041: Dancing
Various times, Sherlock has been asked to dance at parties by an oblivious girl. He always declines. John asks him once, as a joke, but when John leans into Sherlock's chest suddenly everything goes quiet.
042: Running
The first time Sherlock ran until his lungs hurt, stretching his physiology beyond comfort allowed, was when he heard John cry out in pain.
043: Fortnight
It is a fortnight before John and Lestrade let Sherlock know that 'chav' is not the new way to say 'ciao'.
044: Blind
Sherlock has an emergency back-up system if he loses his sight: his honed sense of smell, his animal-like hearing and John.
045: Musicals
Sherlock hates straight plays, but loves musicals. He can close the eyes and play the songs on his imaginary violin.
046: Drunk
The worst thing for Sherlock is that he cannot do his scarf up properly so John, giggling too, does it up for him.
047: Dare
Lestrade paid them twenty five pounds to dress up in each other's clothes; Sherlock couldn't even pull John's jumped over his head; John looked lost in Sherlock's scarf.
048: Truth
John is the only experiment Sherlock is happy to never understand, Sherlock explains. That he accepts he will never understand. For the result is unexpected and far too ground-breaking to do so: he just likes being with John Watson.
049: Silent
Sherlock's silence is the loudest John has ever known.
050: Scar
We all have scars, but the stories of Sherlock's and John's could fill novels (have done).
051: Taste
On the rare event Sherlock makes tea, he sips each mug first - and gives John the one with the better taste.
052: Nightmares
Sherlock plays the violin particularly loudly when John has nightmares. John shouts angrily, but at least wakes up.
053: Test
Sherlock often eats dinner with his knife and fork the wrong way round or smudges different substances on his cuffs or sprinkles odd powders on his hair. John always notices. He always passes the tests.
054: Trick
John once nestled Sherlock's mobile in the folds of his scarf at the back of his neck. When it rung, Sherlock kept spinning around. It was like watching a dog chase it's own tail.
Thank you for your reviews etc. So much. All ideas have really helped - and any further suggestions/prompts are appreciated (needed).
For a creative and, er, slightly insensitive definition of chav for all you non-UKers, please look at Urban Dictionary: