Author has written 11 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, and Cyborg 009.
Slash: Hi. I'm back. More or less. That is all.
Jet:...That was odd.
Al: Tell me about it.
Jet: No, I don't think so.
Al: shrugs Wanna go do something?
Jet: Sure.Why not?
they go do something
Slash: ...That was random.
Slasher lurves:
Jet, Albert, Jet/Albert, Femme Bert (ask if you dare! MWHAHAHAHA!), crossdressing, chibis, slash, humor, romance, the Sims, http:///brain.cgi?Slasher242"Feed a hungry Zombie. , Cyborg 009, constructive criticism, feedom of speech/media, numbers 24, 42, 242, or anything involving said numbers, introspection, brooding, angst, Albert angst, Francoise Arnoul, punks, badasses, hotheads, people with egos, my daddy-kins, twincest, underapreciated characters, Apollo, the Ten Twins, Michelo Chariot
Slasher loathes:
close-minded peons who tell her that homosexuality is wrong, Mary Sues/OC, senseless bashing, pp1 Wh0 tYp3 L1k3 tH1s!1111one001, persons whose gots bad grammer; l33t speak, religous zealots who try to force their beliefs onto others, people who cry if they've been told their story could use work when it does, preps, cheerleaders, most jocks, my mother, loosing things, stupid rules, stupid people
Slash: Anyone who has a problem with any of this can kiss my sorry b-hind. I'm going through teen agnst at the moment, and I don't apreciate it when people preach to me because we have different beliefs. Despite all this, I will continue to be the crazy insane fangirl you all know and well, you all know at least.
So Peace and Love,