![]() Author has written 10 stories for Darren Shan Saga/Cirque Du Freak, Demonata, and Sherlock. Hello, and welcome to my profile! USEFUL INFORMATION Slash/Femslash is my thing. I'll probably only ever write slash so, you've been warned.My ships:
USELESS INFORMATION LAYER ONE: ON THE OUTSIDE Name: Mae Birth date: Wednesday, November 11th, 1998. Current Location: My bed, USA. Eye Color: I've been told they're glacier blue. I don't know what that means but it sounds cool. Hair Color: Black as a Kenyan (Racism rainbow!) Righty or Lefty: Depends. For writing and drawing, I'm a righty. For every frickin' thing else, lefty. You explain it. I can't. Zodiac Sign: Scorpio LAYER TWO: ON THE INSIDE Your heritage: English, Scottish, a little Native American Your weaknesses: Cute animals. Your fears: Nearly everything. Loud noises, heights, fire, being alone, being forgotten, spinning, the list goes on. Your perfect pizza: BACONBACONBACON Goal you'd like to achieve: Find something to do with my life before I inevitably DIE. LAYER THREE: YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMORROW: Your thoughts first waking up: "What time is it?" Your best physical feature: My smile. Your bedtime: Whenever my laptop dies. Your most missed memory: Being little. Doing stupid things then was cute. When I do stupid stuff now, suddenly I'm immature. LAYER FOUR: YOUR PICK: Pepsi or Coke: Cooooke. McDonald's or Burger King: No. Adidas or Nike: Also no. Lipton Tea or Nestea: Lipton! Chocolate or vanilla ice cream: Vanilla Tea or coffee: Tea. LAYER FIVE: DO YOU? Even Lift?: I'M SORRY I HAD TO ADD THIS ONE I'M SORRY OKAY. Cuss: A lot. Take a shower: Why, of course. Have a crush: Can I have a crush on my boyfriend? Think you've been in love: What is love (love) Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me... Want to get married: "Maybe some day," says the Magic Conch Shell. Believe in yourself: I believe I exist, does that count? Think you're a health freak: HA! No. LAYER SIX: IN THE PAST MONTH Gone to the mall: Yeah, a few times. Been on stage: No, sadly. :( Been dumped: Nope! Gone skating: HEELY'S! Dyed your hair: My routes, yeah. LAYER SEVEN: HAVE YOU EVER Got beaten up: Nah. But I have beaten someone up. And stabbed someone with a pencil. Yeahh... Changed who you were to fit in: When I was in the third grade. But then I was like "GAHH THIS IS BORING" so I went back to being me. LAYER EIGHT: GETTING OLD Age you’re hoping to be married: Err... 24. Age your hoping to have kids: 30 seems like a good age. LAYER NINE: IN A BOY/GIRL Best eye color: Green or Brown :3 Best hair color: Black Long or Short?: I will assume this question is referring to hair length rather than genitalia; I really like long hair. LAYER TEN: 1 MINUTE AGO: Writing this stuff 1 HOUR AGO: Killing fruit-flies. 1 YEAR AGO: Probably sleeping... LAYER ELEVEN: FINISH THE SENTENCE I LOVE: LIIIIFE. I FEEL: PRETTY! OH SO PRETTY! OH SO PRETTY, AND WITTY, AND BRIIIIIIIIGHT! I HATE: it when Hitler steals my nutella. I HIDE: Secrets. I MISS: My mouth sometimes when I eat food. My dA: Vanchanaut7 |