A word from the Autor: Hey, hey, hey, hey everybody, jediclonecowgirl here, with a new story. But you'll have to read find out what it's about. Sorry!

Senator Padmé Amidala stood into a gunship of the galactic republic and reported the effect of an analysis to the jedi council. They were about to leave the planet Cristophsis.

,,There is something strange going on on Cristophsis. The army of the seperatists seems to be carrying something to the end.", Padmé reported.

,,We appreciate, that you're interrupting your mission because of us Senator Amidala. But for your own safety, we suggest, that you leave the system as soon as possible.", the hologramm of Master Windu said.

,,We will Master Windu.", Padmé replied.

,,We are hit!", Captain Rex yelled at the same time.

The pilot was losing control over the gunship.

,,Brace for impact!", the pilot yelled.

As they went down everybody, Padmé included, fell over. Padmé's vision went blurry and theneverything just went black in front of her.

Padmé opened her eyes and sat up again. The gunship was comletely destroyed, or at least you couldn't fly with it anymore. She looked around. The other clone troopers seemed to be dead and the communication systems were destroyed. Suddenly she heared some clone trooper moaning in pain. After that she saw Captain Rex sit up.

,,You alright Senator?", he asked and sounded like he shrugged.

,,I'm fine Captain. It's you I'm worried about.", she replied and went to his side.

,,I'm okay. I need to get you outta here.", he just replied.

He grunted as he stood up and opened the gunship's door. Padmé could see, that he was in pain. She didn't have to be force-sensitive to see that. But then the captain grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the gunship. Shortly after they came out of the gunship a broken wing landed in front of them.

,,That was close.", Padmé mumured.

,,Thanks Captain.", she added.

,,It's my duty mam.", he simply replied and tried to hold back a wince. Padmé knew, that it was time to confront the captain, before he would try to do something, he'd regret later.

,,Why are you hiding it captain?", she asked really gentle.

,,What?", Rex asked back.

,,Captain, I might be no Jedi, but I can see, that you're in pain. We're in this together, so I don't want you to struggle to keep steady, when you're already injured.", she awnsered gentle, but firm.

,,I am hurt, but I'll be fine.", Rex admited.

Padmé couldn't stand looking at the captain. He was limping on one leg,

his right arm was hanging limp, like it was broken and with his good arm he was clutching his side.

,,Here. Let me help you.", Padmé whispered gently and supported him.

,,Senator... you don't need to do this.", he replied as quiet as Padmé.

,,I want to Captain.", Padmé simply replied, but then some droids were running up to them.

Captain Rex raised his blaster and Padmé pulled out her own one. She ran foreward and took down three of the battle droids. But five of them remained and grabbed them by their wrists, but Padmé managed to fight herself free and shot the droid down, which was still holding Rex, by his wrists. Padmé was able to shoot down the remaining three droids. Rex fell onto his knees, panting. Padmé didn't know, what to do or to say now, but then Padmé had an idea.

,,Is there a republician outpost on Cristophsis?", she asked.

,,Not that I'm aware.", Rex replied.

Ending word: It won't be a thing with romance. Padmé belongs with Anakin and Captain Rex belongs with Ahsoka. But it will be a thing with friendship and, like said in Season 3 Episode 10, Padmé hates, that clones get treated like things sometimes. I'll work with this in that story. It would be clearly cool, if you'd leave some reviews behind. Oh...and do it quickly, before you crash-land onto some uncharted planet.

Bye, bye! Oh and before I forget it...

May the force be with you.