YAY!!!! I'M FINALLY FINISHING THIS FIC!!!! I'M SO PROUD (heh)!!!! Hugs, kisses and cookies to all that have keep reading and reviewing this story *glomps* *muah* *tosses cookies*. The scorpion is so happy^_^. Well, that's about enough of my gibberish, ON WITH THE FIC!

Chapter 8

Yuki sits alone at his secret base. He has his gardening gloves on and is holding a spade (gardening tooly thingy), but he does nothing with them and continues to stay at his position on the ground.

'What have I done?'


"GAH! When will my arm stop hurting!?" Kyo said impatiently from the futon in his room.

Haru snickered at him, "Hatori says it'll be like that for at least two weeks."

Kyo was mortified, "TWO WEEKS?! But it's in pain! And it gets in the way!"

"In the way of what?" Haru countered while still vaguely amused, "are you hiding something from me?"


Haru laughed quietly to himself as Kyo got up and started pacing, "You know, walking around the room like that isn't going to make the two weeks go by any faster, it's just going to make me dizzy," said Haru.

"Shut up! Keep your comments to yourself!" the cat raged.

Haru stood up and grabbed him fiercely; "I suppose this means you want me to keep my hands to myself too," he said, then licking the others lips and bringing them into a kiss. Kyo protested at first, but slowly began to melt into Haru mouth. When Haru started to grope for the cat's ass, Kyo pushed him away in disgust.

"sick bastard," Kyo said under his breath.

Just then, the door swung open as Shigure lunged in and sang, "Good evening, my lovebirds! Will there be any magic tonight? Or will your injury prolong this event that I was planning to invite Ayame to watch with me?"


"Fine, fine. We'll just listen from the next room if you are too bashful. It won't be quite as fun, but Kyo is usually loud enough for us to get a good idea of what's going on-"

"SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!" screeched Kyo, blushing madly.

"All right, I shall leave now, but I will be back, and I'll have Ayame with me!" Shigure chanted joyfully as Kyo practically booted him out of the room.

"I'm surrounded by perverts..." Kyo muttered.

"Do you really think I'm that bad?" asked Haru sweeping behind him and wrapping his arms around him.

"No, I guess your not," Kyo answered, but then yelped as Haru swung him down onto the futon.

Haru stared at him gleefully and climbed on top of him, "I guess I'm going to have to change that!"

Kyo fearfully watched him, "Hey! Remember, I still have a dislocated arm!"

Haru smiled, "Who said I would be using your arm? All I need is your nether area."

"When did you turn black?"

"I'm not black, I just thought this might cheer you up."

Kyo gave up, "Fine, but make it quick!"


About an hour later, the two made their way downstairs into the living room. Tohru smiled at them, "Where have you two been?"

"Um... we were busy..." was the answer Kyo came up with.

"WHAT!? AND I MISSED IT!? Aya will be sooo disappointed!" Shigure said dramatically.

Kyo was about to leap at him in anger, but Haru held him back, "I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!"

Tohru look of worry suddenly turned to surprise, "Oh, hello Yuki! Welcome back!"

Yuki ignored her and went straight to his room.

"Ano... was it something I said?"

"I don't think so Tohru, he's probably just in a bad mood," said Haru trying to comfort her, "Well either way, I should call Hatori and ask to take me home, I'll see you tomorrow Kyo!"

"Yeah, Yeah. Goodby-" Haru cut him off by lightly kissing him and walking out of the room.

Tohru's face blanched, "Um... Ano..."


Kyo entered his room and went under the sheets of his bed.

"Kyo, I need to speak with you," said Yuki as he stepped out of the darkness.


"Shut up baka neko, this is important." Yuki said calmly.

"Fine! Say whatever you want, just stay the hell away from me!"

"I'm sorry."

Kyo looked dumbstruck, "Eh?"

"The truth is... I'm in love with Haru."

Kyo said again, "Eh?"

"He liked me from the start. But when I refused to love him back, he gave up on me and went after you. After, I began to realize that I did like him, but when I told him he became angry with me and we got into a fight. I thought that maybe if I made Haru jealous he might come back to me."

Kyo was confused, "But Haru was never around when you did those things."

"He was most of the time. When he realized what I was up to, he started following you. When I saw you together after your little escapade on the roof (Kyo blushes) I knew I was too late, so that's why I got so irritated with you. But I gave up when I hurt your arm, I'd gotten too carried away." He smiles, "I really am sorry."

"Um... It's okay, I guess..."

"But don't think this changes what was between us, I still hate you."

A smile spreads over Kyo's face, "YES I WILL DEFEAT YOU!"

"Hmpth, it'll still be a while before you force that out of me."


Kyo and Haru sit on a bench in the schoolyard during lunchtime.

"Kyo, your being a little reserved, are you okay?" Haru looks at him in concern.

"No, I'm fine. I'm just glad everything's back to normal." Kyo says happily as he goes to open his lunch bag.

Confused, Haru thinks to himself, 'normal?' but this thought is interrupted by a sudden screech.


Haru looks down into Kyo's lunch bag to find it full of leeks.


I'd say that wraps it up nicely, what do you think^_~. Well, I would be best back to work on Bad Dreams, eh? heh. B~Bye! Until next time!^o^