A/N: Oh, the plot bunnies have attacked, and my Tifa muse decided to join them in the ambush. She's been clambering for a really hot situation lately, and I think this fits the bill nicely. Goddess knows my Cloud muse is grinning over it. But in the meantime... Help! I'm being bombarded by the cute, fluffy masses of these blasted plot bunnies! Someone save meeeee...

Summary: AU one-shot! (In-Game) Although she had nothing to do with AVALANCHE's bombing of a Mako Reactor in Midgar, Tifa Lockhart is taken right out of her 7th Heaven bar and into custody, to be questioned because she just so happens to know the leader of the group. And finds herself at odds with one of ShinRa's SOLDIERs. Can she get out of this mess intact? And just how much help, or hindrance, can she expect from this Cloud Strife? Set right after the bombing of the first reactor in the Final Fantasy VII game.

The Cell

By Ivy Elise Tanté

Tifa Lockhart walked round and round the eight-by-eight concrete cell, afraid right down to the soles of her feet. ShinRa troopers had invaded her bar not three hours ago, taking her and many of her patrons into custody on the flimsy excuse of 'terrorists ties'. Apparently one of her long-time friends, Barret Wallace, was a member of an organization calling themselves AVALANCHE, and the fact he frequented her bar was all the reason they needed to lock her up.

So she paced. There was nothing in the cell, just smooth floor and walls, until you reached the opening nearly ten feet off the floor. The only way down into the room was a rope ladder that was lowered, then hauled back up. She'd been allowed a bathroom break nearly an hour ago, but hadn't seen anyone or even heard any voices since. Even during the break, the only ones around had been her and the guard.

Being so isolated wasn't comfortable, not with the way the guard kept eyeing her. More than once, Tifa found herself despising how generous nature had been with her curves. It was all fine and good when trying to attract a man she was interesting in, but as for the unwanted leers from the troopers that came to arrest her? Blech. She did not at all like the situation she was currently in.

The sound of boot heels ringing on the concrete caught her attention, and she watched as the rope ladder was lowered into her cell. What confused her as someone began climbing down was that her guard was leaving his post; she could clearly hear him walking away, and the door at the end of the corridor slammed a moment later. Then she identified the uniform of the man agilely shimmying down the ladder and flattened herself against the wall in shocked reaction.

For whatever reason, ShinRa had sent a SOLDIER to question her. A 1st Class SOLDIER, to judge by the color of his clothing. He reached the bottom of the ladder and leaped lightly down the rest of the way, his boots barely making a sound on the concrete floor. Turning, he stood there in the dim light studying her intently. The SOLDIER was a blonde, his pale spiky hair standing up all over his head, although a few lock framed his startlingly angelic-looking face. It was the eyes that had her heart pounding with fear. They were the most concentrated blue she'd ever seen, with the glowing green stain of Mako rimming his pupils. There was nothing showing in those eyes, neither pity or disdain.

He wasn't tall, this man whose body and mind had undergone the enhancement of Jenova injections and Mako showers. Around average height, he was slender yet gave the impression of incredible strength in the agile, rigidly controlled grace of his movements. The broad shoulders narrowed to slim waist and hips, and ended in surprisingly long legs. Something about him -despite the angelic face- hinted at a hard and uncompromising nature.

The uniform was modified from the SOLDIER standard, as she understood was acceptable for those of 1st Class. He wore the normal black sleeveless cable knit sweater, but his sported a zipper down the front. The black many-pocketed pants were regulation, as were the zip-up boots. But he wore only one pauldron on his left shoulder, and it bore a snarling wolf symbol instead of the insignia of SOLDIER. A sleeve had been added to conceal his left arm, and a dust skirt shrouded his side from the waist to his boots, again on the left with a strap crossing over from his right shoulder and two from his right hip. Both hands were gloved, but the bare right arm sported a bracer that reached nearly to his elbow. A stud in the shape of the same snarling wolf on his pauldron adorned his left ear.

Tifa had to turn her face away, for the faintly glowing too-blue eyes unnerved her. She still did not understand why she was here, and the presence of the SOLDIER frightened her badly. They had quite the reputation, those men. Of strength, endurance, speed, stamina, skill. But there were also whispers of cruelty and arrogance, and the belief they were a breed apart that should not be denied whatever they desired. There were a few that did not fit the rigid mold of the many, but nothing in his manner hinted he might be one of them. It was not a good thing to be under the control of such a man.

"Tifa Lockhart, I presume," he said quietly, apparently finished with his initial survey of her. His voice was a bit of a surprise; low, soft and sensual, with just a touch of husky to keep the tone from being too pretty. Leaning against the wall behind him, he crossed his arms over his chest and one ankle over the other. It was a casual pose, relaxed and unselfconscious. He appeared unarmed, though it was hard to tell for sure with the way his clothing was arranged.

"I don't know why I'm here," she found herself whispering, edging herself into the corner furthest from him. Tifa was very aware of how her clothing exposed her; the tight, sleeveless white t-shirt that ended inches short of her belt, the way her suspenders outlined the lush contours of her breasts, the very short length of her black leather skirt that only enhanced the appearance of her long, slender legs, the dark brown hair that swirled nearly to her knees. And between that t-shirt and skirt, her small waist curved and flared into alluring, slim hips. She was allowed to retain her long black fingerless gloves that reached nearly to her shoulders, but the elbow guards, bangles and leather fighting gloves had been taken from her before she was put into the cell.

The SOLDIER took his time looking his fill, and a slow, appreciative smile appeared as his eyes traveled back up to her face. "You don't? Then I guess I should tell you." He uncoiled from the wall with such supple movement Tifa involuntarily gasped. The faint smile grew wider as he approached her. "It is believed that you have information as to the whereabouts of an AVALANCHE member, namely the man called Barret Wallace."

"He's a friend," she admitted, seeing no reason to deny knowing him. Barret had been the closest thing to a father she'd known since leaving Nibelheim years ago. "When I arrived in Midgar, he was the only one willing to give me a job. I worked hard for him, and when the chance came, he backed me so I could buy 7th Heaven outright instead of renting."

The glowing eyes drifted a bit as he considered this information. "When did you realize he was involved in AVALANCHE?"

It hurt, those casual words. Tifa bit her lip and turned away. "Months ago. I thought it was all just games to them, but I wanted no part in it. I wouldn't let them meet in the bar, and when Barret became angry about it I offered to finish repaying the loan right away instead of continuing the payments. He was so mad he refused to speak to me further, and stopped coming in until two days ago." Oh, would she ever forget that night? "He told me to get out. To close the bar and leave town. I laughed at him and said it was too busy to close, and offered him a drink. Barret snapped back that they were bombing Reactor 1, and I laughed at that too. That was the final straw for him and he slammed out. Then later I was cleaning up the bar and the explosion knocked out the power."

"You didn't believe him," the statement was spoken quietly, almost gently.

Tifa didn't trust him, but again, she saw no reason to lie. "Why should I have? He's been like a father to me for years. Barret has a temper, but I've never seen him like he was that night. So hard, so cold, so angry. I know about his past, what happened in Corel, how he lost his hand and why he had a gun grafted to the stump. But I just never thought he would willingly kill innocent people in nearly the same way his hometown was destroyed."

Nodding, the SOLDIER came closer still, and suddenly Tifa found herself crowded into the corner - he was barely a foot from her and leaning one hand on the wall just over her shoulder. "I thank you for your honesty, Tifa." The way he said her name was so caressing she blushed. "And I'm not sensing that you're withholding anything from me. But the next part might not be so easy for you. I need to know where Barret could be now. He abandoned his apartment weeks ago, sold the vehicle registered to him, and removed all his gil from both banks he frequents. He's in the wind, and we have to track him down quickly before more people die."

Sadly Tifa shook her head. "I wish I could tell you. After the explosion I tried to call him, but that phone is no longer in service. I also tried his friends -Jessie, Biggs and Wedge- but their phones aren't on anymore either. Checking their apartments was next, but the troopers came before I could do that."

The narrowing of his eyes let her know this was new to him. "Those names, give them to me again." Pulling out a little datapad, he typed in the names, addresses and numbers she gave him. "What can you tell me about them?"

She was breathing easier now, since he'd moved back a little to record the information. "Not much, as I wouldn't let them meet in the bar. Jessie would be their explosives expert; she was in the infantry's weapons development department for a couple of years. Wedge is a geek, knows computers back and forward and likes to hack. The one time I let him fix my computer I think he accessed some website he shouldn't have. I guess I should give you the codes so you can see whatever it was that he did." Tifa offered shyly.

"Thank you," he said graciously, placing his hand on his chest and bowing slightly.

As she couldn't tell if he was being mocking or not, she continued, "And Biggs was an army commander in Wutai. I don't know what division, but I assume that would give him the knowledge to plan and carry out an attack."

Finished inputting the data, he tucked the pad back into a pant's pocket and again leaned over her. Something about the look in his eyes had her shrinking back from him, though he wasn't making any threatening moves. "You've been far more help that you might believe. We didn't know the names of any of his group because none of them have records. Do you know where they are from?"

Tifa closed her eyes to clear her thinking, since the SOLDIER was now close enough his scent was affecting her senses. It was a surprise that he smelled like a summer storm, when the wind would suddenly whip up dust and leaves as it blew the scent of thunder and lightning just ahead of the pouring rain. "Wedge is from some fishing village on the Wutai continent. Biggs, I think, grew up in Mideel, and Jessie is from the slums of Sector 6. Barret, of course, is from what used to be Corel, but he's lived here in Midgar for nearly a decade." Opening her eyes, she remembered, "One of his friends is Cid Highwind. I don't know that he has anything to do with the bombing, but if Barret were on the run, wouldn't he go to a friend? Cid has his airship, the 'Highwind', that could take Barret anywhere."

"That is a possibility." One hand reached out to stroke her cheek and Tifa forgot how to breathe at the feel of leather caressing her skin. Crowding even closer, he whispered in her ear, "I am Cloud Strife, Tifa."

Oh, she'd heard that name before. Of all the SOLDIERs in ShinRa, if you just had to be captured by one, pray it was him. Though to be honest, Zack Fair was a close second and Kunsel Moreno a strong third. All three were known for their compassion and integrity, and their tendency to walk out on a limb to keep civilians safe from the intrigues of ShinRa. It relaxed her enough that she could smile at him despite the trapped feeling his nearness inspired.

But when his hand dropped to mesh with hers and pin it firmly to the wall, her heart did a funny little flip. "Cloud," she gasped, alarmed when her other hand was pinned as well. Moving with that incredible grace, one of his legs slid between hers even as he tugged slightly to the right. Suddenly she was out of her corner and flat against the wall, both hands shackled over her head by one of his with his knee braced on the concrete. Tifa now had one of her legs draped over his, which hiked her skirt up to the point the nearly sheer white lace of her panties was visible.

His wicked smile frightened her; they were alone, the guard was gone, and she had no way to defend herself against a man with the strength of a dozen. "A kiss, Tifa?" he breathed against her lips. "Just one before I arrange for your release?" Those glowing blue eyes had gone hot and narrow, slits with blue fire sparking out to singe her. But he made no move to lean forward, seemingly content to wait on her decision.

Slowly her heart stopped pounding, though she was still board-stiff with tension. "Just one?" she finally managed to ask, feeling as though her words were tripping over her tongue. Enmeshed in his scent, it was hard to think as she kept breathing in that storm smell. There was also his warmth where her body touched his, the fact they were so intimately entwined, and his hands keeping hers pinned so she was helpless.

"If that's all you want," he agreed, voice low and sensual. "But I'm more than willing to give more than that, if you would like." The tone was beguiling, and she found herself swaying closer until her lips brushed his. It was tender and soft, that touch, sweet and stirring. When Tifa leaned back, there was surprise in his eyes, and he blinked before taking a deep breath. "Very nice," he admitted, "though I was hoping for something a little... deeper." The tone of his voice went low on the last word.

It made her tremble. "Will you let go of my hands?" she asked, wondering why he was holding them in the first place, as well as why he had her in the position he did. Was he planning a little ravishment? Tifa was ashamed to realize she wasn't as adverse to that thought as she should be.

Obediently he released her hands, and Tifa hesitantly curled them around his neck, tangling her fingers into silk-soft hair. Tilting her head slightly, she placed an open-mouthed kiss on his lips and moaned when his tongue slid inside to twine with hers. His taste was even more intoxicating than his smell, and all sense of time was lost as the kiss dragged on. Finding the strength to pull away, Tifa found herself utterly wrapped around him, legs clutching his thighs and arms anchored about his neck. The blush came fast and furious as she tried to push him away so she could catch her breath, her legs sliding down his until they hit the floor.

Cloud seemed to realize how badly she was struggling and slowly stepped back from her, chest heaving, face a bit flushed. "That," he admitted in a breathy tone that dangerously weakened her knees, "was a lot hotter than I bargained for." Reaching out, he ran his thumb over her bottom lip even as he licked his own, relishing the taste of her. "I'll authorize your release, but ShinRa will be keeping a close eye on you from now on." Considering his words carefully, Cloud offered, "If you would let me stay at your bar, it would keep most of the suspicion off you. And no one would come to arrest you if it was known I lived with you."

"But that would make people think..." and her voice trailed off as he smiled wickedly again. "You want people to think we... um... are... living together?" Why couldn't she say the words? Are you really such a derp, Lockhart?!

And his smile deepened. "You are a beautiful and honest woman, Tifa. Why wouldn't I want it known? It would be an honor to..." and he leaned forward and whispered right against her lips, "...be thought of as your lover."

Having it right out in the open had her head spinning. "I just met you, Cloud..." she started, voice desperate.

He released her and let out a laugh. "And yet you trust me enough to let me touch you." Cloud continued to grin while she gaped at him. "Come on, Lockhart. I looked at your dossier before I came in here to talk to you. You're an accomplished martial artist. I might be SOLDIER, but my bones will break just like a normal man's. If you really didn't want my hands on you, you would have struggled. But you didn't. That tells me a lot more than you think."

It was humiliating to realize he was right. Covering her eyes with her hands, she muttered, "I can't believe what's happening to me." There was fear in her voice, and suddenly Cloud was clutching her hands to pull them gently away from her face.

"Don't be afraid, Tifa. This hit me the same way. I climbed down that ladder to question a suspect in the Reactor 1 bombing, and suddenly I can't even keep track of what I'm saying. All I can pay attention to is your lips, and how much I want them on mine. And I'm starting to feel frantic to protect you."

That had her head raising, "Protect me from what?"

"ShinRa. If we don't catch a member of AVALANCHE soon, they will start searching for a scapegoat. You're the only one they really have in custody right now that would qualify, because you knew members of the group. And were warned about the bombing. If I don't get you out of here, and find a way to reassure the ShinRa that you didn't have anything to do with the explosion, they'll order your execution." The words poured out of Cloud, since he knew they were racing against the clock. "I don't want anyone to talk about you with disrespect, but if ShinRa thinks you're my girlfriend they'll leave you alone. Right now the SOLDIERs are too powerful for them to aggravate us. That might change in the future, but for now I can protect you by being close."

Realizing he was being truthful, Tifa braced herself and nodded. "All right. I'm really nervous about this, but okay." She put a hand on his chest and asked, "You'll give me time, right?"

And Cloud assured her as he pulled her towards the stairs, "All the time you want. But I still reserve the option of attempting to seduce you occasionally." When she would have protested he cut her off with a kiss so hot it left her lips vibrating. "You'll get dinner, wine and candlelight, and possibly a movie out of it before you shut me down and send me to my room to pout and dream about you, Lockhart. How is that punishment?"

Tifa balked when he tried to get her to ascend the ladder first. "Not in this skirt, you..." Another kiss silenced her opinion of his morals.

He laughed lightly into her mouth, "I think I'm already in love with you, Tifa. Now up you go, and stop squawking. I've seen that teasing strip of white lace you term underwear already and I deserve some type of reward for not ravishing you against that wall like I really wanted to."

Blushing the whole way, Tifa climbed the ladder, wondering how in the world she had ended up in this situation...