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Joined 08-20-03, id: 442133
Author has written 2 stories for Newsies.
A writing duo, made up of Funkiechick and studentnumber24601. Obsessed with all things Sloan, Beatles, and Spot/Race and Mush/Blink. Yum. Spot/Race and Mush/Blink.

Want more EYDW? Check out the LJ Community: http:///eydw_universe .

"It's like a party and only slash is invited!"

Conversation time! (EllaFrankieB = Funkiechick; waytogomurray = B)

(04:22) EllaFrankieB: (MY FACE IS SCRATCHED)
(04:22) waytogomurray: (nooo! bad kitty!)
(04:23) EllaFrankieB: (no kidding!)
(04:23) EllaFrankieB: (I finally got her take the pills and she just flounced off with a 'look at how awesome I am you loser!' type of cat flounce)
(04:23) waytogomurray: (heh. cats are fun. YOU WRITE ME PORN NOW.)

(05:42) EllaFrankieB: Ooooohh
(05:44) EllaFrankieB: Zowee!
(05:44) EllaFrankieB: ...
(05:44) waytogomurray?
(05:44) EllaFrankieB: I have never said that before.
(05:44) waytogomurray: hehe
(05:44) waytogomurray: zappho!
(05:44) EllaFrankieB: Gee willickers!
(05:45) waytogomurray: jeazle petes!
(05:45) EllaFrankieB: Jeeze Lois!
(05:46) waytogomurray: hehe
(05:46) waytogomurray: gosh golly gee willickers
(05:46) EllaFrankieB: We are the coolest dorks ever
(05:46) waytogomurray: we really are.

(07:38) EllaFrankieB: (It shall be done--we're just having fun now. SMUT)
(07:38) waytogomurray: (smutsmutsmut!)

(09:17) waytogomurray: (ok)
(09:17) EllaFrankieB: (is this the end? of part 10?)
(09:18) waytogomurray: (I think so.)
(09:18) waytogomurray: (why are we still speaking in parantheticals? )
(09:19) EllaFrankieB: (I don't know)
(09:19) waytogomurray: (heh)
(09:19) EllaFrankieB: (It's so us)

(07:08) EllaFrankieB: (woah...perfect song)
(07:09) waytogomurray: (I love Queen)
(07:09) EllaFrankieB: (Who doesn't?)
(07:10) waytogomurray: (deaf people?)
(07:10) EllaFrankieB: (and dogs)
(07:10) waytogomurray: (fair enough)

(03:49) waytogomurray: baaaaack!
(03:49) EllaFrankieB: YAAAAY glomp
(03:49) waytogomurray: is glomped

I can't invest my time
I've tried it all, and I'm tired of trying
You think you got it all figured out
And everything you think it's about

When you found yourself finally released
You hit the ground and kept runnin' east
And now it's all catching up to you
As these things usually do

Saw it all and I can't deny
It's a hard life living a lie

If it feels good do it
Even if you shouldn't
Don't let people mess you around
Feels good do it
Even if you shouldn't
Nobody can mess you around

I saw it all and I can't deny
It's a hard life living a lie

Tried it all...

Tried it all and I'm tired of trying
You're running away

Things could have been different if you'd decided to stay
You can't wear your heart on your sleeve
If you're just gonna leave

I can't invest my time
I've tried it all, and I'm tired of trying
I saw it all and I can't deny
It's a hard life living a lie

Sharps & Flats by cymbalism reviews
College is more than just classes: David joins the marching band at his new university never suspecting how crucial his presence will be, and Blink’s crush on his best friend changes everything. Slash: Blush and Javid
Newsies - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 15 - Words: 73,335 - Reviews: 116 - Favs: 68 - Follows: 41 - Updated: 2/1/2010 - Published: 5/22/2007 - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Take Good Care of the Poor Boy reviews
Jack Kelly never wanted a brother, and Sean Conlon didn't want any friends. Neither boy got what he wanted. Cowritten by Funkiechick and Studentnumber24601. Prequel to Everything You've Done Wrong. Slash, drugs, language. COMPLETE.
Newsies - Rated: M - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 14 - Words: 121,048 - Reviews: 139 - Favs: 109 - Follows: 72 - Updated: 7/30/2012 - Published: 3/18/2006 - Jack K., Spot C. - Complete
Everything You've Done Wrong reviews
Racetrack's father is in the mafia, and it colors his whole life. Slash, drugs and rock'n'roll. [Cowritten by Funkiechick and studentnumber24601. COMPLETE!]
Newsies - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 26 - Words: 278,356 - Reviews: 670 - Favs: 338 - Follows: 67 - Updated: 11/20/2005 - Published: 8/22/2003 - Complete