Author has written 40 stories for Kuroshitsuji, Harry Potter, Naruto, My Little Pony, Soul Eater, Hobbit, Avatar: Last Airbender, How to Get Away with Murder, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Winx Club, Supernatural, Merlin, Sherlock, James Bond, Avengers, Captain America, Young Justice, Fairy Tail, and Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior.
This account while still active in most way isn't being used as much. If you would like to read any of my new writing please look me up on Ao3 under the same pen name. Ggeri_Sminth
Thank You
Name: Ggeri Sminth
Age: 23
Gender: I am a Woman.
About Me: I am a Writer in the makings. I like to write about anything and everything. I can pretty much write anything that you ask me to but I really, really suck and Humor. I prefer not to write that because I like to write things that are more down to earth then Humor is. 'Cause of that you will find that I write a lot of pain and hurt into my stories. I don't like to over do it but sometimes I do. If in that case I try to make up for it by making the character stronger in one way or another. I am a student, I am going to College so I don't have all the time in the world. I did just graduate from High School so I have a little more time. I like to do a lot of writing when everyone else is asleep that means in the dead of this night. I am also a procrastinator, and the internet has a lot to do with that. I also like to know what you think of my writing so some times I don't update because I feel that people aren't giving me a second look. I keep a very close eye on my story stats more than I do on my profile stats. I like to know how many people are actually reading what I write. I also have a hard time staying with one thing. If I have so many things written and not finished it's because I have a hard time staying in one place and I have a lot of ideas running through my head. I don't put all the ideas on paper because some times I like them to stay in my head. In some cases it will end up on here and it will either blossom or be turned into a short story. I am very much into Naruto and so that is the main item that I write about. I have a friend that is very much into Black Butler and so I write a lot of that for her as well. I do enjoy Harry Potter and when I am in the mood I will one day finish that stupid story that I started. I think that My Little Pony is okay and I would like to write a few Fanfictions for it, but I don't like to write about ponies so no matter what they will all end up in the human world because I feel more comfortable writing about that. I do have other interests that may some day make it to my items of thing that I have written. If I don't update for a month or so, it's not 'cause I have given up... No it just means that I have writers block or I am procrastinating. I usually do this to help me sleep because I have insomnia. Finding time to sleep is for whims... I do actually know that you should sleep and all the bad things that could and will happen to you if you don't sleep. I just don't have... I can't shut my brain up enough to let myself sleep. So in other words I am the walking dead because of it. I can write more than just Fanfictions, I also have a FictionPress account that I am in dear need of updating... With that I haven't felt like it. I have been more interested in what I am doing on here. Hope you Enjoy your stay and check out one of my Fanfictions. I would really love the read over and a Review. Thanks!
My Plans for Future works/Stuff I am working on:
Lab Rat: Written about an experiment that will be used to turn all the prisoner in the jail around the world to ponies and ship them off to this new world. A young girl is used as a lab rat as she tries to save and warn the ponies of this world about what is going to happen to them. This one will be updated on a regular bases depending on when I get around to doing that.
She Wrote it All: Written about an Old woman that gets a second chance at the life that she wanted when some one with the power to change it reads a book that she writes. This will be updated with in reason, for as I have more than one this to update and write out.
The Cursed Fourteen: Fourteen Animals with a cures, or maybe not. This one will be updated when I get the chance.
Letter Collection: This is a collection of Letter's that are written in different point's of view's. The first in this collection is Pride. Fear has already been written, there will be others like say: Pain, Love, Joy, Peace, Hate... ect. Each will follow the other. You wont have to read the others to understand the one that you read, so they can stand alone.
The Jutsu Collection: This is a collection of short stories that revolve around a Jutsu that I make up and write about. They will all follow each other. They some may need to be ready in a certain order while others can stand alone.
Dragon Fire: A slave from another world falls from the sky only to be touched by Naruto trapping and binding her to him. To escape the life forced on her she works to help him find love. Yet evil stirs and she is forced to make a choice leave Naruto and pursue these dreams she is having or fight off what ever is coming way to close to Naruto. And will Naruto falling in love finally give her the freedom that she so desperately wants.
Lady of the River: Kili and Fili are in love... or well actually they are destine to be together thanks to The Lady of the River. But Kili is still desperate to find out why he isn't like his brother. Only to find out that Fili is his half brother and if it was not for his mothers race Fili would have never come about. Now he has to deal with his mother true identity and with the fact that his father would have never loved him. Will Fili love his when he finds it all out? (This one is put on Pause because I need to do a little more research but i will be back I promise.)
Peace of Mind: Sokka and Zuko are destined to be together, no really. But thinks are a lot more complicated than that, due to Jet of course.
Life After 'Happy Ever After': Draco and Ron were finally together and Draco was finally ready to go all the way. To bad things don't go as planned... why would it. Now Draco has to find a way back into Ron's life and with a little luck and a lot of love from Molly he might be able to do so.
stop the deletion of thousands of rated ms, violent fics, song fics, yaoi, yuri etc just click this link and sign in WE HAVEA RIGHT TO EXPRESS OUR SELEVES just copy and paste
FANFICTION- UNITED NATIONS!! Has anyone else noticed how a lot of us get along and make friends on here and we can be from completely different countries? WTF!? We're here making world peace on the INTERNET and we have all those ambassadors and senators and whatever struggling with it!! If you realize this (or read this and agreed) copy and paste this and add your name and country (country is optional) to the list. SPREAD THE PEACE!!: Naruto-fan-Okami-chan (USA), NaraTemari011 (Puerto Rico), Lala girl in Lalaland (USA), Kakashi Forever (England) Anime895(USA), Starwatcher-shadow (Belgium), mewmewgodess (Canada), darkstardragon432(england), Ggeri Sminth (USA)