Title: Insanely True
Author: LovelyPsychopath
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Draco/Harry..duh.
Comments: This fic takes place in their 3rd and 6th years, and is from
Draco's POV. This *chapter* takes place in their 3rd year. It contains
slash, and my obscene thoughts, both of which some people find offensive.
If you think gay boys are wrong, LEAVE, because you need a spanking, and if
you don't like my obscene thoughts, go read some fic written by a 10 year
old about Pokemon.
Disclaimer: I only own Harry Potter and its characters in my dreams...sigh.
In the day, I just borrow them! Hehe....
In Draco Malfoy's 3rd year of attending Hogwart's school of witch- craft and wizardry, he realized two things. The first was that he found Gryffindor's prize, Harry Potter, to be quite attractive. Hell, perhaps he even had a crush on him. The second was that he was undoubtedly insane. We're not talking just a little insane either. We're talking about full blown, voices in the head, seeing strange things like Snape in a thong, insane. Thus, his life had been filled with enough conflict to last him the rest of his entire Hogwart's career.
~*~#~*~Flash Back To Year Three~*~#~*~
Draco had been sitting quietly at the Slytherin table in the great hall finishing his glass of Pumpkin juice. He looked idly up and around, looking for something to entertain him for the rest of the dinner period.
Pansy was sitting in between Crabbe and Goyle, giving them turns listening to how she did her hair in the morning. Draco snorted. Typical. But this is where his typical dining experience ended. He watched as Pansy locked eyes with him, licked her lips, and got up to walk over to him. She swayed her hips, and sat herself right smack dab on Draco's lap. Draco's mouth was slightly ajar, and he was sure he was twitching.
"P-pansy, what in the name of Salazar are you doing?" He asked, eyes tightly screwed shut.
Pansy sounded a bit annoyed. "What does it look like I'm doing? Having a conversation! Jeee-sus!" Draco frowned. Something was definitely not right with Pansy's reply. He slowly cracked open an eye to see Pansy wedged firmly in between Crabbe and Goyle where she had been. He nearly fell over.
"Of course you are. I, uh, think that I better go now. Bye." Draco muttered, three pairs of confused eyes following him as he left the Great Hall. Pansy shook her head.
"Sometimes I wonder about him..." Crabbe and Goyle agreed obediently.
Draco ran as quickly as he could back to the Slytherin common room. He flung himself around a corner and rammed into, yes, you guessed it, Harry Potter.
"God, Malfoy, don't you ever watch where you're going?" Harry muttered, scowling at the blond Slytherin. But instead of shooting back a snarky reply, Malfoy simply stood there looking unusually pale, and uncharacteristically scared. Instead of saying anything, he turned on his heel, and ran as fast as he could. He didn't even care about the shocked Harry Potter he had left standing there.
"Malfoy!" He heard Harry calling after him, but he was too gone in himself to care.
When he reached the house painting, he muttered the password, 'Verde,' and charged inside. Even though there were no people in the common room, he ran straight for his room. He needed to be some place comforting right now. He reached his room, flung the door open, and sat shakily down on his bed.
'What just happened?' He thought to himself. 'That's never happened before'
For once in his life, Draco Malfoy didn't have a quick answer to his problems.
After one weeks time, Draco decided that enough was enough. He had been seeing strange and very impossible things just about everyday, and he was starting to feel unsafe in his own mind. Three days ago, he had seen Snape making out with Weasley. Two days ago, Crabbe danced a piece from Swan Lake, and yesterday, Harry Potter kissed him. And yes my friends, that was the breaking point, because you see, Draco really didn't mind that much.
In his mind, he was sorting through his options. He could basically endure this, and eventually go mad, or ask for help. He sighed with defeat as he decided on the latter. He trudged grudgingly up to Dumbledore's office.
"Ah, Mr. Malfoy, I haven't seen you for a while!" The jovial headmaster greeted him, motioning for him to sit down. "What can I do for you?" Draco looked as if he was going to be sick.
"Well, you see, I have a problem." He twisted uncomfortably in his chair.
"And, it's started to affect my life..badly. You see...last week, I started seeing things..." He spoke with great uncertainty.
"What sort of things, Mr. Malfoy?" The old wizard's eyes flashed with curiosity. Draco went red.
"Do I have to say?"
"If you want any help, yes." Draco sighed, quite defeated and tired.
"All right. It all started when Pansy crawled right onto my lap right during dinner, only, she didn't. Then, the next morning, I awoke to see a large red lobster staring at me. Later on, Snape made out with Weasley, while a rather disgusting dead fish that had been kept in a jar started swimming. Then, the next day, Crabbe started doing ballet! Then, he picked up a copy of Moby Dick, and started to read it. And yesterday, well, let's just say that it's gotten much worse." It was awful. Hearing himself saying all of this, he realized that he sounded crazy, even to his own ears.
Dumbledore stroked his beard in thought. "Well, it doesn't seem to me that this was caused my magic."
"Not caused by magic, sir? How can that be? I'm, I'm seeing things for god's sake!"
"Calm yourself, Mr. Malfoy." Dumbledore warned. "I would like to have you talk with a friend of mine. I think that she would be better suited to help you. She has a small office near the Library." Dumbledore quickly scribbled down a room number, and handed it to Draco. "She will be ready to see you by the time you arrive at her office. Good day, Mr. Malfoy." Draco walked stiffly out of Dumbledore's cluttered office.
'Not magic?' He thought to himself, and shivered. 'That would mean...no, it can't mean that. I won't let it mean that..'
That night Draco lay in his bed. His eyes were stained red from crying, and his head was throbbing like mad.
'Wait till father hears that his only son is a raving looney..' Draco thought back on his session with Dr. Henbane. Every cold word that left her lips had forced him to see the pieces as a whole. His delusions, wild mood swings, and constant head aches. Now he was stuck taking three different pills a day, and seeing the strange doctor once every other day. ' What a fucked up existence.'' He thought, curling into a fetal position, and finally falling asleep.
~*~#~*~#~*~#~*~#~*~#~*~#~*~#~*~#~*~ Comments: Originally, this fic was not meant to have multiple chapters. After I started though, I realized that I had too many ideas to cram into one chapter. Besides, by writing multiple chapters, I can have more fun with it. Stay tuned for the next chapter! AND REVIEW, DANGNABBIT!
In Draco Malfoy's 3rd year of attending Hogwart's school of witch- craft and wizardry, he realized two things. The first was that he found Gryffindor's prize, Harry Potter, to be quite attractive. Hell, perhaps he even had a crush on him. The second was that he was undoubtedly insane. We're not talking just a little insane either. We're talking about full blown, voices in the head, seeing strange things like Snape in a thong, insane. Thus, his life had been filled with enough conflict to last him the rest of his entire Hogwart's career.
~*~#~*~Flash Back To Year Three~*~#~*~
Draco had been sitting quietly at the Slytherin table in the great hall finishing his glass of Pumpkin juice. He looked idly up and around, looking for something to entertain him for the rest of the dinner period.
Pansy was sitting in between Crabbe and Goyle, giving them turns listening to how she did her hair in the morning. Draco snorted. Typical. But this is where his typical dining experience ended. He watched as Pansy locked eyes with him, licked her lips, and got up to walk over to him. She swayed her hips, and sat herself right smack dab on Draco's lap. Draco's mouth was slightly ajar, and he was sure he was twitching.
"P-pansy, what in the name of Salazar are you doing?" He asked, eyes tightly screwed shut.
Pansy sounded a bit annoyed. "What does it look like I'm doing? Having a conversation! Jeee-sus!" Draco frowned. Something was definitely not right with Pansy's reply. He slowly cracked open an eye to see Pansy wedged firmly in between Crabbe and Goyle where she had been. He nearly fell over.
"Of course you are. I, uh, think that I better go now. Bye." Draco muttered, three pairs of confused eyes following him as he left the Great Hall. Pansy shook her head.
"Sometimes I wonder about him..." Crabbe and Goyle agreed obediently.
Draco ran as quickly as he could back to the Slytherin common room. He flung himself around a corner and rammed into, yes, you guessed it, Harry Potter.
"God, Malfoy, don't you ever watch where you're going?" Harry muttered, scowling at the blond Slytherin. But instead of shooting back a snarky reply, Malfoy simply stood there looking unusually pale, and uncharacteristically scared. Instead of saying anything, he turned on his heel, and ran as fast as he could. He didn't even care about the shocked Harry Potter he had left standing there.
"Malfoy!" He heard Harry calling after him, but he was too gone in himself to care.
When he reached the house painting, he muttered the password, 'Verde,' and charged inside. Even though there were no people in the common room, he ran straight for his room. He needed to be some place comforting right now. He reached his room, flung the door open, and sat shakily down on his bed.
'What just happened?' He thought to himself. 'That's never happened before'
For once in his life, Draco Malfoy didn't have a quick answer to his problems.
After one weeks time, Draco decided that enough was enough. He had been seeing strange and very impossible things just about everyday, and he was starting to feel unsafe in his own mind. Three days ago, he had seen Snape making out with Weasley. Two days ago, Crabbe danced a piece from Swan Lake, and yesterday, Harry Potter kissed him. And yes my friends, that was the breaking point, because you see, Draco really didn't mind that much.
In his mind, he was sorting through his options. He could basically endure this, and eventually go mad, or ask for help. He sighed with defeat as he decided on the latter. He trudged grudgingly up to Dumbledore's office.
"Ah, Mr. Malfoy, I haven't seen you for a while!" The jovial headmaster greeted him, motioning for him to sit down. "What can I do for you?" Draco looked as if he was going to be sick.
"Well, you see, I have a problem." He twisted uncomfortably in his chair.
"And, it's started to affect my life..badly. You see...last week, I started seeing things..." He spoke with great uncertainty.
"What sort of things, Mr. Malfoy?" The old wizard's eyes flashed with curiosity. Draco went red.
"Do I have to say?"
"If you want any help, yes." Draco sighed, quite defeated and tired.
"All right. It all started when Pansy crawled right onto my lap right during dinner, only, she didn't. Then, the next morning, I awoke to see a large red lobster staring at me. Later on, Snape made out with Weasley, while a rather disgusting dead fish that had been kept in a jar started swimming. Then, the next day, Crabbe started doing ballet! Then, he picked up a copy of Moby Dick, and started to read it. And yesterday, well, let's just say that it's gotten much worse." It was awful. Hearing himself saying all of this, he realized that he sounded crazy, even to his own ears.
Dumbledore stroked his beard in thought. "Well, it doesn't seem to me that this was caused my magic."
"Not caused by magic, sir? How can that be? I'm, I'm seeing things for god's sake!"
"Calm yourself, Mr. Malfoy." Dumbledore warned. "I would like to have you talk with a friend of mine. I think that she would be better suited to help you. She has a small office near the Library." Dumbledore quickly scribbled down a room number, and handed it to Draco. "She will be ready to see you by the time you arrive at her office. Good day, Mr. Malfoy." Draco walked stiffly out of Dumbledore's cluttered office.
'Not magic?' He thought to himself, and shivered. 'That would mean...no, it can't mean that. I won't let it mean that..'
That night Draco lay in his bed. His eyes were stained red from crying, and his head was throbbing like mad.
'Wait till father hears that his only son is a raving looney..' Draco thought back on his session with Dr. Henbane. Every cold word that left her lips had forced him to see the pieces as a whole. His delusions, wild mood swings, and constant head aches. Now he was stuck taking three different pills a day, and seeing the strange doctor once every other day. ' What a fucked up existence.'' He thought, curling into a fetal position, and finally falling asleep.
~*~#~*~#~*~#~*~#~*~#~*~#~*~#~*~#~*~ Comments: Originally, this fic was not meant to have multiple chapters. After I started though, I realized that I had too many ideas to cram into one chapter. Besides, by writing multiple chapters, I can have more fun with it. Stay tuned for the next chapter! AND REVIEW, DANGNABBIT!