Author has written 49 stories for Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars, Wizard101, Gregory Horror Show, Harry Potter, Avatar: Last Airbender, and Kingdom Hearts. ANNOUNCEMENT: Hello everyone, this is jediclonecowgirl, with another quick announcement: I AM NOT DEAD! xD I know, that it has been almost too long, but there are only two more years left, until I'm done with School, so my teachers really want to see us working here and on top of that, I am stuck in the middle of a creative crisis. I have no ideas for any of my stories. Okay...I have the plots roughly planned out, but what good does that do, if I can not figure out a way to point things out good in my stories? I hope you still keep on reading, what I already have and you can be sure, that you haven't seen the last of me. I WILL keep writing. :-) ;-) Hey you Fanfic writers out in the world. My name's jediclonecowgirl. age: 16 hobbies: writing,playing computer games,reading, listening to music films, games and serieses I'll write fics about: Star Wars, Star Wars "The Clone Wars", Animal Crossing, the Sims 2, Kingdom Hearts, Wizard 101, S4 League, Gregory Horror Show, Harry Potter, Star Trek, Avatar--Last Airbender, Sonic things, maybe High School Musical and maybe some Glee Fics Pairings I LOVE: Toy Stoy: Buzz X Jessie Woody X Bo Peep Woody X Dolly Star Wars (Star Wars "The Clone Wars" included): Anakin X Padmé Ahsoka X Captain Rex Barris X Commander Cody Aayla X Commander Bly Obi-Wan X Satine Chopper X Riyo Luke X OC (There's just NO fitting girlfriend for him in the originals.) Han X Leia Lando X Tendra Luminara X Commander Gree Mace X Adi Glee: Rachel X Finn Quinn X Puck Quinn X Sam ( I like both pairings.) Tina X Artie Tina X Mike ( Same here) Mercedes X Puck Santana X Puck (There are so many cute couples with Puck, that I can't decide which one's cooler.) Harry Potter: Harry X Ginny Harry X Oliver (Used to think that they did not go together but now I think it is kinda sweet.) Ron X Hermoine Fred X Angelina George X OC Percy X Oliver (YES!! I actually like yaoi.) Neville X Luna Oliver X Hermione (If it hadn't worked out between Hermione and Ron, Wood would've been the guy for her.) Oliver X OC Susan X Seamus Blaise X Millicent Bill X Fleur Avatar--Last Airbender: Katara X Zuko Mai X Ty Lee (I am not much of a Yuri fan but I think those two just go more than Mai goes with Zuko.) Zuko X OC Aang X OC Sokka X Suki Sokka X Toph Pairings,that I don't like: Star Wars( Star Wars "The Clone Wars" included): Anakin X Ahsoka ( AS A COUPLE ??!!!!! NO WAY!!!!) Ahsoka X Lux ( They just don't fit together.) Kit X Aayla (Jedi Knight and Jedi Master? I don't think so. Besides Aayla belongs with Bly) Toy Sory: Woody X Jessie ( Are you kidding me ?!!!!! She's like his younger sister.) Buzz X Bo Peep ( Buzz belongs with Jessie and Bo belongs with Woody. That's all I have to say about it!) Harry Potter: Harry X Hermione (They...just don't go together.) Ron X Lavender (That's just the most silly HP couple into the universe.) Fred X Hermione Project list of currently running projects: Main Projects: Anakin's little sister (ON A BREAK) Ani's little Girl The Wizard Twins Legacy of Windy II Summer Breeze (ON A BREAK) Sally's Diary Year 2 Side Projects: Escaping on Cristophsis Soul of friendship I My OC's: Star Wars (Star wars "The Clone Wars" included): Name: Savina Moonstar species: Twi'Lek age: 12 status: Padawan master: Aayla Secura homeworld: Ryloth getting found: Savina was found by jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his padawan Anakin Skywalker into the streets of Ryloth, when she was little. After another illegal blockade she lost her parents. Obi-Wan and Anakin took her to the jedi temple. stories: My padawan,my friend, Jedi on Ice, Savina and AhsokaThe beginning, Blame it on the alcohol, Carnival on Coruscant, Soul of friendship I The eleven, who escaped (FOR NOW!!!!) Name: Speed-Crash species: Clone status: Rookie (also called "Shinie") homeworld: Kamino number: CT-369100 stories: My padawan,my friend, Carnival on Coruscant, Soul of friendship I The eleven, who escaped (FOR NOW!!!!!) Name: Bomber species: Clone status: ARC-Trooper homeworld: Kamino number: CT-4177 stories: Never alone, I'm your brother, no matter what (FOR NOW!!!!!) Name: Samira age: 13 species: human status: rebel and leader of the "Shadow-Squadron" (a fighter squaddron of the rebellion) stories: Rebel Journey (all three books) Name:Louisa age:14 species: human satus: rebel and leader of the "Silver-Squaddron" (a fighter squaddron of the rebellion) stories: Rebel Journey (all three books) Name:Rachel age:14 species: human status: rebel and leader of the "Gold-Squaddron" (a fighter squaddron of the rebellion) stories: Rebel Journey (all three books) Name:Jack age:16 species: human status: rebel and pilot into the "Rouge-Squaddron" stories: Rebel Journey (all three books) Name: Ayno Saler age:21 species: Nautolan status: jedi-knight homeworld: Glee Anser padawan: Loucyanne Talou battalion: the 409th legion stories: My Padawan, my Friend 2 (FOR NOW!!!) Name:Loucyanne Talou age:11 species:human status: first a youngling, than a padawan homeworld: Corellia master: Ayno Saler getting found: Loucyanne was found by jedi master Bant Erin in the streets of Corellia. Her mother was killed in Slavery there and she never knew about her father. Bant took the girl with her to the temple. stories: My Padawan, my Friend 2 (FOR NOW!!!) Name: Tracker status: Commander species: clone homeworld: Kamino number: CC-347999 Commander of: the 409th legion stories: My Padawn, my Friend 2 (FOR NOW!!!) Name: Lockup status: Medic species: clone homeworld: Kamino number: CT-783566 stories: Lockup and Kix The first battle, My Padawan,my Friend 2 (FOR NOW!!!) Name: Randers Trace age: 11 species: Zabrak status: first a youngling then a padawan homeworld: Dathomir master: Quadon Yolm getting found: Randers was found by jedi master Tholme in the forests of Dathomir, at the age of one year. His parents left him there. His padawan Aayla Secura had found out, that the boy was force-sensitive and her master had informed the council. The two of them were sent to Dathomir to get Randers. stories: My Padawan, my friend 2, My Padawan, my Friend 3 (FOR NOW!!) Name: Quadon Yolm age: 23 species: Zabrak status: jedi master homeworld: Dathomir padawan: Randers Trace stories: My Padawan, my Friend 3 (FOR NOW!!) Name: Timer status: Captain species: clone homeworld: Kamino number: CC-9577 Captain of: the 206th legion stories: My Padawan, my friend 3 (FOR NOW!) Name: Celljit Telin age: 10 species: Mon Calamari status: first a youngling, then a padawan homeworld: Mon Calamari master: Sitara Yuun getting found: Celljit was found by jedi master Kit Fisto into the orbit over Mon Calamari. She had been into an escape pod of a Mon Calamari cruiser. The jedi master got her name from the computer of the pod and had taken her to the temple. stories: My Padawan, my friend 2, My Padawan, my friend 3, My Padawan, my friend 4 (FOR NOW!!) Name: Sitara Yuun age: 25 species: human status: jedi master homeworld: Taloraan padawan: Celljit Telin stories: My Padawan, my friend 4 (FOR NOW!) Name: Sharpeye status: Captain species: clone homeworld: Kamino number: CC-0312 Captain of: the 411th Sarlacc Battallion stories: My Padawan, my friend 4 (FOR NOW!!) Name: Lax status: Rookie (also called "Shinie") species: clone homeworld: Kamino number: CT-7333 stories: Ner Vod'ika (FOR NOW!!) Name: Trigger status: trooper species: clone homeworld: Kamino number: CT-64112 stories: Ner Vod'ika (FOR NOW!!) Harry Potter: Name: Jacky Moon age: 11 house: Gryffindor titles and nicknames: Insufferable Know-it-all Likes: reading, studying, learning, Potions, Remus Lupin Dislikes: Lily Evans, James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Quidditch stories: Legacy of Windy Name: Kelly Spinnet age: 11 house: Gryffindor titles and nicknames: none for now Likes: Quidditch, Hestia Jones, Lily Evans, Sirius Black Dislikes: Jacky Moon, Potions, Astronomy stories: Legacy of Windy Star Trek: (none for now) |