Author has written 6 stories for Watchmen, Lost, Doctor Who, Once Upon a Time, and Mass Effect. I, at this VERY moment, am working on updating my unfinished work, correcting what is terribly wrong and making everything pretty again. So I apologize if I'm on your alert list, as you will probably be getting spammed about all my random activity... I do have a facebook account, which you are all welcome to visit or to add me. And I also have a FictionPress account, where all my original work is posted. The link is or you can just look me up under the same user name. :) Thanks for reading, and enjoy what i have to give. (hopefully. .) Favorite Quotes; (So far...) - "Did I ever tell you that i was struck by lighting seven times?" - Mr. Daws (Curious case of Benjamin Button) -"A bird may love a fish, Signor, but where would they live?" - Danielle Debabarac "Then we will have to make you wings." - Lenardo Di Vinci (Ever After) -"Dude, you're totally grinding on my groove." -Stoney (Encino Man) -"Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway." - Unknown -"Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." - Douglas Adams -"I have opinions of my own -- strong opinions -- but I don't always agree with them." - George Bush -"Uh, well, he pulled it on Rorschach and Rorschach dropped him down an elevator shaft." - Daniel Dreiberg on Captain Carnage (Watchmen) -"I always have a plan." -Ben from 'Lost' (In 'The Other Woman') -"I had mono as a kid, we only had one channel in my trailer!" - Sawyer from 'Lost' |