Title: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Woke Up Gay!

Author: Jaime ( secret_base )

Rating: PG

Pairing: Really vague implications.

Warnings: Not to be taken seriously. Extremely silly. Major OOCness.

Allan Quatermain woke up gay and decided that Moriarty was kind of cute before going to hunt down whoever was responsible.

Tom Sawyer woke up gay, shot random stuff, and wondered where the hell Huck was.

Mina Harker woke up gay and sighed because she was the only female character. Damn you Stephen Norrington!

Captain Nemo woke up gay and cursed the fact that Ishmael was dead. Then he converted from worshiping death to worshiping rainbows.

Rodney Skinner woke up gay and decided to pay a visit to the men's showers. While in use, of course. Ahh, the joys of being invisible.

Henry Jekyll woke up gay and went in search of a cuddle after he decided he needed a hug.

Edward Hyde woke up gay and — ::Screaming ensues.::

Dorian Gray woke up gay and no one noticed or cared.

The End. xD