Author has written 8 stories for Harry Potter. 'I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope TS Eliot, East Coker Classicist, cynic and critic. Sane but unhappy about it. An idealist whose rose-colored glasses have been removed, snapped in two and stomped into the ground, immediately improving her vision. Fighting the good fight against bad grammar, bad characterisation and bad writing in general in the name of the Oxford English Dictionary. William Topaz McGonagall must never be allowed to rise again - one 'Tay Bridge Disaster' was more than enough. Mashkar le gadjende leski shib si le Romeski zor. 'HUMANITY, n. Ambrose Bierce, 'The Devil's Dictionary' 4/5/05 - Chapter Four of 'Cheese' is now up at the Sugar Quill - the revised edition can be read here as well. |