This will be a series of text message drabbles mainly between John and Sherlock; but sometimes other characters will get involved too! Happily taking prompts and requests! Check out my other JohnLock piece 'Mine'. =)
Disclaimer: I don't own anything here other the plot. All characters and settings are the BBC's.
1. Tea (for NeoCosplayCat626)
John. –SH
Yes, Sherlock? –JW
Need you. –SH
What? Why? I'm at work. –JW
I need your expertise, John. Though I hate to admit it, I'm lacking in this certain field. –SH
Certain field? Sherlock, what are you doing? –JW
Tea, John. I can't do it? –SH
Tea? You've texted me while I'm at work… to discuss tea? –JW
Not discuss, John. I need instrtuctions. I can't do it. The kettle keeps groaning at me. –SH
Groaning? Sherlock…Right. Ok. Follow these steps. the kettle. With WATER from the TAP. I don't fancy getting ill again from your last attempt at descaling the kettle with animal urine. –JW
Canine. German Shepherd to be exact. –SH
Step two, fit the kettle back onto its base. Lid closed. Step three, flick the switch on the base. If there's no orange light, check the socket is on at the wall. Is that helpful enough for you? I can't believe I'm doing this…surely you know how to use a kettle? You know how to infiltrate a military base for christ's sake! –JW
I've told you before, John. My hard-drive is needed for far more important things than turning a kettle on. But thank you, that's all sorted now. Where do keep the cups? –SH
Oh god. In the top left cupboard above the sink, Sherlock. Anyone would think you've never set foot in our kitchen before. –JW
Kitchens. Dull. There are far better uses for such spaces. –SH
Like matching fish scale DNA it would seem…Got the cup? –JW
Yes…John? –SH
Sherlock. –JW
The little porcelain jar. –SH
The teabag pot, yes? Oh god, what's in there? JW
Nothing. –SH
Oh good, get a teabag out then. Put it in the mug and add the sugar. (That's half a teaspoon by the way. I'm cutting you down. If you refuse to see the dentist then I refuse to give you sugary foods, and that includes tea.) –JW
Ugh, dentists. They advise you to use certain toothpaste and yet get paid for treated your ruined teeth. Does no one but me see the alarmingly obvious link here? I don't trust them…–SH
Got the teabag, Sherlock? –JW
I can't, John. –SH
You can't what, Sherlock? –JW
The jar is empty. No teabags. Not even a tooth. –SH
Teeth? You've been keeping teeth in there? Oh Jesus… Okay. Fine. I'll pick some up on my way home. –JW
That's irrelevant at the moment. Thank you. –SH
Jesus, are you alright? First taking no notice of my ignorance at your opinion of dentists and now we've moved all the way to gratitude? I'll have to check you for a temperature when I get home. –JW
You think lowly of me John. Does that involve the thermometer again? No John. I refuse. I made it quite clear at the time that that particular event would not ever be repeated. –SH
Don't worry, Sherlock. This one goes in your mouth. Trust me, I don't want to repeat that either. Mind you I could skip that all and just feel you for a fever. –JW
I prefer the latter. –SH
Right, well, I'll see you later. I can't talk for much longer, I have patients waiting. Please don't find any more uses for our crockery before I get back? –JW
See you later, John. –SH
… -JW
Thanks for reading!