Author has written 18 stories for Power Rangers, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Streets Of San Francisco, and Voltron: Legendary Defender. Update January 13, 2013: Fanfic-wise I've kind of fallen off of the face of the Earth for a while, real-life has made writing hard on many different levels. But I'm getting back into both my original writing and fan-fic, so I will be posting fic here again before long. I've also changed my name here to simply Kahva, since that is how most people know me. The first new fic you will see from me will be The Streets of San Francisco, and later this year you should also see some classic Battlestar Galactica from me. I may take a stab at the reimagined series as well at some point, but I need to get a better feel for it first. I'm a fanfic author who's always in search of good reading material. My "Evil Twin" is Higuchimon, formerly known as Cynthia, Ruby of the Rose. :) I've written Power Rangers fanfiction, I'm still writing Power Rangers fanfiction (contrary to the apparent belief of some out there) and I'm now delving into the world of The Lord of the Rings fanfiction (read Littlefish's work!). Yep, I'm a Legolas woman:) I'm also a fan of some anime, and MacGyver. I'm also a fan of the Highlander TV series, in particular, I'm a fan of Methos. Oh, and as of July 9th 2003, you can add Pirates of the Caribbean:The Curse of the Black Pearl to my fandoms. I'm currently working on several POTC fics, and if you look below, you can see the ones I've posted so far. (BTW, some folks have thought that "To Live Is To Die" is a one chapter only story. Others have wondered how long it will be. To answer both questions, there are other chapters in the works, but as for how long the total story will be, that remains to be seen.) In other words, don't try to figure me out by my likes, 'cause you'll only give yourself a royal headache. :) One thing I hate: character bashing. It's pointless and cruel, to put it simply. If a fic has character bashing in it, you can forget about me reading it. I've got a few other pet peeves, but I won't take up space here listing those. I hope to have more of my work up here in the coming months, so please check back periodically to see what's been added and updated. I cannot and will not promise regularly scheduled updates, for real life simply will not allow me to make that kind of promise. Work is evil! But alas, it is needed to pay the bills and rent. Oh well... Have fun, everyone! Constructive reviews are welcome and encouraged, flames will be ignored and deleted after I use them to light some of my scented candles, and also make some smores. And as always, when working with power tools, be sure to read and follow all safety instructions, and remember to wear safety glasses. This has been your friendly The New Yankee Workshop reminder for the day, check your local PBS listings for day and time. ;) PS: On January 29th, 2004, I read a WONDERFUL essay on fic writing by my good friend SilvorMoon on her LiveJournal. I'm using one of the lines from it as a quote here at the end of my profile now. Silvor, I'll say it again: EXCELLENT essay:) Here's the link to the essay for those who would like to read it, link posted with Silvor's permission. :) http:///users/silvormoon/11097.html#cutid1 Once again, enjoy the fanfiction:) The rules of writing are not arbitrary. - SilvorMoon |
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