![]() Author has written 39 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Fruits Basket, Anime X-overs, Newsies, and Avatar: Last Airbender. I have many goals and one of which is to be the best writer I can be. That being said, I wish to perfect my craft as much as possible. I however can not do this with out the help of the readers. When I first started posting here, I was obsessed with reviews, praise. Now I wish for helpful comments. Things that could use improvement. So I ask one thing of anyone who reads my stories. Please tell me what it is you like and don't like about my stories. Whether it's character development, plot, or otherwise. It won't offend me, I really don't mind at this stage in my life. I want to make the stories as enjoyable as possible for my readers just as much as myself. Though I completely understand if it makes you uncomfortable to be that openly honest to a stranger. But that should make it easier, right! So, I've returned and I got some pictures, but not all of them, I apologize. Hopefully, this link works. (For those of you who have no idea what this is about, it's one of my fics. Sins For Thought) http:///30971.html ~Future fic's I'll get to one day~ (G.W. fic's) !what I'm most likely to do next. My day, My life, My sin-2x3/3x2 fic (A.U. both Duo and Trowa are different ranked angels and have fled Heaven b/c they broke a Divine Law) A Fine Line Between Learning Flirtting-2x3/3x2 5x4 4+1 fic (A.U. Duo's a student Trowa's a teacher.) My Heaven Got Carried Off And Away-5x2/2x5 (Set before Getting On Along With You, that fateful day when Wufei met Duo in the park and the night they shared together and the feelings Wufei will always carry deep within. ) ~Fruits Basket~ Kid Zero- HaruxKyo (A.U. Insecurities plauge everyone and since childhood Kyo has wanted to be accepted by his peers. Now that he's older he has everything he ever wanted, from popularity to an unlimitated source of suck-ups, only now he realizes that he's not happy with how life is going for him. Can one person change his life? And if so, who?) ~Newsies~ The Problem With Love Stories-Blush (work in progress) Let It Burn-Spot/Race or vice versa whatever (Spot is initially with Skittery, but meets Racetrack at a place Skittery plays at every weekend called The Slide. Songs a plenty, for a broken heart is hard to heal) !The Rise and Fall-Sputchy. (Musical talent doesn't just appear out of nowhere, but for one young man it did. Some people say he sat at the crossroads and did the unthinkable. After obtaining this sudden musical talent the young man makes a break for the nearest big town, hoping to make it big, with luck on his side, he's sure he can make it. But with everything comes a price and to make it big just to fall isn't what he's looking for.) Mutual Something- Sprace, Javid, Sputchy, Blush (I created this story mainly because I wanted to write a fic with camping that would show case some of the extreme craziness that goes on sometimes. Also, it had to be about Race and Spot's getting together. I'd written this ages ago, but when my computer crashed all seven complete chapters had been lost and well, I lost heart for a while. But eventually it will live, I still have half the contents on page along with the comical Bonus chapter titled: Operation Sandman) Random Poem Time! (well, they're written by me) Dark City Parade The parades march is coming to an end. Fave Quotes: "The only thing I was fit for was to be a writer, and this notion rested solely on my suspicion that I would never be fit for real work, and that writing didn't require any." - Russell Baker "Every writer, without exception, is a masochist, a sadist, a peeping Tom, an exhibitionist, a narcissist, an injustice collector and a depressed person constantly haunted by fears of unproductivity." -- Edmund Bergler During my Economy class. Jesus in Spanish more or less pronounced- Hey-sus, when Addison says it, pronounced in regular English way Jesus sitting two rows away from me making a comment to someone in the front, "You're a freaking retard."