Fubuki no Kaen

Authors: Xan and Vallen

Rating: R

Warnings: One thing… Or, lot's of things: This is a story with yaoi/shounen ai/slash, whatever you want to call it. If that sort of stuff isn't your thing, then don't read it. But, we hope that you do…

Disclaimer: The characters Marth and Roy, plus "Altea", do not belong to us. We just use them for our pleasure.

Feedback: Yes. (That means we would love to hear from you and what you think!)


Xan:  Wow… I just realized that this is it…  I'll never write thank you's for this fic ever again!  *cheers in background* *cough*  No seriously, I love doing it.  And I've loved writing this fic with my best friend Vallen and I've loved getting to know all of y'all.  There's no better friendship than those made through a connection of good art!  So thanks again to all of you for such a great experience…  I LOVE YOU GUYS!  Geesh it sounds like we're gonna die or something… But that's hardly the case!  Be sure to check out FNOK 2 when it comes out!

Vallen: Erm, what Xan said… This is the end of Fubuki no Kaen, but not the end of our torture for dear Marth and Roy. It will never end!

Important: If you like looking at fanart, you should visit the FnoK fanart section on the XanVallen website! (link is on our profile page). There's some really neat stuff if you haven't already seen it on the yahoo group. Also… there is still work to be done, but all the images are there. Have fun.

Thank You:  Shea (*eeevil grin* It's EASY to stop at cliffhangers!  And FUN!  Look at the reactions I get out of you guys!), LiL PriNCeSs Me (That was a very good cliffhanger, if I do say so myself…  I'm really proud of that one.  ^_^ And Gwen is awesome, we love you Gwen!  And you'll just have to follow FNOK2 of course!), Foame369 (*blinks* I'm sure your pets and smaller family members enjoy being hurled at Gaimen…  We're glad our story is good enough to be "mom-approved" ^_^ And another good thing that comes in twos:  Marth and Roy!  And thank you for reviewing each chappie, we feel honored), LilFilipinoGurl (Hey, don't be too sad!  There's still more Marth and Roy goodness by Xan and Vallen to come!  The testimonial thingie was fun for me to write and I'm glad y'all liked reading it…  And I'm sorry, no kiss in this chapter!  Just wait for the sequel, okay?!), Dark Comet (Yep, things are wrapping up nicely for our two boys…  They deserve a break, don't they?  *huggles them*  Poor babies, it's been so hard.  *coughs*  Um, thanks for the offer, but we don't need any extra charas… we have way more than we can handle running around ourselves.  *coughs*  Thirty main characters in one fic, not counting their evil twins.  [Sadly, we've done that -_-;;  we're maniacs]), Crockgirl13 (Don't worry, this may be the last chapter, but we're not stopping any time remotely soon!), Evui (Aw, you'll have a reason to come back!  To re-read it, duh!  And the sequel!  ^_^ We love you guys for reading it!  And PLEASE be patient on the yaoi!  There's a ton more yaoi in the sequel, so just hold on until then, okay?), heLLcheRRy (*bows* Thank you, we try.  *looks at fic, which is dead from love*  ^_^;;), Yami Hikari the Elf (Yes, Gwen DOES rock!  We should form a Gwen fan club, then maybe she'll be able to have some confidence… ^_^  *loves herself and Vallen for the cliffhangers*), YoshiMars (Yes yes, since there's a sequel, we all know that Roy's gonna live.  But it's fun to imagine what would have happened if I HADN'T told you guys about the sequel and it just appeared one day.  ^___^ I think you'd kill me though.  I'm beginning to think a little Gwen-shrine may actually be a really cool thing to have… and maybe one to Rowen too, since he kicks ass.  I kinda miss Rowen, actually.  And yes, this is the end.), Jennie (Yep, bastard seems to be the key word for the FNOK villains…  Trave was a rat-bastard and Gaimen is just a bastard.  Cliffhangers of DOOM!  I like that. Hope Otakon was fun!  We'll forgive you for not reviewing 'cause we know how awesome Cons are!  *Akon memories*  ^__^), pannybaby123 (Yes, poor Roy!  But don't feel too sorry for him, he's got a few tricks up his sleeve… *sly look*), Sinnatious (I always look forward to your reviews!  It kinda does make you wanna stand up and cheer along, doesn't it?  *smile*  And yes, that cliffhanger was aaaaaaaaall mine.  And I am very proud of it.  But luckily, we can't fit any more cliffhangers into this fic 'cause it's the end!  Or can we?  …BWAHAHAHAHA!  Vallen in particular is good at ending lines…  it's a gift.  ^_^), The Flame Panther (Oh wow, patience!  It will be rewarded, fear not!  Hope ya love this last chapter…), Pichu*Star (The end IS near!  Glad you liked the dialogue and stuff in this chapter and we're so happy to hear that Gwen has such a fan following!          Vallen and I love her and we're glad that y'all do too!  She needs the support... And glad to know that you think of us so highly!), Joh (WAH! A MARTH FAN!  We're a rare breed, ya know.), klar (Klar!  It's great to see from you again! *was afraid you'd abandoned us*  No not really!  We know you love us.  ^_^ Hope ya like the end...), Persian Kittie (Waugh!  Heh, I have absolutely no wish to redeem myself, thank you!  I like living in sin!  Glad you liked the cliffhanger. *smirk*), tikimoof (Congrats on being the500th review!  Gwen rocks, Roy's choking and Marth... well, marth is about to have his hands full, let's just say that.  And you'll just have to wait and see what happens to them.  ^_^), Asudem (Thank you! Maybe I should have Marth give speeches more often.  Hope ya like this!), MysticalWoodElf (^_^ Always leave 'em wanting more!  I think we do that QUITE well, don't y'all?), Domlando Blonaghan (Thanks for the high praise and we're glad you stopped by to look at FnoK! I'm kinda hesitant to report "abuse" to the powers that be, but we'll see), and Sake Girl Duelist (Heh… Thank you for that bit of drama… ^^ Made me laugh.)

Roy choked, his eyes widening at the taller man.  His hands flew to wrap themselves around Gaimen's, trying to pry them off of his throat.  The man's fingers were hot and sweaty, but that did not change the force of his grip. The teen cried out and his movements to free himself became more frantic. Suddenly, there was a spark at his fingertips and a roaring fire exploded in the region around Roy's throat.

          When the fire disappeared, Roy staggered back with a gasp.  He had not been hurt, but Gaimen…  The boy's bright blue eyes flickered towards the spectators with shock and horror.  That was when he heard Gaimen's yell of pain and revulsion, turning his eyes to see what the ex-king and all of the commoners were staring at.  All that remained of the man's fingers were bloody, charred stumps.

          'You didn't cut off his hands…  I wanted you to…' Marth's words, spoken so long ago came back to Roy with startling clarity as he realized what he had done.  He stood there with his mouth hanging open in surprise, his muscles too paralyzed with shock to allow him to move.

          Marth stood staring at Roy and Gaimen, his expression morphing from one of astonishment to rage, and then grim satisfaction.  He strode over to stand beside Roy, his countenance radiating both tranquility and a lust for vengeance.  The prince could be a very frightening man.

          "That is enough, Pyromancer."  He spoke in a soft tone, yet his voice was somehow heard by all the multitudes of thunderstruck peasants.  They all quieted in their disbelief to stare at the three men.

          "You have been punished, Gaimen.  But not enough.  By my decree, you will be hanged tomorrow morning and the gods have mercy on your soul, if you deserve such a thing.  I am the future King of Altea, this is what I have decided."  He turned to Farro. "Take Gaimen to his cell.  He is allowed no healer.  Roy, Gwen, come.  I have no further desire to be in the presence of this filth that was once my blood relative."

          As the captain of the guard obeyed his prince's order, Marth subtly slipped his hand around Roy's, squeezing it reassuringly.  He could tell that Roy was deeply repulsed by what he had done.

          The teen was unresponsive, but lowered his darkened eyes to the ground.  He could hear the crows murmur amongst themselves, whispering about him, terribly surprised at what they had just witnessed.  They wondered… had it been that ancient, forbidden power known as magic?  Roy ducked his head and pulled from Marth, backing away.

          Gwen walked up to Marth and stood at his side shyly, waiting obediently for his next command.

          Marth's eyes flashed dangerously and he rounded on the onlookers, his cape billowing from the abrupt movement.

          "Do you know what it is you see?  You see magic, the first magic in this city for almost fifty years.  Prince Marth and High General Roy have not only returned, but they have returned as the first new mages in many years!  We are the mages of fire and ice!"

          Snow began to fall in the court, landing lightly on the upturned faces of the amazed people.  Even Challen, the jaded old judge looked spellbound by the conjured precipitation.  They looked now at both the general and the prince, wary and hopeful.

          "Gwen, please escort Roy back to the castle.  Make him rest, even if you have to tell him that it's a direct order from me.  I will follow shortly."  Marth told the girl, his voice soft and low.

          The servant hurried over to Roy, tugging on the shaken boy's shirt lightly.  She carefully pulled him out of the court and led him through the castle gates and inside.  Following the prince's orders, she urged Roy to lie down on a couch in his new rooms in one of the castle wings, 'coincidentally' close to Marth's own chambers until the prince returned.

          Marth wanted to be with Roy and make sure that his partner was all right, but he owed at the very least a minimal explanation to the people as to what had just happened.  The blue-haired man related the story of the blizzard and the fire at the inn, omitting any mention of Rowen out of respect for his older friend's wish for solitude.  He promised to tell them everything that had happened to the two of them during their long exile when he was King.  (It was a lie of course.  'I'm a politician already,' Marth thought wryly. 'Not one day back in power and I'm already lying.'  But it wasn't a complete lie.  He would tell them what had happened, just not all of it.)  They clamored for details now, but he declined, saying that he had executions to prepare.  They let him go, accepting that excuse.  The public loved executions.

          Once they had relinquished their prince, Marth hurried back through the dusk air to the castle and found Gwen and Roy right where he had hoped to – in Roy's chambers.  Gwen was sitting on the floor, watching over Roy.  She got up and waited in a corner room silently at Marth's arrival.  Disregarding the girl's presence, (He knew that he did not need to act the part of a royal in front of Gwen) he dropped his cold royal demeanor and kneeled down beside Roy's couch, worry apparent in his handsome, worn face. 


          "You were right…" The boy-general breathed, his eyes closed painfully. "I'm a menace…  I can't even control myself.  But it was self-defense, r-right?  The bastard got what he deserved and it's still coming to him…  Everything went silent and my magic attacked him…" 

          Marth touched Roy's silky auburn hair lightly, his clear blue eyes softening.  He could feel Roy's bewilderment, his self-disgust and perhaps even his fear as he ached to comfort him.

          "You are not a menace, Roy.  You are a great mage and a great general, someone who I admire and love.  You gave Gaimen what he deserved.  No one blames you for what you did, least of all me.  Look at me, Roy."

          He did not answer for a moment, his pale face tightly drawn.  Roy sat up slowly and opened his eyes, looking up at Marth at last.  He reached out for Marth and hugged the prince to him.

          "I want this to be over."

          Marth rubbed Roy's back, holding his general in his strong arms. 

          "It will be over soon and this will all be just a bad memory."  He told Roy softly. "And if it's any comfort, I would have stopped you before you had hurt anybody else in the courtroom."

          Roy sniffed and sat back, wiping his eyes quickly.  He straightened up and wrapped his arms around himself.

          "Thank you.  I just need some sleep, that's all."

          Marth stood, pulling Roy to his feet as he did so and led the general to the large bed.  He pulled back the blankets and made Roy get in, taking off his boots and outer clothing first. 

          "I'm commanding you as your sovereign to sleep.  We're waking up early tomorrow… as you know." 

          "Don't you dare pull rank on me too much, Highness…" Roy whispered, settling into his new bed comfortably.  It was much better than the cot he used to have.  "And thank you for the room."

          "Mm.  I think this is the only time you let me pull rank on you."  Marth remarked, tucking Roy in snugly. "I'll wake you in the morning."

          He drew the curtains and blew out the candles before exiting the room, beckoning to Gwen, who had been waiting faithfully outside the door to follow him as he walked back towards the direction of his own chambers.  He desperately sought rest after such a long and harrowing day. 

          "If I may speak…" Gwen started softly, walking a little behind Marth as was customary for servants. "You are very kind, your Highness.  Am I dismissed for the evening?  Shouldn't you eat something?"  She clamped her mouth shut tightly after that last statement, eyes glued on the floor respectfully. "Forgive me… it is n-not my place…"

          Marth smiled, amused despite his weariness. 

          "I can already tell that you are going to be my boss whether it's your 'place' or not.  Very well then, m'Lady, I'll eat something for you.  And you are allowed to say anything you want around me unless I specifically order otherwise." 

          "Oh…  Thank you so much," Gwen answered gratefully, bowing again.  She went with Marth to the kitchen and stood to the side, waiting for the prince to get food for himself.  The servant girl looked weary from the day's activities and swayed on her feet.  Most of the kitchen staff, save the night cook and a few maids were asleep, but Marth declined their assistance, saying that if he couldn't make a meal for himself, how could he be expected to run a country? 

          Marth finished eating quickly, consuming only enough food to keep the girl off his back.  In truth, he had scarcely eaten a thing in the past few days, but he just didn't have the stomach for it right now.  A bit of meat, some bread and some wine were all that he needed.  When he had finished, he put his arm about Gwen's shoulders and led her to the servant's quarters.

          "I know that you are afraid of being touched, Gwen, but you are about to fall over, so please forgive me."  He spoke softly, keeping his hands on her shoulders so that his touch would not cause her discomfort. 

          Gwen shivered as she felt his hands on her body, but nodded.  She would be brave for her king.  When they arrived at the servant's living area, she thanked him profusely and walked unsteadily over to a corner of the room where some blankets were stacked and curled up.  The blankets were neatly folded, but were thin and ratty, little more than rags.

          "They say I'm too small for a real bed," the girl whispered, glancing around at the occupied bunks where other servant girls were already asleep. "I shall attend to you in the morning, Highness?"

          Marth's frigid gaze rested on the pile of blankets that his faithful servant was forced to sleep upon. 

          "Which one says that to you?" 

          Gwen pointed to one of the sleeping women, a servant older than herself.  In a businesslike manner, Marth walked over to the bunk, picked up the woman and deposited her none too gently on the pile of blankets on the floor as Gwen scrambled out of the way.  The abrupt movement awakened the woman and her eyes shot open.

          "What are you doing?  Who are you?!"  She demanded, struggling to get on her feet. "Unhand me or I'll scream!" 

          "Silence.  You'll do no such thing."  Marth said firmly, stepping away from the woman. "I am Prince Marth and it is my desire that my personal servant should sleep in your bed tonight.  You will neither protest or resist or I shall have you severely punished.  Do you understand?"

          The woman nodded, staring at Marth wide-eyed.  Indeed, the prince was an impressive sight – he hadn't had a chance to change out of his formal clothing and Falcion was still sheathed at his side.  He turned back to Gwen and helped her slip into the bed.

          "There.  Now get some decent rest and come to me in the morning.  I may try to arrange you some quarters closer to mine in the meantime."

          "Yes, sir…" Gwen whispered, quite comfortable in the borrowed bed.  She watched until he was gone, then closed her eyes.  All the other women whispered amongst themselves quietly, but Gwen tried to ignore their gossip.  Tomorrow…

          Marth walked slowly back to his own chambers, his shoulders stooped and pace slow like that of a weary old man.  The halls were empty, save for shadows, a few stone-faced guards and one pageboy who had bowed briefly to Marth before running away, terrified.  Marth watched his retreating back with a sigh.  The boy had probably grown to fear monarchs during Gaimen's reign.  He wondered briefly if that had been one of his uncle's wretched victims. 

          The prince stopped at a window and stared out at the gallows silhouetted against the starry background of the clear night sky.  The noose swung slowly back and forth from the heavy wooden crossbar, like a sinister pendulum in the clock of life.  Marth turned his gaze away from it with a shudder.

          'I don't regret sentencing them to hang.  The gods know that they all deserve it, especially that king bastard, but I hate him for making me do it.  I hate him for everything he's done to me, Roy and every other innocent person in this kingdom.  Or out of it.  And he's going to pay.'

          He knew that his sentiments heavily contradicted one another, his longing for Gaimen's death and his reluctance to pull the lever clashing violently in his mind. 

          Wait, why was he reluctant?  Marth shook his head in an attempt to clear it.  In all the excitement, his mind had become muddled.  Gaimen had no reason to live; Marth had no reason to let him live.  The man had no redeeming qualities and what he had done warranted his death several times over.  He deserved to hang.

          Satisfied, Marth began to walk back to his rooms.  He peeked into Roy's room, checking on his general, who was blissfully asleep.  Content in that knowledge, Marth crawled into his own bed and fell asleep as well, wishing that he were with Roy instead of alone in this big bed.

          Roy was choking.  It was hard to breathe with Gaimen's hands wrapped so tightly around his throat.  But he opened his eyes and quickly saw that there was no real threat.  He had simply been moving quite a bit in his sleep and had gotten tangled in the covers.

          The boy-general thought it had been strange to wake up in such a nice bed, but he remembered that it was his now, along with the room around him.  A glance at one window told him that it was just barely sunrise, the time he was accustomed to waking up.  He sat up and rubbed his eyes, noticing that his back was sore, but it was the only thing that ailed him.  Slipping into a clean, white linen shirt, he took a comb and ran it through his hair, adjusting his headband.

          'If black is the color of mourning… then I shall wear the opposite…' Roy thought bitterly, poking his head out the door.  Several servants scurried down the hall and even further down, he saw Gwen seated on the floor outside of Marth's door.

          The teen walked down towards her, a curious look on his face.

          "You can go in there if you knock, you know…"

          Gwen looked up at him, then downward, as was a servant's custom.

          "Oh, but I couldn't disturb…"

          "Fine, but he's probably awake anyways," Roy replied, knocking loudly on the prince's door.  The girl stood hurriedly.

          True to Roy's prediction, Marth was already awake and opened the door.  But unlike the general, he was dressed in elegant, somber black.

          "We're needed at the gallows."  He spoke quietly.

          "I know."  Roy jerked a thumb towards the girl standing behind him. "You going to bring her?"

          "I c-can close my eyes…" Gwen offered, trying to get a hold on her frightened stutter. 

          "I don't need you to accompany me and I do not wish to make you watch something that you don't want to see.  Do as you wish, Gwen."  He beckoned to Roy and began to walk down the hall.

          "I… will be here…" Gwen whispered, sitting down on the floor again to wait.

          Roy walked until he was walking side-by-side with the prince and glanced over at him.

          "I'm feeling better now…" He started quietly as they walked down a flight of stairs.  "I guess letting out all that energy was… good for me.  And the sleep too – I don't think I've ever slept that well in my life.  Is that really my room now?"

          "Mage energy is like any other force, it needs to be used and kept in check.  Especially yours.  And yes, that room is yours."  Marth answered in the same tone.

          "I wish that old hermit were here sometimes.  I would feel a whole lot safer, but I trust you."  Roy stopped, touching Marth's shoulder.  "It's strange to think that I would never have said anything like that a year ago."

          Marth managed to give him a tiny smile.

          "It's nice to know some one does.  I was thinking last night that I should invite him here."  He paused and placed his hand over Roy's.  "It is strange.  But I'm glad that you can say it now."

          They arrived just then at the gallows, a line of condemned men waiting for them. 

          Roy walked past Marth to the royal guards, taking a deep breath of the fresh, cool morning air.

          "You have been charged and proven guilty under the Lord Judge Challen," he stated. "Commence with the execution."

          Gaimen was in restraints, his mauled hands tied behind his back, but he kept throwing glares at Marth and Roy.  He was at the end of the line of the men to be hanged.

          Marth watched as one by one, the executioners pulled the lever and sent the traitorous men to their deaths.  His face was as hard as the ice he controlled as Gaimen was brought up to the stand.  The uncle and nephew stared at one another for a full minute, not speaking nor moving.  Then Gaimen spat into Marth's face, but the prince did not retaliate and merely wiped it off.  Gaimen felt burning cold stab into his side.  His lungs burned with ice and blood seeped into his ragged clothing as the noose was placed around his neck.  Gaimen tried to look at Marth, but the ferocity in the prince's eyes forced him to avert his gaze.

          The boy-general stared at the man who had been the root source of all his pain and problems for the last year, no even longer than that.  The past year flashed before his eyes and he was filled with an intense, fiery anger.

          "Hang him."

          Everything was silent except for the sound of Gaimen's body dropping through the air and halting abruptly with a sharp jerk.  The false king's neck broke in the fall and he hung there, swinging gently.  His eyes were still open, the fierce look dying in them as the life left his body. 

          Roy bit his own bottom lip, so hard that a trickle of blood ran down his chin.  His eyes were focused utterly on the rope.  Without warning, it burst into flames, the noose forming a fiery collar around Gaimen's neck.

          The noise of the crowd started up again, but the young men paid no attention.  Their identical hard blue eyes watched their fallen enemy swing slowly back and forth.

-The End-

Xan:  Wow guys…  It's over.  I really hope you liked this ending…  It's kind of a cliffhanger, isn't it?  ^_^ I still got it!  I know this is over, but don't be too sad, we're not done with Marth and Roy yet!  *evil laughter*  If you think we can just end it HERE, you're nuts!  The sequel will be coming out soon, so keep an eye out, okay?  Stay cool, guys.  *v-sign* 

Vallen: A-hem… Now it's my turn to be special… I actually wrote the ending, and then Xan read it and said, "It's done." I was like, "WHAT?!" But sure enough, it was. She loves to have endings sneak up on me. But… *turns to Xan* I have a feeling that they're either going to like this chapter, or really hate it. ^^;;;; Don't hate us, please.

Also in your reviews (if you choose to review), since this is the end, we would very much appreciate your honesty in telling us if you liked FnoK, what you liked about it, what were your favorite parts, etc. Or if you didn't like it and there was something that you were unhappy with, what was it? Just a few suggestions that would help your feedback to help us when we edit FnoK in the future!