Author has written 10 stories for Phantom of the Opera, Twilight, Harry Potter, Sons of Anarchy, Hobbit, Les Miserables, and Lord of the Rings. Hello and welcome to my profile. My name is Elisabeth, a 25 year-old from the Netherlands. For as long as I can remember, I've been infatuated with books, stories, fantasies, and everything and anything in between that we make up with those silly minds of ours. Apart from being both an avid writer and reader of fiction, I am a PhD student in psychology, focused on examining development in adolescence! As I already mentioned, my native language is not English, yet I do write my stories in English (because I can!). This, however, may have as a consequence that my English will not be 100% perfect all the time. I ask your patience with this and welcome you to provide me with feedback - on both the good and the bad - so that I may always be developing myself as a writer! Below I linked to two pictures in relation to my story En Position. However, FanFic no longer shows the link to these pictures; if you are interested in seeing either, feel free to send me a PM! This is how I imagine my main character from En Position, Angèlique Fournier, to look like: http:///r/zo8c2v/5 Author's experience, Garnier Palais: http:///r/2q2rg55/8 |
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