![]() Author has written 19 stories for Naruto, Ouran High School Host Club, Kuroshitsuji, Hunger Games, Sherlock, Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Supernatural. Hey Welcome to my humble profile! My anagram is Ai Chiyo (a-h-i che-yo), and I like many other people on this planet love to write. It's a passion of mine. One I've been cultivating since I was about ten. My earlier stories are probably never going to be continued, and I don't think I'll ever take them down because that's unfair to myself and you all, but I do want you to know that I loved each of those stories when I published them. I genuinely tried to finish them. And I would finish them all if I could, but I don't think that's possible. It would mean a complete revision of the story and dissecting my older works to figure out just where the hell I thought I was going. I've lost touch with the kind of writing I used to do. My style has changed, and yeah I'm still experimenting, but I just don't think I can reach back that far. I hate to give up and just discontinue them, but I feel it's the appropriate choice here. I'll post a discontinued list at the end of my actual bio. All of that being said, I write horribly sporadically and spontaneously. It's totally unacceptable, but what can I say? I suck at keep schedules and doing the whole commitment thing. Writing is something that just comes to me. It's not really something I can rush or hurry. So I hope you enjoy what I've posted and will continue to post. I don't plan on abandoning my fanfiction. I don't think I could ever do that. I love the art form too much. I can't draw for shit most of the time --despite my constant trying to draw decently, it comes slowly to me-- and so this is how I contribute to the fandoms I love. Not that I'm ungrateful for what I think is a gift for words that I have. I will cherish it every day for the rest of my life, but I wish I could give more. Do more. But that's just me. I always want to give more, even if it's unhealthy for me. I've done quite a bit of maturing since I posted my first story on . I think that a lot of us have progressed leaps and bounds beyond our very first fanfiction. I definitely have. I hope to continue to progress no matter what. I'm at the very beginning of my life, and maybe you won't want fanfiction from a forty-five year old mother of three who doesn't get out much, but you'll probably get it. Honestly, you'll probably get it on this profile right here. I don't want to take down my older stories just because I've grown out of them and I'm unable to finish them. I feel like that's cheating. I want the world to see my growth. And maybe it'll piss some people off because they think only the best should be published, but whenever I hit that publish button I truly thought with all of my heart that it was the best I could do. I thought the world would love it and accept it wholeheartedly. I know differently now, of course. But I'm proud of my progress and I will stand by my past work. But enough of my self-righteousness. I'll get onto the more juicy parts like my fandoms and such! I'm sure that's what you're really here for! Fandoms Supernatural (I'm perpetually behind on this damn series. Tuesdays are the worst for me and I can't get the thing to record...) Hetalia - Axis Powers (Perpetually behind on updating for this series. Yikes.) Doctor Who (I have no idea how well I could write anything for DW. I'm actually afraid.) The Vampire Diaries (Honestly, who can resist? I can't. Delena for the win.) Homestuck (I'm so behind I don't even know what Godtier actually is but I s2g I will get there eventually.) BBC Sherlock (Honestly, who can resist Bendylegs Cumbersnatch? Not me, clearly.) Ouran High School Host Club (I may have watched it forever ago, but I love it with all of my heart.) Soul Eater (God help me if I ever get an idea for this one.) Black Butler (Been there, tried that, and I kind of failed...) Lots of other anime and shit... PM if you have any questions! I'll Sink With This Ship If you were wondering my weaknesses in ships here they are! Delena (Damon Salvatore/Elena Gilbert) Vampire Diaries Klaroline (Klaus Mikaelson/Caroline Forbes) Vampire Diaries Jermey Gilbert/Annabelle Zhu (Do they even have a ship name?) Vampire Diaries Elijah Mikaelson/Elena Gilbert (Am I the only one? I can't be the only one! Kinda like it more than Delena..) Vampire Diaries Stefan Salvatore/Lexi Branson (Maybe it'd never happen, but I love it.) Vampire Diaries Stefan Salvatore/Katherine Pierce (What can I say? I'm a sucker.) Vampire Diaries Alaric Saltzman/Jenna Sommers (They tickle me in a way you can't even imagine.) Vampire Diaries Elena/Caroline/Bonnie (Not all together but any combo of them and I am dead. Thank u.) Vampire Diaries Wincest (You can't convince me it wouldn't happen. I refuse.) Supernatural Samstiel (Sam Winchester/Castiel Novak) Supernatural Sabriel (Sam Winchester/Gabriel) Supernatural Dean Winchester/Jo Harvelle (They're my fav. hetero. okay?) Supernatural Anaby (Ana/Ruby) Supernatural Holmescest (Two Holmes brothers with an unhealthy and inappropriate relationship? It's like Wincest, but British and more high functioning sociopath!) BBC Sherlock JohnLock (Sherlock Holmes/John Watson) BBC Sherlock JohnCroft (John Watson/Mycroft Holmes) BBC Sherlock Molly Hooper/Irene Adler (I'm a sucker for them.) BBC Sherlock Greg Lestrade/Mycroft Holmes (I know they have a ship name it's just failing me.) BBC Sherlock Anything with France please. Axis Powers Hetalia Hayniss (Haymitch Abernathy/Katniss Everdeen) Hunger Games Kinna (Cinna/Katniss Everdeen) Hunger Games Lots of other crap. I have a problem with shipping too much. But these are a few of my favorite ships! Current Fic List in Order of Hopeful Completion! (Maybe How I'll Update as Well? Idk. Indecisive Writer is Indecisive.) Flipping Burgers & Hearts (Spain/America APH) Holes (England/France/America APH) The Price of a Flame (Belarus/Russia APH) Personal Problems (Haymitch/Katniss HG) Reasons To Live (England/France APH) The Taste of Tea (England/France APH) Completed Fics Things I Love More Than Sammy (Destiel SPN) The Bursting of Emotions (Mori/Honey OHSHC) Problems With Pink (Sherlock/Mycroft) Erotica Momenta (Pein{Pain?}/Itachi/Tobi) Discontinued Fics Unexpected Lessons (Itachi/Tobi Naruto) Redemption (Naruto/Sakura Naruto) Peculiar Things (Hinata/Sakura Naruto) The Shattered King (Hidan/Itachi Naruto) Pleasurable (Itachi/Sasuke Naruto) Captive & Confused (OC/Sasori/Deidara Naruto) Tell Me I'm A Wreck Alternate! (Neji/Hinata Naruto) Learning From The Past (Temari-centric Naruto) Behind The Bloody Veil of Hair (Grell-centric Black Butler) As you can see most of these are Naurto stories. I think I've become disenchanted with Naruto honestly. It was one of the first animes I ever watched and while I loved it dearly I think it got too muddled and too hard to follow. Maybe it's because of this that I feel like I can't continue these stories. The striked through stories are definitely discontinued, but the others remain on my mind. I want to finish them; I'm just not sure I can. Bear with me. And if you see a fic you love on the list PM me about it. I take outside interest to heart and your love of a story could be what really pushes it further. Like to the next level. I just suck at making these decisions on my own. So let me know if you want one more than any of the others. Love, Ai. |