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Joined 07-27-11, id: 3109637, Profile Updated: 03-28-12
Author has written 1 story for Hetalia - Axis Powers.

Oh, uh, hey!
Welcome to le profile of .. me! 8D

I'm a soon to be 19 year old girl from Sweden who loves to read and write (when I'm not on a damned writer's block.) fanfictions.
For soon two and a half years I have been really into this series called Hetalia (Axis Powers/World Series) so that will be my foremost
genre of fanfictions I write. There might pop up some Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts though. ;D

Apart from fanfics, I'm a cosplayer (Final Fantasy and Hetalia) and a bisexual. I have a wonderful girlfriend that I love.
She's mine, so back off ;D

Hetalia (Yaoi) Pairings that I ship (Countries - names/fanmade names)
My OTP at the moment is:
*EnglandxAmerica/AmericaxEngland ~ ArthurxAlfred/AlfredxArthur*
And the rest (not in any particular order!)
AustraliaxCanada ~ AustinxMatthew
PrussiaxAustria ~ GilbertxRoderich
SwitzerlandxAustria ~ VashxRoderich
EnglandxCanada ~ ArthurxMatthew (also the other way around)
NetherlandsxCanada ~ NathanxMatthew (I ship them, but I like them mostly as friends, though)
IcelandxCanada ~ ÍsleifurxMatthew
SwitzerlandxCanada ~ VashxMatthew
ChinaxJapan ~ YaoxKiku
NetherlandsxCuba ~ NathanxCarlos (This is my other OTP. Just because it's so full of crack 8D)
DenmarkxNorway ~ MathiasxNiels
DenmarkxFinland ~ MathiasxTino
DenmarkxSweden ~ MathiasxBerwald (I don't know, love-hate is nice XD)
ScotlandxEngland ~ AlasdairxArthur (I can't call this love-hate. More like can't-show-love+abuse=HAWT SAKS)
WalesxEngland ~ ElyanxArthur
Northern IrelandxEngland ~ ArdanxArthur
IrelandxEngland ~ FionnxArthur
NorwayxEngland ~ NielsxArthur (also the other way around)
SwitzerlandxEngland ~ VashxArthur (also the other way around)
PrussiaxEngland ~ GilbertxArthur (also the other way around)
SpainxEngland ~ AntonioxArthur ((also the other way around - especially as pirates!!)
FrancexEngland ~ FrancisxArthur (mostly as a past-relationship thing)
RussiaxEstonia ~ IvanxEduard
EstoniaxLatvia ~ EduardxRaivis
SwedenxFinland ~ BerwaldxTino
FinlandxPoland ~ TinoxFeliks
FrancexSpain ~ FrancisxAntonio (also the other way around)
FrancexPrussia ~ FrancisxGilbert (also the other way around)
GermanyxN.Italy ~ LudwigxFeliciano
GreecexJapan ~ HeraklesxKiku
TurkeyxGreece ~ SadiqxHerakles
HRExChibitalia ~ NamelessxChibi!Feliciano
Hong KongxKiku ~ KaoruxKiku
NorwayxIceland ~ NielsxÍsleifur
DenmarkxIceland ~ MathiasxÍsleifur
SpainxS.Italy ~ AntonioxLovino/Romano
SpainxN.Italy ~ AntonioxFeliciano
AmericaxJapan ~ AlfredxKiku (They could date for a while, but they wouldn't last. In my opinion)
SealandxLatvia ~ PeterxRaivis
PrussiaxLithuania ~ GilbertxToris (also the other way around. + check their history!!! Q_Q)
LithuaniaxPoland ~ TorisxFeliks
SwitzerlandxPoland ~ VashxFeliks
PrussiaxCanada ~ GilbertxMatthew
RussiaxLithuania ~ IvanxToris
RussiaxChina ~ IvanxYao
ScotlandxWales ~ AlasdairxElyan
ScotlandxIreland ~ AlasdairxFionn
PrussiaxSpain ~ GilbertxAntonio (also the other way around)
IrelandxWales ~ FionnxElyan

Hetalia (Yuri) Pairings that I ship (Countries - names/fanmade names)
My OTP at the moment is:
BelarusxLiechtenstein ~ NataliaxLillian
And the rest (not in any particular order!)
HungaryxLiechtenstein ~ ElizabetaxLillian
BelarusxHungary ~ NataliaxElizabeta
HungaryxBelgium ~ ElizabetaxBéline/Bella
BelarusxTaiwan ~ NataliaxMei
VietnamxTaiwan ~ YenxMei

Hetalia (Het) Pairings that I ship (Countries - names/fanmade names)
My OTP at the moment is:
PrussiaxHungary ~ GilbertxElizabeta
And the rest (not in any particular order!)
AustriaxHungary ~ RoderichxElizabeta
RomaniaxHungary ~ NiculaexElizabeta
SwitzerlandxLiechtenstein ~ VashxLillian
PolandxLiechtenstein ~ FeliksxLillian
CanadaxUkraine ~ MatthewxKatyusha/Kat
AmericaxBelarus ~ AlfredxNatalia (love-hate!!!)
AmericaxBelgium ~ AlfredxBéline/Bella (I see them in Gakuen form, dating because they're popular xD)
LithuaniaxBelarus ~ TorisxNatalia
PrussiaxLiechtenstein ~ GilbertxLillian
FrancexMonaco ~ FrancisxMonique
JapanxTaiwan ~ KikuxMei
Hong KongxTaiwan ~ KaoruxMei
FrancexSeychelles ~ FrancisxSissel
FrancexJoan Of Arc ~ FrancisxJeanne
EnglandxLiechtenstein ~ ArthurxLillian
N.ItalyxHungary ~ FelicianoxElizabeta
S.ItalyxBelgium ~ LovinoxBéline/Bella
SpainxBelgium ~ AntonioxBéline/Bella
NetherlandsxBelgium ~ NathanxBéline/Bella
PolandxHungary ~ FeliksxElizabeta
FinlandxLiechtenstein ~ TinoxLillian

Why do I love you reviews
"Why do I love you so much that it hurts ..?" A Thistle and Rose fanfic, ScotxEng
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,022 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 71 - Follows: 10 - Published: 3/10/2012 - England/Britain, Scotland - Complete