![]() Author has written 5 stories for Digimon, Final Fantasy VII, and One Piece. Personality I have enjoyed writing for a very long time and am currently attending Creative Writing Workshop Classes in college. My favorite color is green. I love to sing loudly with the radio when no one is home or if it's just me and my mom in the car, since we both pretty much do the same thing. I love all animals, though my favorites are horses (I am, however, terrified of spiders). My favorite food is my mom's seafood chowder. I also love Japan. Someday I hope to go there and I am currently trying to learn the language (it's coming slowly, very slowly). I am actually quite shy and take most things seriously. That being said, it makes it really difficult and embarrassing to speak with someone when they use sarcasm unless they make it blatantly obvious. My closest friend and confidante is my older brother. I was also homeschooled from third grade to graduation. From fifth grade onward I went to a Christian Homeschool co-op. I wrote my first fanfiction when I was about eleven or twelve. I had made it for a writing assignment and it was based off of Harry Potter and his three cats when he went to live with Sirius, and at some point Ron and Hermione came to visit. It was pretty silly and I'm a little embarrassed now that I wrote it. I had never even heard of fanfiction until a couple of years later. I am now an English Major and am planning on getting my Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. I'd like to go to Iowa State University in Ames, but I may end up going elsewhere, depending on where the scholarships are. A fun and really exciting bit of news - I've been accepted into a three week Study Abroad program in Scotland for Summer 2016. I'll be studying British Literature and I'm really excited! Fanfiction -Current: Crossing Boundaries - A Digimon Story featuring all Digimon seasons and following the five leaders from the first five series on their journey up until and through their appearances in the Xros series. (Chapter 14 of 16 in progress) Conquering Destiny - A One Piece time travel story in which Ace and Luffy find themselves in the past while Luffy is trying to rescue Ace from execution. (Chapter 3 of 30(ish) in progress). Finding Virtue(this title may change) - An AU novelization of Digimon 02 incorporating an original character. (Chapter 1 of 60(ish) completed). One Thousand Words - ON HIATUS: A Final Fantasy 7 story set in Crisis Core during the four years of Captivity. It prominently features two OC, one of which is a "behind the scenes" character in the sequels to this story and the other which is a main character of the sequels. It also features Hojo, Zack, and Cloud. This story is primarily a "set-up" for future stories which will feature Crisis Core from the Nibelheim escape to the end, Final Fantasy 7, Advent Children, and possibly Dirge of Cerberus with a possible original story/plot line at the end. -Completed: None (Boo! But, I'm working on it, I swear!) -Future: Puzzle Pieces - This is going to be a series of one-shots in no particular order, all of which take place in my Crossing Boundaries Universe. This means either during or after Crossing Boundaries as well as during or after Kaleidoscope. Kaleidoscope (Title Subject to Change)- This is the Sequel to Crossing Boundaries and Tying Up Loose Ends. Suffice it to say that it involves a group of original Chosen Children and an Original world and a few Original Digimon. Naturally it will involve all of the other Digimon Series, but that being said, not all of the characters from every series will be present. Therefore, the ones I feel I can write and do justice to will be the ones that show up, not necessarily my favorites or anyone else's. This will be an incredibly long story and currently has sixty-five chapters planned (not outlined) plus an epilogue. -Possible Stories: Underneath the Underneath - A Naruto story based around Minato and his team. It prominently features Obito Uchiha and is a story set before an "Obito survives!" universe (and when I say "survive", I mean it in more than one way...) This obviously has several stories to it which are all in the same boat as the first one. Currently Untitled Fairy Tail Fanfiction in which Jellal is (sort-of) exonerated. It's pretty much a Jellal and Lucy Friendship fic with pairings (implied, if not certain): Natsu/Lucy, Jellal/Erza (and whatever else is in the anime) Ripples in the Ocean - This is an OC-Insert story which is set in the D.Gray-Man world. I don't want to give away any plot twists, in case there is anyone that might be interested, but it is about a girl from our world going to D.Gray-Man. I'm pretty confident that she isn't a Mary-Sue, but a lot of people have different criteria for what is and isn't a Mary-Sue. The first chapter is actually complete, but I want to finish some more before I start uploading, especially because it will be a secondary priority to my Digimon story. Jesus had no servants, yet they called Him Master... He had no degree, yet they called Him Teacher... He had no medicine, yet they called Him Healer... He had no army, yet kings feared Him... He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world... He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him... He was buried in a tomb, yet He still lives today... Feel honored to serve such a leader who loves us. (This was copied from somebody else's page. Don't ask who, cause I don't remember, but I didn't want to have the annoying "If you love Jesus..." thing, because it seems manipulative. I liked the sentiment though, so here it is...) Special Guest: Jesus Christ, God The Father, Featuring DJ Holy Spirit. When: When you enter the Gates of Heaven Where: Kingdom of Heaven How: Just Ask Why: Because God Loves You! ... Come As You Are! Bring Nothing but Your Heart and Soul. Favorite Quote(s) Sing like no one is listening, Dance like no one is watching, Love like you've never been hurt (don't know who said it, but I heard from my pastor) |