![]() Author has written 29 stories for Vocaloid, Naruto, and Katekyo Hitman Reborn!. GENERAL PROFILE Name: Shaariin Gender: Female Age: 24, College Instructor Birth date: July 9th Personality: Crazy, boyish, snobbish, has random mood swings, not that fond of horror movies and overly girly stuff Favourite Singer/s: EXO, NCT, Sia, Ed Sheeran, but mostly a lot of KPop, tbh Favourite Anime/s: I've seen so much I can't say which! But the anime that I remember as my first fave was Cardcaptor Sakura. Favourite Manga/s: I currently I read a lot of titles but right now I'm following Tokyo Ghoul:re, Kuroshituji, Robot X LaserBeam, and some Chinese Webcomics Favourite Book: Peter Pan Favourite Songs: I like a lot o Kpop, like EXO's Don't Go, NCT DREAM's We Go Up Social Media: Tumblr LiveJournal Useful Link(s): Download Link for my fics: [1] [2] Gokudera's Backstory (Bakudan Bambino): http:///Bakudan.html Three beautiful pages full of proof that 8059 is practically canon (if not for the fact that it's a shounen manga and yaoi is not allowed) This is a Chinese Feng Shui horoscope. Take a moment to take this test! If 1. Which is your favorite color: Red,Black, Blue, Green or Yellow? 2. Your first initial? 3. Your month of birth? 4. Which color do you like more, Black or White? 5. The name of a person that is the same sex as you? 6. Your favorite number? 7. Do you like California or Florida more? 8. Do you like a lake or the ocean more? 9. Write down a wish (a realistic one) When you are done, scroll down. Don't cheat! Grab a pen! Answers: 1. If you choose: 2. If your initials are: 3. If you were born in: 4. If you choose: 5. This person should be your best friend.. 6. This is how many close friends you will have in your life time.. 7. If you choose: 8. If you choose: need to post this in your profile for your wish to come true. 1) Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, liposuction and air conditioning. 2) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall. 3) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract. 4) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal. 5) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britney Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed. 6) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children. 7) Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children. 8) Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America. 9) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children. 10) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans... Copy this to your profile if you believe in legalizing gay marriage! Random Thoughts: 11/20/11 asdfghjkl! School is killing me! It is soooo not helping with my writer's block! I can't seem to finish Chapter 6 for Ice Mountains; I keep changing my mind . Later: Waaah! Vampire Edward Elric so smexy hahahaha! X3 I really like that song, Undo... Can't get it out of my head :0 Even more later: Kyaaa! Found a Kaito version of Undo! Must... download... for... sanity's...sake...! (Ha! Done!) 11/21/11 Watched One Piece while in the school paper office today.. A lot has changed in their lives in two years... Later: Still nothing new with Chapter 6... I just find it weird that I didn't notice a lot of things when I watched/read Card Captor Sakura when I was in highschool: that Tomoyo's mom was in love with Sakura's mom, and that Tomoyo's love for Sakura wasn't simply platonic; or the fact that Touya was waist-deep in love with Yukito.. Maybe I did, but deliberately ignored them? Oh well... Hmm... Should I add a similar flavor to my work? No, I don't think I can yet.. Incest, maybe, but yaoi/yuri? Nope. Definitely not. Ngrr! I'm starting to ask for a twin brother again... Okay, even simply a sibling will do; it's so hard to be an only child, ya know? 11/25/11 Cleared up my profile. Changed my avatar, too. Gonna go back to Chapter 6 now. You guys are so not expecting what's gonna happen! hahahaha! 12/05/11 Despite what I said above, nothing new has been added to my latest chapter. asdfghjkl!!!! *sigh* Anyways, I had a relatively Vocaloid weekend: Saturday night, I tuned into this gag show, and their opening number was otaku-themed, then suddenly, I heard it: "Just be friends, all we gotta do is just be friends..." I mean, it was just for five seconds, but I spent 5 minutes hissing (yes, hissing, since my 'rents were already asleep) and jumping around like a bunny who had swallowed a snake! Then yesterday night, we watched a local talent show on tv where a ten year old boy sang Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl". It reminded me of Spice! very much XD... Anyways, maybe I'll be able to continue IM, AF, aaM during Christmas break (starting 12/17/11)... Wish me luck 12/29/11 Quotable quotes of the day: Envy (posing as Roy): What's the meaning of this, Lieutenent? Who do you think you're aiming at? Riza: Excuse me? You're joking, right? When we're alone, the Colonel always calls me "Riza". Envy (transforms from Roy back to itself): Shit, you two are togeth- Riza: Just kidding. (Shoots Envy) Envy: Crap... Riza: Well, thanks for falling for it. Now do me another favor and die. 01/23/12 Okaaaaayyyy... Fairy Tail mode! Why am I rooting for Loke/Loki all of a sudden?! Gaaaaah! I can't stand cats! They just make me want to hug them, and snuggle them, and take care of them and... Wow, Alphonse Elric, much? Yeah, I like felines. Can catnip affect lions, too? 'Cause I read this romance where the hero's panther (Yes, panther) favored catnip... I wonder... 01/24/12 Uhm... I know I hate yoai and all that, but why am I tempted to read Okane Ga Nai? But it won't last long, I'm sure... I'd lose too mush blood because of excessive nosebleeding :P I looked up on catnip. Yes, it also affects big cats... "The common behaviors when cats sense the bruised leaves or stems of catnip are rubbing on the plant, rolling on the ground, pawing at it, licking it, chewing it consuming much of the plant followed by drooling, sleepiness, anxiety, leaping about and purring. Some will growl, meow, scratch, or bite the hand holding it. Some cats will eat dried catnip. Often, eating too much can cause cats to be overtly aggressive, typically making them hiss." In short, it's weed for cats :P I wonder what'll happen to Loke-sama (sama?! Lluvia's rubbing off on me...) if I give him catnip? Later: Okay, started reading Okane Ga Nai, and I love the plot!!! So what if it's yaoi? The story's dope! Ai! 01/25/12 Waaaaah! Okay, so I was at Mangafox to read Okane Ga Nai, but I accidentally typed "ak" instead. Know what I saw? "Aku No Meshitsukai" by Mothy, published Jan 1, 2012!!! Only the first chapter is up for now, though TTATT Yeah! Len plays the piano!!! 03/12/12 Gaaaaaaah!!! It's been a long time since I last wrote here! Just proves how busy I am... Okay... Inventory!!! I now have a DVD of Junjou Romantica Season 1, a DVD of Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi Season 1, a DVD of Uta No Prince-sama, a DVD of Soul Eater Season 1 and of Season 2... Ngrrrr!!! How lacking! And I'm going to exchange my recently acquired Eyeshield21 Episodes 1-110 because of the crappy quality... What should I choose instead? OMG! I'm sooo shocked at how many people liked my KHR fic, andnow I feel like I'm letting them down because I can't post my next chappie due to three (3) reasons: 1) Internet got disconnected, 2)Busy with studies, and 3) AneMone crashed!!!!!! 06/10/12 Oh my gosh, I hate myself! If any of my readers from From Fiction to Real Life (FF2RL) are reading this, I AM SORRY. Procrastination is a huge beyatch and it's kicking my behind, along with that compromising fact that my laptop's under arrest and I can only sneak 3 hours at a time, and once every two weeks is apparently too frequent for the warden (my father =w=). As a compensation, when I do manage to update, I'll post three (3) chapters all at once. On a brighter note, I made my own icon! I have this weird obsesion with treble and bass clefs, and thus used an image of them as the 'S', I added a smaller '13' on Old English and voila! my icon is finished! Not that bis of an accomplishment, but when you're a lazy kid whose own Dad calls her a Sloth, that's HUGE. Yeah, stop blabbering now. ps
I introduced KHR to my friend a few days ago. I just met up with her today and the first thing she told me is: "I thought Reborn was a shounen manga. Why is there a yaoi couple there?" I asked her who she was talking about. "Yamamoto and Gokudera, duh." It made my heart sing, really, but instead, I said "Err, they're not together..." Her reaction: "WHAAAT?! No way!" :P 8059 FTW! 08/24/12 UPDATE! I have two KHR one shots written in my notebook that needs typing, and From Fiction To Real Life Chapter 8 is finally up! The last chapter is already on the works and so is the epilogue. Watch out for any updates! Later: I just read KHR Chapter 398. Squ-chan NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Oh my god, please don't kill him, Amano-sensei! What'll happen to Xan-chan if he loses his beloved Shark?! Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! #cries 08/31/12 Okay, what the f* just happened?! Amano completely forgot about Squ-chan, Xan-chan's legs got amputated, Bya-chan got impaled, Spanner-kun popped out of a Green Mosca that swallowed a curse-free Verde. I am so confuuuuuuuuuused!!! What about Squ-chan?! Dang!!!!! Amano, what are you doing?! Back to presswork with me! 09/06/12 Just finished with the blood test and urinalysis... Passing time 'til the results come out. I also have a check-up around 2.30... I hope everything's alright... Wish me luck! 10/05/12 A compilation of all my KHR related fics as of now is available! If you want to download, please check the USEFUL LINKS section of my profile; there's a link there. Thanks! 11/05/12 Finally, the play is done! Buuuut... Not feeling well... I may be going down with something... 11/09/12 Got a CBC this lunch; my platelet count is 130. According to the little footnote, it's below normal. Mom's out to get a second opinion. I hope it's not dengue! 11/10/12 My doctor got me admitted to the hospital for dengue yesterday. Dang, I thought it was just flu. I've been having fevers and chills since the Fifth. 11/13/12 Finally got out of the hospital! Still weak from the daily blood tests and the general inactivity. No strenuous activities for two weeks for me! 11/14/12 At school, finally! I was two days absent at school =.= I have a Certificate of Confinement, though, so it's okay. Still pretty unsteady on my feet, though, and I get tired pretty easily. 11/22/12 It's my cousin's debut today! Too bad I couldn't go to Manila... School just started and I can't afford any more absences or else I'd be dropped from the course! Oh well. I'll just text her later once I get my hands on some cha-ching! 01/25/13 First post of this year... Just finished reading Nakamura Shungiku's Hybrid Child and it's.so.tragic.I'. I'm still crying right now. TRAGIC. TRAGIC. TRAGIC. I suggest reading it, guys. Lovely. Just lovely. Actually, I'm supposed to be at school right now, but I'm sick at home. I was soooo stressed yesterday (academic/extracurricular-related) that I got indigestion. I keep throwing up and could hardly keep any food down. Ugh, I think I'm having stomach cramps again. Get well soon, me. 03/05/13 Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygooooooooooooooooooooooooooosssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I just discovered that an animation of Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai is in the works! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Trifecta for the win! My heart is pounding! I AM SO EXCITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED! Not only that, but HYBRID CHILD IS ALSO GETTING AN OVA! Can this day get any better?! LOVE!!!!! link of the news here: [LINK] 03/30/13 Went out of town. AGAIN. Five-hour journey. I died halfway. Not really, nearly just. I was sheet pale, they said. But the ocean was soooooooooo beautiful! I swear. The water is so clear you can see every grain of sand kicked up by your steps. The sand isn't really sand; it's finely crushed coral fossils. The sand is so course and largely grained that you can shake the grains that stuck to you so easily. And everywhere you step is so full of corals you have to go swimming with footwear on. And it's painful to walk on the seaside cause the corals and shells are everywhere. About less than 50 meters away from the beach, a risen nearly-dead coral reef breaks up the water, so the shallows are mainly calm and reached only up to my hips (approx. 2.5 feet). The sad part, you have to pass through a starfish habitat. I feel like a mass murderer with all those starfish I stepped on. I was literally crying out loud. My dad even told me to shut up cause I was soooooo noisy. 03/31/13 Just got home. I am now officially dead. If yesterday I was just nearly there, now I went all the way. I think I only ate half of my required calories the whole day cause I feel so, so bad. You couldn't speak to me during the trip; I was half-conscious the whole way. 04/01/13 April Fool's Day, minna! On the road once again. Today it's an hour and a half away. Another overnight stay. They're planning to go swimming today or tomorrow, but I can't come. If they made me go, I'll be dying once again. I've barely managed to recover from yesterday. I am just. too. tired. Okay, so my works are still in progress, so good luck to me with that Shaariin13, signing off! |