I take a great deal of solace in reading reviews and even a little bit of angry energy from negative reviews. (Not criticism which is always helpful, more pointless badgering.) At times I tend to just...stop writing. I have periods of time where I never stop and I'm cranking out lots of content then it's just over and I'm quiet again. I'm sorry in advanced and ask you be tolerant with me - I don't like to abandon stories so even if I'm slow I'll almost always come back to it.
I will NOT stop a story with no notice - it's rude and heartbreaking. Don't worry, you'll know if I'm stopping or having a break.
Final note:
I'm friendly but a bit shy. Feel free to talk to me or even suggest or request a story. I can't do everything but I'm more than happy to hear from you. If I don't answer I'm probably just a little nervous about talking to you. I usually don't say hello first - too anxious to do it - but I hope to hear from you guys. :
Black Blood Stained Hearts: Pokemon
The sequel to White Tear Stained Memories, this stays with our original characters though they have been split up and thrown about harshly. Divided and set apart for a few years the group has fallen apart. Friends have become bitter enemies and old enemies have either become allies of even angrier enemies. I won't say much seeing as it is a sequel and it would spoil the first story but it's more developed and mature than the original and the darker themes, while still there, are toned down to a more reasonable level.
This story is in its adolescence but hopefully will be completed soon - it is rated M.
Like everything I write.
Delusion Tax: Outlast
I just want to see Blaire get messed up...that is this story in a nutshell. Let's see how much I can bully Blaire.
Set immediately after the events of Whistleblower, Jeremy Blaire has survived and is now trying to keep on doing as such. He has to deal with the extensive injuries he sustained in the asylum and one stalker who just isn't ready to let him go just yet.
I just started this one. (Haha it's finished now)
It is M because...Outlast.
Go Your Own Way- Hetalia
It is all finished with an extra alternate ending attached.
The story centres around Australia, Christopher Kirkland and his older brother Jett Kirkland, who was Australia before his little brother was born. The focus in on Jett who struggles with both raising and protecting Chris and dealing with guilt from past wrong doings against him, while also trying to avoid England like the plague because of fear and anger over what his big brother did to him in the colony days.
In an effort to reconcile his big brothers, Chris tries to get Jett to talk with Arthur again but due to a number of problems - including but not limited to Jett's stubbornness and Arthurs quick temper - things take a turn for the worst when Germany decides he can use Australia to get back at England for the constant shaming after the Second World War. This leads to abuse, various betrayals and attempts at murder and finally to the brink of war.
This story has more warnings than the other, Abuse, non-con, foul language, sensitive and historical material and obviously a fair bit feels.
It is completely finished and for good reason rated M.
I'd recommend this story far more than the others.
White Tear Stained Memories- Pokemon
While this fic was written a long time ago. To be perfectly honest because of how young I was when I started this, it's a little bit on the irritating side but a lot of people liked it and continue to follow it so I'm going to finish it in the sequel.
The story is an NxOC story though the OC is essentially an alternate universe White. The premise is a very simple, N the character from a popular video game has suddenly shown up in the human world and has parts of his memory missing. So in an attempt to get him home and keep him from causing too much trouble he adopts the help of a guide, in this case a girl who looks a bit like White. Without his beloved pokemon N is forced to adapt to the new world, make some new friends and figure out how this all happened. Mostly its fluff and N being a little bit silly with some romance thrown in but as the story goes on it tends to take on a more heavyhearted atmosphere and N finds out while this world is not as kind as his and how they're linked.
This story is finished but continues in a sequel and it is rated M
HTF Dead Man Holiday FlippyFlakySplendidect- Happy Tree Friends
This is the first fic I ever posted and while I think the premise and story are salvageable, it is old and frankly my poor writing of the time shines through. Id recommend avoiding this one until it can be rewritten and the Mary Sue element removed. However if you like HTF and you're not bothered by my warnings I think you could still get some joy out of it. I plan to re-do this story some time soon and hopefully make it worth a good read or two.
The story is about the residents of Happy Tree Town getting ready for their christmas and new years celebrations, of course this is difficult with their tendency to die and cause mayhem. In an effort to have everyone attend the social gathering, the gang tries to think of ways to help Flippy deal with things like fireworks and loud noises. Flippy is struggling with Flipqy or 'Evil' and amongst all this there's a new resident who doesn't quite seem to have their best intentions at heart with an old enemy pulling the strings. Of course everything spirals out of control and all sorts of new arrangements must be made. There is a mix of pairings in this story including (my favourite) Flippy/Flaky, Evil/Flaky, Oc/Splendid, Splendid/Splendont, Splendont/Ocish.
This story needs a re-write but is currently finished. It is rated M
It's also awful. Don't read it.