Author has written 7 stories for Watchmen, Fallout, and Mass Effect. FORMERLY KNOWN AS: RumAndCocaCola, changed to reflect my new tastes. Let's get this out there - my social circle would not appreciate me writing fanfiction. I know I should not be ashamed, but I cannot help it. When one play with the nerds, one must beware of 'raping' fandoms. Hopefully I will never do this, but I enjoy my double internet life. This is why I won't give my contact details outside of FF to just anyone. I do NOT want people spamming my blog with "PLZ UPDATE UR WATCHMEN FIC LOL" - not that my reviewers do that, they're actually very patient with the crap I put them through, haha. This is also why I will never list my fandoms or give out too much information about myself. I am fantastically paranoid. I will tell you this - I am over 18, and I am based in Australia. I have a love for red hair, and a love for the anti-hero. I am constantly creating, and I like to go out and have fun. I have all the friends I need and I thank the powers that be every day for them. I think for someone as mentally unbalanced as I am, I'm pretty run-of-the-mill. I see fanfictions as practice. I actually do write a lot of original fiction in my 'other' life, and I enjoy that. But I also enjoy experimenting with new styles, and working on my character skills and such. Fanfictions are perfect for this because it eliminates a lot of hurdles that come with original fiction like characters and settings - so I can get right to the goods stuff. As far as reviews go, please be honest. I can take constructive criticism - that being said, if I do take you up on it or want to discuss it with you, it doesn't mean I'm sour about it. It means I either would like to explain something to you or would like more insight. I mentioned before that fanfiction for me is an exercise and I am far from perfect, so please help me to grow as a writer. Even if you don't have criticism, please leave more than 'update soon' - let me know what you liked about it, what you'd like to see more of, anything. I'm not asking or demanding an essay, but the best comments are more than two lines. When leaving reviews I will be honest. Please don't take offence to this as I don't mean offence and it's not personal. You don't have to agree with me and you don't have to take any suggestions on board - but it does not mean you have an invitation to start a flame war or get butthurt about it. If you do not want advice or a real 'reveiw' and want to stick to your 'omg so cool lol' and 'plz update' line of things, then speak up and I shall leave you alone. I am honest but I am not cruel unless you ask me to be blunt. Also, you lost the game. UPDATES At the moment I'm trying to finish God Help the Outcasts, but I'm suffering some heinous writer's block. I'm very sorry. I will also be away during the holiday season, so unless I can find time during my travels you won't be seeing much of me during that period. |
Kantata (1) | KatsWords141 (6) |