![]() Author has written 38 stories for Supernatural, and Dungeons and Dragons. Hello! Thank you for checking out my profile! I love to write and fanfictions are quickly becoming my obsession! So far my stories are based on the show Supernatural, but I'm sure eventually I'll branch off into other shows! I won't deny that my favorite characters to write about are Dean and Castiel. There is just so much there to write about I can hardly stop myself! And after recent episodes I have come to the realization that I am head over heels in love with the Angel-Man! John Winchester certainly comes in at third while Sam isn't that far behind. I have a Sam-centered story that I know I need to get back to soon! I have also branched out and started my first Dungeon & Dragons-based story. You don't have to play the game or know much about it in order to enjoy the story. It's bascially a fantasy-based story that I'm writing that is about a character I created. I would love for people to read it and provide feedback! : ) Favorite Shows: Supernatural, House, Firefly, Family Guy, Stargate Atlantis, Ghost Hunters, LOST, and Heros. I hope you enjoy my stories and I absolutely LOVE reviews and feedback, so feel free to give it! Reviews are my crack! LOL! I do find that whenever I get feedback ideas just start popping up and then I have to write! : ) I also love too see where all my readers are from! It still amazes me the positive response I have gotten from everyone! And I admit that I am complusive about peeking to see how many readers stop by! blush Twitter Account: http://twitter.com/krissy7490 Tumblr: http:/// I post when I update or add new stories on my Twitter and would love feedback or suggestions from anyone! Real Life Updates to be posted here! September 22, 2013 I'm aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah... yeah. Gotta love real life. Between work, marriage, and taking care of a 3 year old (yes, she's 3!) my writing time has been little to none. And when I finally thought I could finally write... damn Microsoft Office expired (apparently it was a loaner program. Who knew?). So, yeah, making writing a little more challenging! But I'm hoping once I get that squared away I can pound out some stories. I have stuff to add to those in progress, like "Reality Hits" and "Prophecy," and I've discovered a new series. Sherlock. Oh God help me! Damn show only has 6 episodes over 2 seasons and yet it has sucked me in and I am shipping Sherlock and John so bad it is ridiculous! And I won't even get into the story ideas rolling around in this head! ;) I also wanted to add that I'm now on Tumblr! Feel free to look me up and check out my rambling posts! :) And feel free to post on there! I'm still figuring the site out and would love to hear from everyone! Got a request for a story? Questions about about any of my stories? Suggestions? Tell me! Thanks for reading! : ) |