Author has written 7 stories for Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Inuyasha, and Naruto. Greetings! Long time no update. I know, I know, but I've been busy with gasp real life. Anyway, for those who might still be interested, I live in Seattle, I'll be 18 in July of '08, and when I'm not busy trying to manage the crushing weight of a needlessly rigorous college preparatory education, I enjoy reading, writing, and vegetating in front of the T.V. Fan-fiction wise, I'm still hooked on Naruto, but some old time favorites are InuYasha, Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter. Cheers! ~WoD About my fics: Basically my rule of thumb is that if the lightning of inspiration strikes, I'll update. Unfortunately, we don't get many thunderstorms in Seattle so for all intents and purposes, all my fics are on hiatus. I'd been trying my hand at a long, serious InuYasha fic but that sort of died so at the moment mostly what you'll get out of me are humorous one shots about whatever strikes my fancy. I am, however, a shameless review whore so if anyone, anyone at all has any comments, questions or criticisms about any of my fics I'd love to hear them. In parting dear friends, I wish only that I had something pithy and and suitably amusing to leave you with or at least a random, pointless quote but as I have neither I shall simply bid you all farewell. |