Disclaimer: I don't own Resident Evil, Capcom, blah blah blah. Enjoy.

Author's Note: Writer's block struck me on Enjoy Yourself so I figured I'd go for my next idea until I feel better.

Warning: This is a slash story so there will inevitably be some sexiness. Also, this is my first story where I will be incorporating Wesker's view as well as Chris. Besides that, enjoy and expect sassy Wesker to appear in later chapters. Sassy Wesker is normal Wesker, after all.

.:Chapter 1:.


Waking up to a blinding white light was not exactly something Albert Wesker was very accustom to. No matter the strangeness, the blond quickly rose to his feet, suddenly aware of his surroundings. The blinding white light was the ceiling light and he had been lying on the floor where an Umbrella symbol was embedded. The room he was in had three pure white, light radiating walls. The fourth was completely glass with three holes, assumingly for air, at the top. All that remained of his clothing was his pants and he could visibly see holes in his arms where needles had previously been.

He was being experimented on.

Wesker stepped up to the glass and looked to the cell across from his. A licker growled and scraped at the clear glass, trying desperately to release itself. Wesker heard no noise despite the visible claw on glass telling him the scientists that were keeping him there had made the cell especially for him. If the licker's cell had no air holes and the blond was not hearing anything else; he was most likely the only human, or close to human, being in the cells around him as well.

Sighing impatiently, the blond punched once at the glass; it shook violently but did not give in to the incredible power Wesker relayed on it in the single swipe. The blond shrugged and looked around to the upper corners of the brightly lit room, his red eyes stopping on the camera with a small blinking red light he hadn't noticed until now.

"You won't hold me for long," he chuckled as he turned on his heel and attempted to grow comfortable in the cell until the opportune moment.

Hours went by of pure silence. Wesker did not see a single scientist or anyone else besides the licker across from him who had seemed to have given up and was resting in the middle of the room with his tongue lazing around the corners of the room to reassure itself of its solitude.

A loud buzzing noise filled the room and Wesker stood but quickly fell to his feet. A large shock had been sent through the floors causing the licker to immediately grow unconscious. Unfortunately, the shock was enough to throw Wesker off balance but not enough to disable him completely and he simply staggered before losing his balance and falling. Growling, Wesker made to stand after a moment but quickly was brought down again, this time completely unconscious, as another shock was sent through the room. It must have been quite the substantial shock to be given if it managed to disable Albert Wesker so simply; or so you'd assume. The shock hadn't actually been very strong and it wouldn't have disabled Albert Wesker without the serum that the scientists had already begun administering to Wesker.

This meant results; the serum was working and fast.

Waking up, yet again, to a blinding white light was quickly growing old for the blond. He suppressed a groan as he sat up, glancing at his arms as he saw the multiple bruised over needle entrances on his arms. His fingers then felt at his neck and he hissed as he found quite a few there as well. The blond stared at the marks on his wrists and upper arm, glaring dangerously as the marks showed no signs of enhanced improving.

He was not healing… not fast enough, anyway.

Wesker released a growl, his eyes now on the camera that stared down at him. He challenged the device with his glowing red eyes that fought to claim the bright lights above forcing the eyes to seem dimmer than they were. He momentarily eyed the cell across from him and found the licker to be gone and the cell to be dark.

"This may be more of an issue than I assumed," Wesker muttered under his breath, his eyes gliding to the camera once again.

Wesker soon lost track of the days as they passed by slowly at first but quicker and quicker. Each day was the same; a loud buzzing would sound then the sound of electricity before sudden unconsciousness. The scientists, whoever they were, knew how to deal with the blond which was beginning to worry him. Wesker would sometimes wake to find food beside him, sometimes not and though he did not need as much as normal people, he could not always deny it. Eventually, his ego died and he allowed himself to eat but how long had it been since he'd had a meal before that, he didn't know.

Showers were done automatically in the cell something even he hadn't thought of until a few days in. An automatic voice would announce for him to disrobe and within three minutes, a small section in the middle of the room would begin to pour down water. There was no soap, of course, but water was enough for now though Wesker didn't know how much longer being comfortable without soap would really last.

Every time he awoke, there were new bruises in different places and more of the previous bruises were remaining. Eventually, each forearm was bruised entirely and they had soon moved to the tops of his hands. It was obvious the bruises were from the serum of whatever the hell they were pumping into him day to day and after a few days of it, Wesker's suspicions were proven when the healing had ceased altogether.

For a while, the blond tested his abilities before and after each unconscious session. He stopped when he realized his power was, essentially, diminishing. It had only been a few days and he could barely make the glass on the door shake when he punched it. Of course, he was naturally skilled with quite a few of his abilities but his superhuman ones were quickly vanishing and despite his best efforts, there was no way for him to stop it.

In fact, he had tried. The first time, he stood on the single toilet in the corner when the electricity hit; that's when he learned the electricity enhanced floor also expanded to the walls. The second time, he sat on the toilet with his feet pulled up, removing himself from touching the walls or floor; that's when he found that the toilet was not porcelain but metal painted white. Beyond that, he had examined the entire room from top to bottom without luck. The shower head that sat above the middle of the room was far too high up to reach, the camera was inaccessible, the plates they served with were paper, the food was simple, water was served in small plastic cups, and everything was done with extreme caution. Nobody walked past Wesker's cell and the cell across from him remained empty. He tried shouting several times but to no avail causing him to assume they secluded him.

Albert Wesker found himself sitting against the wall, his eyes on the camera. The glow they emitted was dull now, much like Wesker's patience and, essentially, any thought that he would be getting out soon let alone alive. It was becoming difficult to stay conscious of any sort of goal he tried to set. Over and over he replayed the moments that led him into this situation and every time, he thought of something different he should have done. Over and over he would think of his situation and consider the obstacles and the environment around him. Over and over he investigated the room to find nothing of use. Over and over, his ego drained as did any sort of determination to leave.

He was losing the will to survive as the ninth months, unknown to him, passed by.

Three months later, Chris Redfield found himself being pulled out of bed at two-something in the morning. According to Jill, the reconnaissance team that was sent to scout a possible lead into one of Umbrella's research facilities seemed to have found something and, immediately, the team was on their way. He currently worked with a small team that was anti-Umbrella and was a mini task force that, quite honestly, didn't get the support they deserved. The group was in Europe, following leads from every direction and this had been their first real sign of hope for months.

"I'm not going to lie…" Chris began making sure to keep his voice above the sound of frequent shuffling, the clicks of guns loading, and the excited chatter. Jill was driving the Ford Escape they sat in, donated by the military, and the group was currently making their way through one of the forests that Umbrella controlled all too much. "We may lose some people tonight. Most of you haven't been able to face BOWs directly…" he continued, speaking into the earpiece that was connected to occupants of the two cars behind them, "but today you will help the world. Before we get into pairs remember, we can do this. We all have devoted our time and effort—hell, our lives have been devoted to bringing down Umbrella and we will do this. Get into your partners, you know your stations and you all have the skills and abilities to make it out of this. Never leave a man behind and never under any circumstance stop fighting."

An echo of cheers erupted in Chris's earpiece and Jill chuckled when she could hear the cheers from the cars behind her as well. Within the car, a calm clapping began but once the cheers from the two other cars caught up to them, it quickly grew loud.

"That was quite the speech," Jill stated, eyeing Chris who sat in the passenger seat.

"Jill, some of them aren't going to make it out of this alive," Chris whispered, eyeing the rearview mirror which showed the barely-twenty-something young men and woman in the back seat chuckling and gearing up for the fight of their lives.

"You don't know that, Chris. This isn't going to be like the mansion incident; BOWs aren't going to be running amok. This is a controlled, still working facility, Chris. Scientists and guards will be our biggest threat."

"We're here for prisoners, right, Captain?" Chris heard in his earpiece, stopping the response he was prepared to give Jill.

"That is a goal but with no real way of knowing which of the captives have been experimented on, can we really—"

"I can do it!" Chris heard instantly cutting him off.

"Was that Lucas?" Jill asked with a chuckle after hearing the loud english voice of the young man from Chris's earpiece.

"Alright, Lucas. Hack the computers, cameras, whatever you need to do and try to find information. Make sure whoever you're partnering with is alert and can help you achieve this. Bringing down Umbrella may be important but helping those who Umbrella is hurting is more important."

"Thanks, Captain! I won't let you down!"

"He is enthusiastic," Jill said fondly causing Chris to shake his head. "Don't be like that. You know he just wants to prove himself. He's a lot like—"

"I know; Brad. I just think he needs to take into consideration the importance of this. He's treating it like a test."

"Maybe that's how he needs to handle it. It's better than running away from it."

"Anything is better than running away."

Neither of them spoke and the excited chatter of the group continued until Jill pulled aside and turned off the car. The cars behind her stopped as well, driving on either side of her but waiting for instruction as Jill looked to Chris.

"This is where recon told us to meet. There," she pointed as a small group of men dressed in black fell from the dark of the woods and into the bright of the headlights of the other two cars.

"They're signaling to turn off the lights. Go dark, everyone," Chris announced to the group. The command was quickly obeyed and Chris got out of the car, flashlight in hand, and approached the team. "Status?"

"The mansion is just ahead. From the looks of it, it's really high tech; Loads of cameras, guards, trip wires. The gun supply is massive and just waiting to be taken since we took out the guard cabin on the east side. No BOWs sighted however there were enough reports to coincide with the descriptions you supplied for us. Outside guards are taken care of as of an hour ago and we check in with the West side with these so they remain unsuspicious," the male in dark clothing held up an ear piece as well as the four others around him. The cameras on the east are taken out as well which caused a bit of an uproar with the techies running the cameras on the West side."

"The West side?"

"West side has their own guard H.Q and I didn't want to stir up too much trouble. They're convinced to just let us handle the "repairs" on the cameras because they sure as hell don't want to deal with 'em."

"Oh good, lazy guards," Jill said from the truck causing a small snicker from the man.

"Yeah, you can say that. Lastly, we heard whose running the joint if you're interested."

"Anything helps," Jill answered quickly.

"His name is Alex, the guards call him Mr. Wesker. He stays in contact with—"

"Wait, did you say Alex?" Chris asked. "Are you sure it was Alex?"

"Yeah, 'course I'm sure."

"You didn't mishear it? Are you positive you didn't hear Albert?" Jill asked removing herself from the car completely.

"It was Alex. There are emails from Alex Wesker on the computers inside of the guard rooms to prove it. As I was saying, he's in contact with a man named Spencer about Project W—"

"Ozwell Spencer? The founder of Umbrella?" Jill asked quickly.

"Yes. This Alex Wesker is supervising this Project W closely so it's important to the company."

"Is that it?" Chris asked, exchanging glances with Jill.

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Set up in the cars and get ready. We're about to move in."

"Yes, sir!"

"Alex Wesker?" Jill whispered as the group moved towards the cars. "Wesker has a brother?"

"I don't think so. It might be some weird power play from Spencer. Either way, he can't be the target, Jill. You can expect him to be just as superhuman as Albert Wesker and just as dangerous. We aren't equipped for something like that."

"What are we equipped for?"

"Bringing down a facility."

Chris explained the situation to the group once available. He had to answer question after question about the Wesker "family" until he finally admitted that he didn't know enough. He explained that it was up to Lucas to find and extract all the information possible while the rest of them infiltrated.

"Everyone got it?"

"One more question: Do you think Albert Wesker will be in there?" Lucas asked carefully.

Chris and Jill exchanged looks before Chris sighed.

"I'll be honest, I don't know where Albert Wesker is but he is alive and out there. He's dangerous and he's evil. He's a monster. If you see him, and all of you know what he looks like, get the hell out of there. Alex Wesker should be taken just as seriously. I don't know if they're related but I know they are both dangerous. If that's all then let's move," Chris said, getting a nod and 'yes sir' in unison.

Chris and Jill led the group into the dark of the forest. They followed the coordinates to the mansion and, after a few quiet minutes of quiet hiking, the group found the forest edge that over-looked the mansion. It was large and far too identical to the Spencer mansion in Raccoon City to allow either Jill or Chris to feel comfortable around it. Several guards stood lazily to the side, flashlights in their hands but no real interest in what was happening around them considering they were talking to each other.

The group made their way, silently, to the West side of the mansion where they passed the walkway that led through the gates and up to the porch. Once to the side of the mansion, Chris motioned for Lucas to go and collect the data from the guard room which looked far more similarly like a shed than anything else. Lucas and his partner immediately made their way into the shed and within minutes Lucas began speaking into their earpieces.

"The entire great hall is empty according to the cameras. Seems like everyone is asleep," he stated. "I'll begin copying emails and going through files. They have to have information on here about the experiments going on."

"Keep in contact with recon," Chris muttered waiting for the 'yes sir' before motioning everyone to move.

The group moved in, separating once they arrived to the side door. Half of the group went around the back where a door sat unguarded. The rest waited for Jill to picklock the side door before piling in and spreading to where they were directed to go by the recon guys who had acquired a map and were talking to them directly.

Everyone had their jobs and directions but Chris and Jill had their own mission and they really didn't need directions on where to go. Both had their handguns outstretched in front of them as they made their way through the mansion seamlessly; ready to shoot whoever or whatever came in contact with them.

"Captain, Blue just took out a few guards in the East side and they're getting ready to take out the rest. Orange seems to think the guards are on break, sleeping, or slacking off," the head of recon informed them.

"Orange is Lucas, right?" Jill asked quietly as they made their way into the Dining Room with no need for directions or a map.

"Yeah. They really need to start getting new layouts for these damn mansions," Chris muttered as they slowly entered the Great Hall.

"They aren't all the same. Raccoon City's was specially built according to Trevor, the guy who built it. The layout of the mansion is the same but the facilities that are underground are different."

"I remember reading something like that."

"It was in the file I sent you," Jill whispered, entering the hallway that sat behind the staircase.

"Think this is the entrance?" Chris asked, eyeing the large painting of a woman that sat on the wall directly behind the stairs.

"I just hope there's no goddamn puzzle to open it assuming it is," Jill whispered before holstering her gun. She gripped both sides of the painting and lifted. There was a low click and the wall behind them opened.

"That was unexpected," Chris stated as Jill released the painting.

The wall opened to reveal a staircase leading down past their viewpoint. The walls beyond the opening were white and glowing as the bright hospitalesque lights that lined the ceiling bounced off them causing the entire staircase the glow.

"Recon was right, boss. Alex Wesker is emailing the head guard frequently about this Project he's watching over. He talks about Spencer enough, too, but it's more about his health. I'm assuming the guy is ill."

"He's old," Jill whispered dazedly before exchanging looks with Chris.

"And evil," said one of the other groups who were on the same line.

"Evil is an overstatement. Crazy is closer," Jill responded before following Chris down the stairs.

"Black going quiet," Chris mumbled and the two of them made their way down into the basement of the facility.

Once the stairs began to level out and they were able to see what was coming up, neither of them was really able to speak. It was a long hallway with doors on either side going until the hallway turned and vanished from sight.

"Are these all cells?"

"Filled with what?" Chris asked as he walked up to the nearest door with a large black number one over an Umbrella symbol.

"It's locked," Chris stated, pulling the handle of the door. "No keycard access, nothing to insert, no puzzle…"

"Is there a way for you to unlock the—"

"Already done," Lucas said causing the door to open in Chris' hands. Jill looked up to see the camera looking down at her and she nodded to Chris who followed her gaze.

"Looks like he'll be keeping an eye out for us even down here," Jill said as Chris slowly opened the door.

"Holy shit," Chris whispered, opening the door wider to show Jill.

The door led to another hallway that was lined with glass doors. Chris walked in first, his handgun at the ready. A lever was to his left but with no indication of what it did, he ignored it. The first few cells were empty but the fourth to his right sat a clearly infected woman in all white clothes.

"Don't bother with this one. It says here that everyone down this block was administered with the T-Virus. They're trying to battle the effects of it and make it controllable with various serums. The one you're looking at is the most recent turn. She was doing well with what they were giving her but she gave up this-"

"Stop it," Jill snapped into her earpiece. "Let's go, Chris."

"I'm sorry. I just thought you would like to know a bit about them. They're victims that deserve to be heard about."

"You have no idea the things I've read, Lucas. Journals by the infected people kept in that awful place. They were tortured and experimented on like animals; Even children."

"I'm sorry, Jill."

"Lucas, can you open up the door across from us please?"

Without a word, the door was opened and Chris held it for Jill, following her inside.

"This hallway is similar but they haven't been administered the virus yet. The researchers were waiting for the responses from the last group. They're human and alive."

Chris walked forward and found the people; some were sitting, others were lying down but all began moving once they heard Chris.

"Release them. All of them. Grey, get your asses to my location and whoever is closest, I need your help."

Lucas released them and the few who were awake stumbled shakily from their cells. They were all questioning the two, some helping those who were asleep to wake up while others were pushing to leave.

"We're here to help. We have a group coming down here to lead you safely from the mansion, please remain calm," Jill stated as Chris directed Grey and Green to their location. "Do any of you have family also trapped here?" None of the prisoners responded with affirmation, some shaking their heads while others growing impatient. The group was of about eight or so and none of them seemed to have been there long, luckily.

"Okay, Grey team will lead you guys to a car where you will be transported to the nearest police station. We have friends there who will take good care of you," Chris said as the grey duo hovered around the doorway.

"You ready?" one of team members asked before leading the scared prisoners from the hallway. Green remained with Chris and Jill, in case the two needed another quick evacuation.

The group made their way back into the hallway until Lucas spoke up once more.

"The next three cell blocks on the right side are filled with animals, all injected. The two in the left are uninfected and have been released." Chris nodded and opened the first door, sending Jill to open the second.

"Make sure that they make it to the forest," Chris said to Green. Both women smiled and guided the large group of animals that ranged from dogs to sheep up the stairs.

"The next cells…" Lucas trailed off as he silently read the information. Chris opened the door that Lucas had already released but immediately stopped when he stepped inside. "Oh Captain you aren't going to believe this…"

"What is it?" Jill asked but Chris motioned for her to stop as he stepped up to the second cell to his right.

The voice pulled the blond prisoner from his sleep and he pushed himself onto his elbow, his eyes on the man standing outside his cell. He slowly stood, stumbling ever so slightly as the exhaustion hit him. He stood as straight as he could, arms at his sides, hair messy and unclean, and face absolutely blank. What pulled Chris' attention were Wesker's eyes. They were no longer red as he had seen on Rockfort. They were a dull, lifeless grey.

"Albert Wesker," Lucas whispered causing Chris to flinch ever so slightly.

Chris eyed the man carefully before his eyes met the black and blue on Wesker's arms, wrists, and neck.

"He's been here for a year now. He is Project W, Captain. They're trying to take away the superhuman abilities that the T-Virus gave him and from the looks of it they-"

"Don't fucking tell me he's goddamn human," Chris growled into his earpiece.

"Not human but he isn't superhuman. Sir, you have to listen to some of the stuff they've done to him."

"I can see what they did to him," Chris stated quietly.

"Chris, maybe we should just-"

"Don't." It was Wesker's voice; quiet and pleading.

A loud blaring noise erupted through the mansion and Lucas immediately began speaking.

"They saw the animals escaping according to Green but Blue is trying to take care of it. Get out of there before the researchers get there. Sir, Albert Wesker is Umbrella's goal right now. Hit them where it hurts and release him!"

Chris stood there, staring at Wesker who was slowly losing his energy due to a recent dose that left him completely energetically unstable. He faltered, falling towards the glass and catching himself with his hand. The glass didn't shake or show any sign of moving and Chris watched the weakness behind the blonde's eyes as Wesker looked up at him.

"Chris, we're running out of time!" Jill stated, stepping out of the door to take several shots at the scientists bursting in. "We can't face Alex Wesker. Not like this! If he finds us we're screwed!"

"Release him," Chris whispered into his earpiece and the glass slid into the floor causing Wesker to lose balance and fall, unconscious. "Let's go! Everyone back to the cars!"

I swear, I won't make Albert Wesker into some sappy guy who lost all will to live and now wants to make his entire life about being good so if you expect it to go there, I'm terribly sorry. You can find this story on Archive Of Our Own, Tumblr, and half on DeviantArt.

I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll be continuing this after I finish Enjoy Yourself so stick around and please be patient!
